[Pkg-sympa-commits] [SCM] sympa Debian packaging branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.11_dfsg-4-2-g4650b32

Emmanuel Bouthenot kolter at openics.org
Tue Nov 27 19:03:26 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2285f504fc627f19e6de8ef76f0b88bb874d4d5c
Author: Emmanuel Bouthenot <kolter at openics.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 27 18:54:16 2012 +0000

    Fix SQLite patch to avoid crash during installation from scratch and database schema updates failures on upgrade (#686845)

diff --git a/debian/patches/1011_fix_sqlite_db_upgrade b/debian/patches/1011_fix_sqlite_db_upgrade
index adbeede..c0a5bb0 100644
--- a/debian/patches/1011_fix_sqlite_db_upgrade
+++ b/debian/patches/1011_fix_sqlite_db_upgrade
@@ -11,19 +11,32 @@ Last-Update: 2011-11-19
  							 'bounce_address_subscriber' => 'text',
  							 'custom_attribute_subscriber' => 'text',
 -							 'suspend_subscriber' => "boolean",
-+							 'suspend_subscriber' => "numeric",
++							 'suspend_subscriber' => 'numeric',
  							 'suspend_start_date_subscriber' => 'integer',
  							 'suspend_end_date_subscriber' => 'integer'},
  				  'admin_table' => {'list_admin' => 'text',
-@@ -974,11 +974,11 @@
+@@ -963,8 +963,8 @@
+ 							 'returnpath_bulkmailer' => 'text',
+ 							 'robot_bulkmailer' => 'text',
+ 							 'listname_bulkmailer' => 'text',
+-							 'verp_bulkmailer' => 'integer',
+-							 'merge_bulkmailer' => 'integer',
++							 'verp_bulkmailer' => 'numeric',
++							 'merge_bulkmailer' => 'numeric',
+ 							 'priority_message_bulkmailer' => 'integer',
+ 							 'priority_packet_bulkmailer' => 'integer',
+ 							 'reception_date_bulkmailer' => 'integer',
+@@ -973,26 +973,26 @@
+ 				  'bulkspool_table' => {'messagekey_bulkspool' => 'text',
  							'messageid_bulkspool' => 'text',
  							'message_bulkspool' => 'text',
- 							'lock_bulkspool' => 'integer',
+-							'lock_bulkspool' => 'integer',
 -							'dkim_privatekey_bulkspool' => 'varchar(1000)',
 -							'dkim_selector_bulkspool' => 'varchar(50)',
 -							'dkim_d_bulkspool' => 'varchar(50)',
 -							'dkim_i_bulkspool' => 'varchar(100)',
 -							'dkim_header_list_bulkspool' => 'varchar(500)'},
++							'lock_bulkspool' => 'numeric',
 +							'dkim_privatekey_bulkspool' => 'text',
 +							'dkim_selector_bulkspool' => 'text',
 +							'dkim_d_bulkspool' => 'text',
@@ -32,3 +45,417 @@ Last-Update: 2011-11-19
  				  'conf_table' => {'robot_conf' => 'text',
  						   'label_conf' => 'text',
  						   'value_conf' => 'text'},
+-                  'list_table' => {'name_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'path_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'robot_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'status_list'=>"enum('open','closed','pending','error_config','family_closed')",
+-                                    'creation_email_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'creation_epoch_list'=>'datetime',
+-                                    'subject_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'web_archive_list'=>'tinyint(1)',
+-                                    'topics_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'editors_list'=>'varchar(100)',
+-                                    'owners_list'=>'varchar(100)'}
++                  'list_table' => {'name_list' => 'text',
++                                    'path_list' => 'text',
++                                    'robot_list' => 'text',
++                                    'status_list' => 'text',
++                                    'creation_email_list' => 'text',
++                                    'creation_epoch_list' => 'numeric',
++                                    'subject_list' => 'text',
++                                    'web_archive_list' => 'integer',
++                                    'topics_list' => 'text',
++                                    'editors_list' => 'text',
++                                    'owners_list' => 'text'}
+ });
+     my %not_null = ('email_user' => 1,
+@@ -1005,7 +1005,6 @@
+ 		    'user_admin' => 1,
+ 		    'role_admin' => 1,
+ 		    'date_admin' => 1,
+-		    'list_exclusion' => 1,
+ 		    'user_exclusion' => 1,
+ 		    'robot_exclusion' => 1,
+ 		    'netid_netidmap' => 1,
+@@ -1022,16 +1021,8 @@
