please build subversion with neon 0.26.x

Peter Samuelson peter at
Tue Oct 24 23:43:16 UTC 2006

[Laszlo Boszormenyi]
> Why is it still pending? It seems apache2-mpm-prefork has a grave
> bug, but the link does not show anything.

Because it's a big transition.  It involves apache2 plus _all_ apache2
modules (about 40 source packages, maybe a bit more), since an apache
module cannot support both 2.0 and 2.2 so every module must be
recompiled.  (And some modules had to be fixed in the process, to work
properly with apache 2.2.  Even so, the transition will probably
involve dropping some minor apache modules from etch.)

The release managers are trying to get apache 2.2 into etch, but Steve
told me the earliest it could happen is today.  He didn't say it
_would_ happen today, just that it could not happen earlier.

> It is Subversion that FTBFS, both with neon 0.25.x and 0.26.y as
> build-dependency. Deleted the build logs, but may do it again for you
> if you ask for it.

That would be useful - I haven't observed any such failures here.  If
it is the same failure, then I suppose just redo the one for neon26.

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