[Pkg-sympa-devel] Bug#839728: Odd changes to Sympa configuration files

Emmanuel Bouthenot kolter at openics.org
Wed Oct 5 10:25:38 UTC 2016


On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 11:59:44AM +0200, Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:

> >> I produced a backport of the new 6.2 packages and the main configuration file ends up
> >> as /etc/sympa/sympa/sympa.conf which seems quite odd to me.
> Wouldn't --sysconfdir=/etc/sympa put the configuration file in the supposed location
> /etc/sympa/sympa.conf instead of /etc/sympa/sympa/sympa.conf?
It is already the case:


Emmanuel Bouthenot
  mail: kolter@{openics,debian}.org    gpg: 4096R/0x929D42C3
  xmpp: kolter at im.openics.org          irc: kolter@{freenode,oftc}

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