+ 		    'messagekey_bulkmailer' => 1,
+ 		    'packetid_bulkmailer' => 1,
+ 		    'messagekey_bulkspool' => 1,
+-             'name_list'=>1,
+-             'path_list'=>1,
+-             'robot_list'=>1,
+-             'status_list'=>1,
+-             'creation_email_list'=>1,
+-             'subject_list'=>1,
+-             'web_archive_list'=>1,
+-             'topics_list'=>1,
+-             'owners_list'=>1,
+-             'editors_list'=>1
++		    'name_list'=>1,
++		    'robot_list'=>1,
+ 		    );
+     my %primary = ('user_table' => ['email_user'],
+@@ -1158,7 +1149,27 @@
+ 	    $t =~ s/^"main"\.//; # needed for SQLite 3
+ 	    $t =~ s/^.*\"([^"]+)\"$/$1/;
+  	}
++    ## Check required tables
++    foreach my $t1 (keys %{$db_struct{'SQLite'}}) {
++        my $found;
++        foreach my $t2 (@tables) {
++        $found = 1 if ($t1 eq $t2);
++        }
++        unless ($found) {
++        unless ($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $t1 (temporary integer)")) {
++            &do_log('err', 'Could not create table %s in database %s : %s', $t1, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $dbh->errstr);
++            next;
++        }
++        push @report, sprintf('Table %s created in database %s', $t1, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'});
++        &do_log('notice', 'Table %s created in database %s', $t1, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'});
++        push @tables, $t1;
++        $real_struct{$t1} = {};
++        }
++    }
++    ## Get fields
+ 	foreach my $t (@tables) {
+ 	    next unless (defined $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t});
+@@ -1265,7 +1276,10 @@
+ 		    my $options;
+ 		    ## To prevent "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL" errors
+ 		    if ($not_null{$f}) {
+-			$options .= 'NOT NULL';
++				$options .= 'NOT NULL';
++				if ($Conf::Conf{'db_type'} eq 'SQLite') {
++					$options .= ' DEFAULT ""';
++				}
+ 		    }
+ 		    unless ($dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $t ADD $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options")) {
+@@ -1278,6 +1292,7 @@
+ 		    &do_log('info', 'Field %s added to table %s', $f, $t);
+ 		    $added_fields{$f} = 1;
++            if ($Conf::Conf{'db_type'} eq 'mysql') {
+ 		    ## Remove temporary DB field
+ 		    if ($real_struct{$t}{'temporary'}) {
+ 			unless ($dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $t DROP temporary")) {
+@@ -1285,43 +1300,96 @@
+ 			}
+ 			delete $real_struct{$t}{'temporary'};
+ 		    }
++            }
+ 		    next;
+ 		}
+ 		## Change DB types if different and if update_db_types enabled
+-		if ($Conf::Conf{'update_db_field_types'} eq 'auto' && $Conf::Conf{'db_type'} ne 'SQLite') {
+-		    unless (&check_db_field_type(effective_format => $real_struct{$t}{$f},
+-						 required_format => $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f})) {
+-			push @report, sprintf('Field \'%s\'  (table \'%s\' ; database \'%s\') does NOT have awaited type (%s). Attempting to change it...', 
+-					      $f, $t, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f});
+-			&do_log('notice', 'Field \'%s\'  (table \'%s\' ; database \'%s\') does NOT have awaited type (%s). Attempting to change it...', 
+-				$f, $t, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f});
+-			my $options;
+-			if ($not_null{$f}) {
+-			    $options .= 'NOT NULL';
+-			}
+-			push @report, sprintf("ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options");
+-			&do_log('notice', "ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options");
+-			unless ($dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options")) {
+-			    &do_log('err', 'Could not change field \'%s\' in table\'%s\'.', $f, $t);
+-			    &do_log('err', 'Sympa\'s database structure may have change since last update ; please check RELEASE_NOTES');
+-			    return undef;
++		if ($Conf::Conf{'update_db_field_types'} eq 'auto') {
++			if (grep $_ eq $Conf::Conf{'db_type'}, qw(SQLite mysql)) {
++				unless (&check_db_field_type(effective_format => $real_struct{$t}{$f},
++							required_format => $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f})) {
++					push @report, sprintf('Field \'%s\'  (table \'%s\' ; database \'%s\') does NOT have awaited type (%s). Attempting to change it...', 
