
Max Bowsher maxb at ukf.net
Tue Oct 4 09:32:17 UTC 2005

I have followed the procedure outlined by the submitter as closely as 
possible, and coded a reproduction script.

No data loss occurs for me - at the point where the sumitter writes "all of 
dir c, including the local modifications got erased", what happens to me is:

any files within dir c which contain local modifications are left on disc as 
unversioned files.

It is true that in such a state, the local mods are no longer in a 
version-controlled file, and so 'svn diff' will not display them - however, 
they remain present, and data is not lost.


set -ex


rm -rf tmp-repos tmp-wc

svnadmin create --fs-type=fsfs tmp-repos
svn co "$URL" tmp-wc

cd tmp-wc

mkdir -p trunk/c
touch trunk/c/foo
svn add trunk
svn ci -m,

svn cp trunk A
svn cp trunk B
svn ci -m,

svn co "$URL/A" userD-A
echo somelocalmods > userD-A/c/foo

svn mv B/c B/f
svn ci -m,

svn mv -m, "$URL/A" "$URL/A-old"
svn mv -m, "$URL/B" "$URL/A"

svn up userD-A

fgrep -r somelocalmods .

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