Bug#270693: "svnadmin dump | svnadmin load" cycle not working due to 2GB limit

Ph. Marek philipp.marek at bmlv.gv.at
Tue Feb 14 09:39:51 UTC 2006

As of now, with these versions:
	ii  libapr0             2.0.55-4            the Apache Portable Runtime
	ii  subversion          1.3.0-1             advanced version control system (aka. svn)
svnadmin is unable to process revisions > 2GB.

Sorry for the german text:
	svnadmin: Kann nicht in Datenstrom schreiben: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
	Die maximale Dateigröße ist überschritten

Does it make sense to upgrade to libapr1? This would need a 
recompiled subversion too, doesn't it?

Thank you

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