++							$f, $t, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f});
++					&do_log('notice', 'Field \'%s\'  (table \'%s\' ; database \'%s\') does NOT have awaited type (%s). Attempting to change it...', 
++							$f, $t, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f});
++					my $options;
++					if ($not_null{$f}) {
++						$options .= 'NOT NULL';
++					}
++					if ($Conf::Conf{'db_type'} eq 'mysql') {
++						push @report, sprintf("ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options");
++						&do_log('notice', "ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options");
++						unless ($dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $t CHANGE $f $f $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f} $options")) {
++							&do_log('err', 'Could not change field \'%s\' in table\'%s\'.', $f, $t);
++							&do_log('err', 'Sympa\'s database structure may have change since last update ; please check RELEASE_NOTES');
++							return undef;
++						}
++					}
++					if ($Conf::Conf{'db_type'} eq 'SQLite') {
++						# FIXME
++						print "${t}/${f} -> "; print $real_struct{$t}{$f}; print " => "; print $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f}; print "\n";
++						my @oldfields = ();
++						foreach my $oldfield (keys %{$real_struct{$t}}) {
++							if (defined $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{${t}}{$oldfield}) {
++								push(@oldfields, $oldfield);
++							}
++						}
++						my $sqloldfields = join(", ", @oldfields);
++						my $sqlnewfieldstype = join(", ", map { "$_ $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{${t}}{$_}" } keys $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{${t}});
++						# SQLite doesn't support changes on columns types hence we use a dirty workaround here:
++						# we create a temporary table (a clone of the table containing the field to update)
++						# we dump all the data into it
++						# we create a new table with the right schema
++						# we copy all the data from the temporary table into the new one
++						# we delete the temporay table
++						# see: http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q11
++						&do_log('notice', 'Using a dirty trick to change SQLite data type see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q11');
++						my $sqlcode = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${t}_backup;";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ${t}_backup(${sqloldfields});";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "INSERT INTO ${t}_backup SELECT ${sqloldfields} FROM ${t};";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "DROP TABLE ${t};";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "CREATE TABLE ${t}(${sqlnewfieldstype});";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "INSERT INTO ${t} (${sqloldfields}) SELECT ${sqloldfields} FROM ${t}_backup;";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						my $toto = $dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						$sqlcode = "DROP TABLE ${t}_backup;";
++						push @report, $sqlcode;
++						&do_log('notice', $sqlcode);
++						$dbh->do($sqlcode);
++						# Update real structure
++						foreach my $newfield (sort keys $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{${t}}) {
++							$real_struct{$t}{$newfield} = $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{${t}}{$newfield};
++						}
++					}
++					push @report, sprintf('Field %s in table %s, structure updated', $f, $t);
++					&do_log('info', 'Field %s in table %s, structure updated', $f, $t);
++				}
+ 			}
+-			push @report, sprintf('Field %s in table %s, structure updated', $f, $t);
+-			&do_log('info', 'Field %s in table %s, structure updated', $f, $t);
+-		    }
+-		}else {
+-		    unless ($real_struct{$t}{$f} eq $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f}) {
+-			&do_log('err', 'Field \'%s\'  (table \'%s\' ; database \'%s\') does NOT have awaited type (%s).', $f, $t, $Conf::Conf{'db_name'}, $db_struct{$Conf::Conf{'db_type'}}{$t}{$f});
+-			&do_log('err', 'Sympa\'s database structure may have change since last update ; please check RELEASE_NOTES');
+-			return undef;
+-		    }
+ 		}
+-	    }
++		}
+ 	    if ($Conf::Conf{'db_type'} eq 'mysql') {
+ 		## Check that primary key has the right structure.
