[Pkg-sysvinit-commits] r1611 - sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc/man8

Kel Modderman kelmo-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 19:16:20 UTC 2009

Author: kelmo-guest
Date: 2009-08-16 19:16:19 +0000 (Sun, 16 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1611

Fix typo/grammar and generally gloss over new addition to update-rc.d.8 manual page about dependency based boot sequencing.

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc/man8/update-rc.d.8
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc/man8/update-rc.d.8	2009-08-16 04:55:17 UTC (rev 1610)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc/man8/update-rc.d.8	2009-08-16 19:16:19 UTC (rev 1611)
@@ -55,22 +55,23 @@
 .I R "Debian Policy Manual" .
-update\-rc.d have two modes of operation for installing scripts
-into the boot sequence.  The legacy mode
-where the arguments are used to decide the boot sequence,
-and the current mode where dependency and runlevel
-information in the init.d script is used instead.
-See the insserv(8) manual page for details about the
+update\-rc.d has two modes of operation for installing scripts
+into the boot sequence.  A legacy mode where command line arguments
+are used to decide the sequence and runlevel configuration,
+and the default mode where dependency and runlevel information in
+the init.d script LSB comment header is used instead.
+See the insserv(8) manual page for details about the LSB
 header format.  The boot sequencing method is decided
 during installation or upgrades.  During upgrades, if there
-are no loops in the dependencies and no obsolete init.d scripts,
+are no loops in the dependencies declared by LSB headers of all
+installed init.d scripts and no obsolete init.d scripts,
 the boot system is converted to dependency based boot sequencing.
-This is a one\-way transition.
+The conversion to dependency based boot sequencing is one\-way.
 Packages installing init.d scripts should make sure both methods
-For legacy mode, the following section document the old behaviour.
+For legacy mode, the following section documents the old behaviour.
 When run with either the
 .BR defaults ", " start ", or " stop
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@
 Insert links using the defaults:
 .B "   update\-rc.d foobar defaults"
-The equvalent dependency header would have start and stop
+The equivalent dependency header would have start and stop
 dependencies on $remote_fs and $syslog, and start in
 runlevels 2\-5 and stop in runlevels 0, 1 and 6.

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