[Pkg-sysvinit-commits] r704 - sysvinit/trunk/debian

Thomas Hood jdthood-guest at costa.debian.org
Wed Jan 25 12:32:34 UTC 2006

Author: jdthood-guest
Date: 2006-01-25 12:32:33 +0000 (Wed, 25 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 704

Update NOTES

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/NOTES
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/NOTES	2006-01-25 11:25:50 UTC (rev 703)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/NOTES	2006-01-25 12:32:33 UTC (rev 704)
@@ -77,49 +77,49 @@
-sysvinit Pre-Depends on initscripts, sysv-rc | file-rc so that the
-conffiles in the old monolithic sysvinit package are taken over by
-the initscripts package.  (Only a Pre-Depends is strong enough to 
-ensure that the conffiles are taken over without an orphanic hiatus.)
-Strictly speaking we can drop this dependency now since everyone is
-either installing anew or else has upgraded to sarge; and Debian does
-not support skip upgrades.  However, I don't see any harm in keeping
-this dependency around until after etch releases.  But then it should
-go away.
+To go away:
+* sysvinit Pre-Depends on initscripts, sysv-rc | file-rc so that the
+  conffiles in the old monolithic sysvinit package are taken over by
+  the initscripts package.  (Only a Pre-Depends is strong enough to 
+  ensure that the conffiles are taken over without an orphanic hiatus.)
+  Strictly speaking we can drop this dependency now since everyone is
+  either installing anew or else has upgraded to sarge; and Debian does
+  not support skip upgrades.  However, I don't see any harm in keeping
+  this dependency around until after etch releases.  But then it should
+  go away.
+* initscripts Depends on mount >= 2.11x-1 because that's when swapon's
+  "-e" option was added.  Sarge satisfies this requirement so this 
+  dependency could be dropped.  We can drop it after etch releases;
+  then both stable and oldstable will satisfy the requirement.
+* initscripts Conflicts with and Replaces mdutils which was last seen in
+  potato.  Can disappear after etch.
-initscripts Depends on mount >= 2.11x-1 because that's when swapon's
-"-e" option was added.  Sarge satisfies this requirement so this 
-dependency could be dropped.  We can drop it after etch releases;
-then both stable and oldstable will satisfy the requirement.
+* initscripts has strange Dependencies ${glibc:Depends}, ${mount:Depends}
+  which resolve to the null string.  I'd like to remove these.
+* initscripts Replaces various libc packages for reasons described here:
+  http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2004/06/msg00048.html.
+  Anyone know how long this dependency needs to be carried?
+* sysv-rc (current) Conflicts with and Replaces file-rc.  file-rc (0.8.7)
+  Replaces: sysv-rc but does not Conflict with it.  I am not sure that
+  sysv-rc needs to Replace: file-rc.  Isn't Conflicting sufficient?
+  And why doesn't file-rc Conflict with sysv-rc?  Strange.
-initscripts Replaces various libc packages for reasons described here:
-http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2004/06/msg00048.html.  Anyone
-know how long this dependency needs to be carried?
+Possible future:
+* If the mtab initscript is ever changed so that it updates the mtab file
+  without rerunning mountdevsubfs.sh then initscripts should be made to
+  Conflict with udev << 0.080-1.  (The latter versions of udev put the
+  udev initscript at S04, _after_ S04mountdevsubfs.sh, and the script
+  unmounts /dev/pts and /dev/shm.)
-initscripts has strange Dependencies ${glibc:Depends}, ${mount:Depends}
-which resolve to the null string.  I'd like to remove these.
-initscripts Conflicts with and Replaces mdutils which was last seen in
-If the mtab initscript is ever changed so that it updates the mtab file
-without rerunning mountdevsubfs.sh then initscripts should be made to
-Conflict with udev << 0.080-1.  (The latter versions of udev put the
-udev initscript at S04, _after_ S04mountdevsubfs.sh, and the script
-unmounts /dev/pts and /dev/shm.)
-sysv-rc (current) Conflicts with and Replaces file-rc.  file-rc (0.8.7)
-Replaces: sysv-rc but does not Conflict with it.  I am not sure that
-sysv-rc needs to Replace: file-rc.  Isn't Conflicting sufficient?
-And why doesn't file-rc Conflict with sysv-rc?  Strange.
 Speed and compatibility
 People running Debian on low-memory systems say:
 * Use built-ins
-* Avoid unnecessary code
 * Avoid fork-and-exec, pipelines, $()
 * Reduce the number of commands within pipelines
+* Avoid unnecessary code
 * Avoid commands that don't work the same way in BusyBox:
   'nice', 'find', 'mount', 'umount', 'init', 'halt', 'shutdown', 
   'syslogd', 'klogd', 'hwclock', 'cron', 'anacron', 'crontab'.

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