subversion Debian ci: r368 - trunk/debian

Guilherme de S. Pastore guilherme.pastore at
Fri Sep 9 09:04:03 UTC 2005

Em Qui, 2005-09-08 às 23:20 -0500, Peter Samuelson escreveu:
> You should update the timestamp in the changelog.  Otherwise people
> will wonder why we released in July but the package did not appear
> until now. (:  Since you have to re-upload with a new upstream version,
> I guess you can fix the timestamp as well.

Damn, I always forget that! Sorry =)

> Also, although 1.2.0-1 was not tagged, I think every release should be:
>   svn cp $(svnpath)/trunk $(svnpath)/tags/1.2.3a-1

I totally agree. It's just that I was a bit too sleepy and forgot this
too =D

See ya,

Guilherme de S. Pastore (fatalerror)
<guilherme.pastore at>

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