[Pkg-sympa-devel] Sympa not sending moderated mail?

Tom Fillmore tfillmore at dslextreme.com
Thu Jul 23 07:11:58 UTC 2015

Hi, there -

I've installed 6.1.23~dfsg-2 on my Debian 8 machine and have come across 
a problem that is a real show stopper.

Specifically, when working with moderated email here's what happens:
* Email is received and notice sent out to moderator(s)
* Moderators click on 'DISTRIBUTE' in the email they receive and send it 
- the message is never sent
* Moderators click on 'REJECT' in the email they receive and send it - 
the message is rejected and a notice is sent
* When moderator tries to distribute/reject from moderation web page, 
the action is accepted but no mail is sent

Please note this only applies to moderated mail - Sympa appears to be 
working correctly in all other ways.

I've not dinked with the system-wide config files and this is the only 
version of Sympa ever installed on this machine.  I also have some years 
of experience in dealing with older versions of Sympa, and am pretty 
confused about this one.

Can you help?  I have need to transfer a couple hundred lists and don't 
want to install from sources (it's a real pain...)


Tom Fillmore
southern California

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