+ 		my $should_update;
+@@ -1460,7 +1528,7 @@
+ 		    ## drop previous index
+ 		    my $success;
+ 		    foreach my $field (@{$primary{$t}}) {
+-			unless ($dbh->do("DROP INDEX $field")) {
++			unless ($dbh->do("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS $field")) {
+ 			    next;
+ 			}
+ 			$success = 1; last;
+@@ -1474,7 +1542,7 @@
+ 		    }
+ 		    ## Add INDEX
+-		    unless ($dbh->do("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXIST $t\_index ON $t ($fields)")) {
++		    unless ($dbh->do("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS $t\_index ON $t ($fields)")) {
+ 			&do_log('err', 'Could not set INDEX on field \'%s\', table\'%s\'.', $fields, $t);
+ 			return undef;
+ 		    }
+--- a/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
++++ b/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
+@@ -18,51 +18,50 @@
+ 	user_subscriber		text NOT NULL,
+   	custom_attribute_subscriber text,
+ 	robot_subscriber	text NOT NULL,
+-	date_subscriber		timestamp NOT NULL,
+-	update_subscriber	timestamp,
++	date_subscriber		numeric NOT NULL,
++	update_subscriber	numeric,
+ 	visibility_subscriber	text,
+ 	reception_subscriber	text,
+ 	topics_subscriber	text,
+ 	bounce_subscriber	text,
+ 	bounce_address_subscriber text,
+ 	comment_subscriber	text,
+-	subscribed_subscriber 	boolean,
+-	included_subscriber 	boolean,
++	subscribed_subscriber 	numeric,
++	included_subscriber 	numeric,
+ 	include_sources_subscriber text,
+ 	bounce_score_subscriber integer,
+-	suspend_subscriber	boolean,
++	suspend_subscriber	numeric,
+ 	suspend_start_date_subscriber	integer,
+ 	suspend_end_date_subscriber	integer,	
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (robot_subscriber, list_subscriber, user_subscriber)
+ );
+-CREATE INDEX subscriber_idx ON subscriber_table (user_subscriber,list_subscriber,robot_subscriber);
+ CREATE TABLE admin_table (
+ 	list_admin 		text NOT NULL,
+  	user_admin 		text NOT NULL,
+  	robot_admin 		text NOT NULL,
+ 	role_admin 		text NOT NULL,
+-	date_admin 		timestamp NOT NULL,
+-	update_admin 		timestamp,
++	date_admin 		numeric NOT NULL,
++	update_admin 		numeric,
+ 	reception_admin 	text,
+ 	visibility_admin 	text,
+ 	comment_admin 		text,
+-	subscribed_admin  	boolean,
+-	included_admin  	boolean,
++	subscribed_admin  	numeric,
++	included_admin  	numeric,
+ 	include_sources_admin  	text,
+ 	info_admin   		text,
+ 	profile_admin  		text,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (robot_admin, list_admin, role_admin, user_admin)
+ );
+-CREATE	INDEX admin_idx ON admin_table(list_admin, user_admin, robot_admin, role_admin);
++CREATE INDEX admin_user_index ON admin_table ( user_admin );
+ CREATE TABLE exclusion_table (
+-	list_exclusion 		text,
+- 	user_exclusion 		text,
++	list_exclusion 		text NOT NULL,
++ 	user_exclusion 		text NOT NULL,
++ 	robot_exclusion 		text NOT NULL,
+ 	date_exclusion 		integer,
+-	PRIMARY KEY (list_exclusion, user_exclusion)
++	PRIMARY KEY (list_exclusion, user_exclusion, robot_exclusion)
+ );
+-CREATE	INDEX exclusion_idx ON exclusion_table(list_exclusion, user_exclusion);
+ CREATE TABLE netidmap_table (
+         netid_netidmap		text NOT NULL,
+@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@
+ 	daemon_logs		text NOT NULL,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (id_logs)					  
