Bug#415755: subversion: Follow up on Bug #415755

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Wed Nov 7 01:34:29 UTC 2007

[Valentin v. Seggern]
> Subversion doesn't only store Passwords by default cleartext in the
> users home directory. The Files in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/*
> are also _world_ readable.

Sorry for taking so long to follow up.

I've just confirmed from reading source code (back to svn 1.0.0, the
oldest I have here) that it always creates the ~/.subversion/auth
directory with permission mode 700, which means only you and the
sysadmin can read it.
Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter | http://p12n.org/
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