[Pkg-sympa-devel] Updating squeeze-backports sympa package

Emmanuel Bouthenot kolter at openics.org
Tue Mar 13 12:46:00 UTC 2012

Hi Ari,

Sorry for the late reply, I missed your email :(

On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 11:45:03AM +0000, Ari T Epstein wrote:

> I wanted to install the latest release of sympa because there are
> several bugfixes since the current backports release (I am personally
> interested in the generic_sso fix that came with 6.1.5).  I have never
> done a backports package, but would be interest to build an updated
> one that I could post if someone could give me some guidance as to how
> to do that.  Can any of you maintainers assist?

My plan was to wait for sympa 6.1.8 to be in testing to backport it into
squeeze-backports (a lot of bugs will be fixed with this release).

Nevertheless, AFAIR, some weeks ago, sympa upstreams said that version
6.1.8 was closed to be released, but no news by now.

Anyway, I will contact us to have more informations. The freeze will
occur in June and I'd like to have sympa 6.1.8 in Wheezy.


Emmanuel Bouthenot
  mail: kolter@{openics,debian}.org    gpg: 4096R/0x929D42C3
  xmpp: kolter at im.openics.org          irc: kolter@{freenode,oftc}

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