[Pkg-sympa-devel] Bug#711604: Hash randomization test failures
Niko Tyni
ntyni at debian.org
Fri Jan 10 11:43:54 UTC 2014
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 10:02:13PM +0000, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
(cc'ing the sympa maintainers; this bug in libmime-lite-html-perl
is keeping sympa out of testing.)
> > So this package needs to be checked to see whether the test failures
> > are definitely random, and that the random breakage is purely in the test
> > suite. If so, the severity of this bug can be downgraded to important.
> This doesn't seem to be the case here; this package fails to build
> for me 12 times in a row. Updating the package to 1.24 (which looks
> like it would be a worthwhile update anyway) doesn't change anything.
> And I've just re-verified that the package does build on wheezy.
It's certainly hash randomization as it builds with PERL_HASH_SEED=0.
The test suite relies on the old hash ordering in several places.
I started fixing libmime-lite-html-perl by adding things like
--- a/t/50generic.t
+++ b/t/50generic.t
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ foreach my $it ('cid', 'location', 'extern') {
my $url_file = "file://$f";
print $url_file,"\n";
my $rep = $mailHTML->parse($url_file, "A text message");
+ $rep->field_order('from', 'to', 'subject');
$rep = $rep->as_string;
$rep =~s/^Date: .*$//gm;
my @bound;
but ran into trouble with t/ref/index.cgi.eml2.cid which has an empty
line between headers that MIME::Lite::field_order() loses (intentionally
or not.)
> This is currenly keeping sympa out of testing.
Not sure if the sympa maintainers are aware of that, so cc'ing them.
Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
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