Bug#408487: subversion-tools: please include mucc

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Fri Jan 26 20:02:55 CET 2007

[Ph. Marek]
> MUCC is the multi-url-command-client for subversion

Yeah, I've thought about including mucc in subversion-tools for a long
time.  Two reasons I haven't done it yet:

- I don't like the namespace pollution of not using a 'svn' prefix,
  since everything else we currently ship in /usr/bin has one.  I'm
  inclined to just rename 'mucc' to 'svnmucc', but I'm undecided on
  whether that would cause too much confusion.

- The current 'subversion-tools' package is architecture-independent:
  it includes no compiled files, only scripts (python, perl, ruby).  By
  adding mucc, we'd have to make it an arch-specific package.  This is
  not a huge deal - basically it means the Debian archive servers have
  to store 12 copies of the package rather than 1 copy, and every
  architecture autobuilder has to build subversion-tools.  It's not a
  huge deal - but it _is_ a consideration.

An alternate way to deal with the second objection would be to ship
mucc inside the 'subversion' package instead of 'subversion-tools'.
It is only 14kB, so it wouldn't really do any harm.

Still thinking about this...
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