[Pkg-sympa-devel] Bug#651942: Upgrade from sympa_5.3.4-6.1 fails (relation "conf_table" does not exist)

David Verdin david.verdin at renater.fr
Fri Jan 6 09:40:16 UTC 2012


Sympa is distributed with queries that recreate the database from 
scratch. For Postgres, you can find it here, for example: 
DATABASE. It is full of "drop" queries that would erase your preexisting 
However, you can copy the part related to the conf table and apply it 
directly. It will create the table with all the fields and the right 

I know, this upgrade method sucks. But - and this is a message of hope 
to all the Pg, Oracle and Sybase users around the world - your torments 
will end soon. In the 6.2, we completely revamped the database upgrade / 
usage code and any part related to a given database is now enclosed in a 
dedicated module. That means that we will be able to ask specialists of 
these RDBMS to work on these modules which contain roughly only queries 
(query to create a table, to set a key, to define an index, etc.) and 
Sympa will automagically use them. That means automatic database upgrade 
for any supported RDBMS.

Actually, the work is done for Postgres and I'm going to tackle the 
Oracle part - with all the help I'll be able to find. Any Sybase 
specialist is welcome to contribute.



Le 05/01/12 20:00, Giorgio Volpe a écrit :
> Il 05/01/2012 17:41, David Verdin ha scritto:
>> Dear all,
>> The conf table will be automatically added if you are using mysql or 
>> SQLite. Other RDBMS-driven databases are not automatically upgraded.
>> What RDBMS are you using?
> OK! Is this the problem?. I use postgres!
> Is there a way to upgrade with postgres?
> Giorgio
> -- 
> *MoVI Regionale FVG
> *Via Garibaldi 23, 33038-San Daniele del Friuli.
> *Tel*. 0432 943002 - *Cell*. 346 8216304
> *Email* giorgio.volpe at movi.fvg.it
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