Bug#378837: subversion_1.3.2-4(m68k/unstable): test suite fails

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Wed Jul 19 12:52:37 UTC 2006

[wouter at debian.org]
> A full build log can be found at:
> http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=m68k&pkg=subversion&ver=1.3.2-4
> I still have the full build tree, and suspect that the issue can be
> fixed by someone more familiar with the build than myself. Can you
> help me out?

Yes, I know the cause: the subversion testsuite starts up a server,
then tries to connect to it right away, which fails because the server
hasn't finished initialising itself yet.

I already patched around this by adding a 'sleep 1' in there, but
apparently this is insufficient on m68k.  I've changed it to 'sleep 2'
for the next upload, but the correct fix is a retry loop of some sort.
Since I don't know ruby, anyone who does know ruby is invited to help
us out: see 'debian/patches/ruby-test-svnserve-race' in the source

(Note, the impact of the 'sleep N' is about N*64 seconds of build time
on every build, every architecture.  So I don't want to just make N
really large.)

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