Bug#417893: subversion: Add debconf interface to create repository and setup snvserve

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Thu Apr 5 19:09:56 UTC 2007

[Max Dmitrichenko]
> It would be very nice to configure such things as creating the
> repository and setting up the server (Apache or svnserve) with a
> debconf interface. Otherwise one needs to manually edit Apache/inetd
> configs which is a bit nasty.

"Creating the repository" does not seem necessary - many people have
more than one repository, and 'svnadmin create /pathname' is not
difficult.  But I _have_ been planning to set up svnserve in the
packaging - just haven't had time to add that.  It is the next major
item on my subversion packaging todo list.

> As a prototype for such interface, the cvs package debconf could be
> taken.

Yes, that has been my plan.

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