Bug#378177: 1.3.2 + swig 1.3.28 broken, 1.3.2 + swig 1.3.25 works

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Fri Jul 14 14:34:54 UTC 2006

We received this bug report on subversion 1.3.2 in the Debian bug
tracking system.  Can anybody shed some light on this?  I haven't yet
tried to reproduce it with trunk or 1.4.


From: Daniel Jacobowitz <dan at debian.org>
Subject: perl bindings are broken with swig 1.3.28

To see the problem, download trunk SVK (and install its myriad horde of
dependencies - there are a bunch of new ones since the last Debian svk
package) and run its test suite.  You'll get lots of errors talking
about an invalid const char * argument to svn_fs_node_created_rev.

I tried rebuilding _Fs.so using swig 1.3.25 and then it worked.  This
might be a bug in Swig; I don't know.

What appears to be happening is that a Path::Class::Dir object is being
passed.  Swig wants a const char *.  With another version of swig,
magic happens, and the stringify operator is called to create the
desired string.  With the more recent swig, it doesn't happen.  The
generated swig files are too twisty for me to make a guess at whether
the bug is in Subversion or swig.

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