[Pkg-symfony-maint] Notification

MONEYGRAM CENTER thalita.moraes.silva at usp.br
Mon Jul 25 17:15:52 UTC 2011

My associate has helped me to send your first payment of $5000 USD to you
as instructed by the Malaysian Government and Mr. David Cameron the United
Kingdom prime minister after the last G20 meeting that was held in
Malaysia, making you one of the beneficiaries.Here is the information

SENDER'S NAME: Patrick Lee Chun

We will keep sending you $5000 USD twice a week until the FULL payment of
($820000.00 United State Dollars)is completed.

A certificate will be made to change the Receivers Name to your name as
stated by the Malaysian Government,reconfirm your {1}Full Names {2}address
{3}Mobile Number

via Email to: center.moneygram at yahoo.com.my to proceed.

Note: You cannot pickup the money until the certificate is obtained by you.

Best Regards

Money Gram Agent
Mr. Allan Davis.
Tel: +(60)1-6240-6207
For more info: www.g20.org

I wrote to know if this is your valid email. Please, let me know if this
email is valid.I have an information to pass to you.
My valid Email is: center.moneygram at yahoo.com.my

Money Gram Agent
Mr. Allan Davis.
Tel: +(60)1-6240-6207
For more info: www.g20.org

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