+ );
+-CREATE	INDEX logs_idx ON logs_table(id_logs);
+ CREATE TABLE session_table (
+ 	id_session		text NOT NULL,
+@@ -102,10 +100,9 @@
+ 	data_session		text,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (id_session)
+ );
+-CREATE INDEX session_idx ON session_table(id_session);
+ CREATE TABLE one_time_ticket_table (
+-	ticket_one_time_ticket	text NOT NULL,
++	ticket_one_time_ticket	text,
+ 	robot_one_time_ticket	text,
+ 	email_one_time_ticket	text,
+ 	date_one_time_ticket	integer,
+@@ -114,45 +111,56 @@
+ 	status_one_time_ticket	text,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (ticket_one_time_ticket)
+ );
+-CREATE	INDEX one_time_ticket_idx ON one_time_ticket_table(ticket_one_time_ticket);
+ CREATE TABLE bulkmailer_table(
+-  	messagekey_bulkmailer  	varchar(80) NOT NULL,
+-	packetid_bulkmailer 	varchar(33) NOT NULL,
+-  	messageid_bulkmailer  	varchar(100),
++  	messagekey_bulkmailer  	text NOT NULL,
++	packetid_bulkmailer 	text NOT NULL,
++  	messageid_bulkmailer  	text,
+ 	receipients_bulkmailer 	text,
+-	returnpath_bulkmailer 	varchar(100),
+-	robot_bulkmailer 	varchar(80),
+-	listname_bulkmailer 	varchar(50),
+-	verp_bulkmailer 	integer,
+-	merge_bulkmailer 	integer,
++	returnpath_bulkmailer 	text,
++	robot_bulkmailer 	text,
++	listname_bulkmailer 	text,
++	verp_bulkmailer 	numeric,
++	merge_bulkmailer 	numeric,
+ 	priority_message_bulkmailer 	integer,
+ 	priority_packet_bulkmailer 	integer,
+ 	reception_date_bulkmailer 	integer,
+ 	delivery_date_bulkmailer 	integer,
+-	lock_bulkmailer 	varchar(30),
++	lock_bulkmailer 	text,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (messagekey_bulkmailer, packetid_bulkmailer)
+ );
+-CREATE INDEX bulkmailer_idx ON bulkmailer_table(messagekey_bulkmailer,packetid_bulkmailer);
+ CREATE TABLE bulkspool_table (
+-  	messagekey_bulkspool  	varchar(33) NOT NULL,
+-  	messageid_bulkspool  	varchar(100),
++  	messagekey_bulkspool  	text NOT NULL,
++  	messageid_bulkspool  	text,
+ 	message_bulkspool 	text,
+-	lock_bulkspool 	integer,
+-        dkim_privatekey_bulkspool  varchar(100),
+-	dkim_selector_bulkspool varchar(50),
+-	dkim_d_bulkspool varchar(50),
+-	dkim_i_bulkspool varchar(50),
++	lock_bulkspool 	numeric,
++        dkim_privatekey_bulkspool  text,
++	dkim_selector_bulkspool text,
++	dkim_d_bulkspool text,
++	dkim_i_bulkspool text,
+ 	dkim_header_list_bulkspool varchar(500),
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (messagekey_bulkspool)
+ );
+-CREATE INDEX bulkspool_idx ON bulkspool_table(messagekey_bulkspool);
+ CREATE TABLE conf_table (
+-	robot_conf		text DEFAULT NULL,
+-	label_conf		text DEFAULT NULL,
+-	value_conf		text DEFAULT NULL,
++	robot_conf		text,
++	label_conf		text,
++	value_conf		text,
+ 	PRIMARY KEY (robot_conf,label_conf)
+ );
+-CREATE INDEX conf_idx ON conf_table(robot_conf,label_conf);
++CREATE TABLE list_table (
++	 creation_email_list 	text,
++	 creation_epoch_list 	numeric,
++	 editors_list 	text,
++	 name_list 	text NOT NULL,
++	 owners_list 	text,
++	 path_list 	text,
++	 robot_list 	text NOT NULL,
++	 status_list 	text,
++	 subject_list 	text,
++	 topics_list 	text,
++	 web_archive_list 	integer,
++	 PRIMARY KEY (name_list, robot_list)

sympa Debian packaging

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