[Pkg-sysvinit-commits] r1564 - sysvinit/trunk/debian

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 30 08:06:25 UTC 2009

Author: pere
Date: 2009-07-30 08:06:25 +0000 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 1564

Rewrite migration relation to use depend on newer insserv instead of conflict with older insserv.

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-07-30 08:03:30 UTC (rev 1563)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-07-30 08:06:25 UTC (rev 1564)
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
   * Make sysv-rc depend on initscripts (>= 2.86.ds1-63) to make sure we
     get scripts working with makefile style concurrent booting.
   * Migrate the code to enable dependency based boot sequencing from
-    insserv to sysv-rc.  Make sysv-rc replace and conflict with
-    insserv (<= 1.12.0-10) for this.  Migration is now a one-way
-    process.  Now update-bootsystem-insserv is only called once
+    insserv to sysv-rc.  Make sysv-rc replace with insserv (<= 1.12.0-10)
+    and depend on insserv (>> 1.12.0-10) for this.  Migration is now a
+    one-way process.  Now update-bootsystem-insserv is only called once
     (Closes: #538934).  The change make it possible to remove both
     sysv-rc and insserv (Closes: #538959).
   * Make init.d/rc.local depend on $all to get it to start later in

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/control
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/control	2009-07-30 08:03:30 UTC (rev 1563)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/control	2009-07-30 08:06:25 UTC (rev 1564)
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
 Package: sysv-rc
 Architecture: all
 Recommends: lsb-base (>= 3.0-6)
-Conflicts: file-rc, insserv (<= 1.12.0-10)
+Conflicts: file-rc
 Replaces: file-rc, insserv (<= 1.12.0-10)
 Suggests: sysv-rc-conf, bum
-Depends: initscripts (>= 2.86.ds1-63), sysvinit-utils (>= 2.86.ds1-62), insserv (>= 1.12.0-10)
+Depends: initscripts (>= 2.86.ds1-63), sysvinit-utils (>= 2.86.ds1-62), insserv (>> 1.12.0-10)
 Description: System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
  This package provides support for the System-V like system
  for booting, shutting down and changing runlevels,

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