[Pkg-sysvinit-commits] r654 - sysvinit/trunk/debian

Thomas Hood jdthood-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Jan 16 21:37:58 UTC 2006

Author: jdthood-guest
Date: 2006-01-16 21:37:57 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 654

Add info to some old changelog entries

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-01-16 12:57:37 UTC (rev 653)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-01-16 21:37:57 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * Split mountdevsubfs out of mountvirtfs and run it at S04 and S37.
+    [Note added in 2.86.ds1-10: these scripts were renamed]
     This should not behave any differently, but the split will allow
     packages that futz with /dev to do this at S03.
   * umountfs: Only run umount if there is something to unmount
@@ -60,19 +61,23 @@
   * init: 64_init_set_PATH.dpatch: Set PATH if it's unset on re-exec
     (Closes: #345370)
   * init: 65_init_u_in_06.dpatch: Allow 'telinit u' in runlevels 0, 6
-    (Closes: #345719)
+    (Closes: #345719)  People running Debian from unusual media (such
+    as filesystems embedded in NTFS files) are wanting to unmount
+    /sbin at the last moment and need to re-exec init to do so.
   * umountroot: Remount ro with -f on GNU/kFreeBSD  (Closes: #344547)
   * checkroot.sh, checkfs.sh: Pause for five seconds if sulogin fails
-    (Partially addresses: #337444)
+    so that the user can see the error message  (Addresses #337444)
   * Include /var/log/fsck/ in initscripts package  (Closes: #346139)
   * Replace /lib/init/functions.sh with /lib/init/mount-functions.sh
     for use by mountvirtfs and mountdevsubfs
   * various initscripts: Clean up code that reads fstab
-  * various scripts: Redirect which program's stderr to /dev/null since
-    the GNU version prints an error message when the command is not
-    found  (Closes: #345321)
+  * various scripts: Redirect which program's stderr to /dev/null
+    since the GNU version prints an error message when the command is
+    not found  (Closes: #345321)
   * /etc/default/rcS: Make VERBOSE and DELAYLOGIN default to "no"
-  * /etc/default/rcS: Remove variable descriptions; refer to man page
+  * /etc/default/rcS: Remove descriptions of variables; leave behind
+    a reference to rcS(5).  This eliminates the problem of comments
+    becoming outdated without our being able to update them.
   * Remove obsolete docs
   * Make initscripts Depend on mount >= 2.11x-1  (Closes: #345968)
   * Remove obsolete dependencies on bsdutils, coreutils, dpkg, kbd and
@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@
   * Previous release also
     closes: #338736 "mountvirtfs: Succeeds in various cases it should fail"
     closes: #342160 "checkroot.sh ignores fsck result"
-    closes: #342744 "checkroot.sh sources mountvirtfs, yet attemps to supply arguments"
+    closes: #342744 "checkroot.sh sources mountvirtfs, yet supplies arguments"
   * Use /proc/mounts instead of /etc/mtab when unmounting  (Closes: #338801)
   * Check for files under mountpoints more thoroughly
   * initscripts.postinst:

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