[Pkg-stud-maintainers] Bug#725797: Bug#725797: stud: Fix failure to run stud restart

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Wed Oct 9 15:48:17 UTC 2013

 ❦  9 octobre 2013 11:11 CEST, Louis Bouchard <louis.bouchard at canonical.com> :

>> How does this work for multiple stud instances? I didn't know that
>> start-stop-daemon does not wait for the process to terminate by
>> default. Maybe we should use --retry instead.
> If by multiple instances you mean many configuration files in
> /etc/stud I haven't tested. If you mean multiple children (or cores)
> started by the -n option, this is indeed what it is trying to fix.

Yes, I mean multiple configuration files. But OK, I see what you
mean. Well, I don't know how to concile the two approaches. Being able
to run multiple instances is important.

> I have been trying to find you on OFTC without success. You can reach
> me there, my nick is caribou.

I am usually never on IRC. I should try to get there because you are not
the first trying to reach me this way.
Don't just echo the code with comments - make every comment count.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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