[Pkg-symfony-maint] Integrating propel with phing dependency

Federico Giménez Nieto fgimenez at coit.es
Sat Apr 3 18:35:59 UTC 2010

Hi John,

2010/4/2 John Arevalo <johnarevalo at gmail.com>:
> as defined in last mails about naming packaging, i've created another
> repository 'propel', how can i disabled php5-propel ?

Don't worry, i'll take care of it.

> altough current propel package depends phing one. it install some phing
> files like(generator/classes/propel/phing folder). should be redirecting to
> pkg-phing files?

Yes, you should place symlinks to the phing installation when needed,
avoiding code duplication.

> about documentation ... propel includes docs folder with some .txt manuals,
> should i register in doc-base?
> these are single files but propel.doc-base requires this config:
> Format: text
> Files: /usr/share/doc/propel/propel.text.gz

Once installed the doc-base package on your system you can check its
documentation browsing [1]. There you can see the 'Files' field

"Files: Space separated list of filenames or POSIX shell globs (i.e.
*, ?, and [] meta-characters) representing the files which constitute
the documentation in this format. Required field."

So you can register all the text files required specifying all of them this way.

[1] file:///usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/index.html

> In postinst and prerm scripts i've hardcoded path to softlink [1]. there is
> a better practice in order to create it?

dh_link (see man dh_link) should install symlinks for the files listed
at the debian/links file, it is called by the dh command sequencer
that you are using at debian/rules.

Some first comments about the package before trying to get sponsor, i
didn't have to much time to check it:

-You should remove all the debian files that are not being used (for
example, all the .EX, .ex files)

-There is no need to keep the .pc lintian directory, nor the
debian/propel temporary build directory on the repo.

-You may want to use the DEP-5 format for the copyright file, [2].

[2] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/


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