[Pkg-sysvinit-commits] r1710 - sysvinit/trunk/debian

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at alioth.debian.org
Fri Sep 4 18:48:36 UTC 2009

Author: pere
Date: 2009-09-04 18:48:32 +0000 (Fri, 04 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 1710

Remove detail about the dependency location, to shorten the text.

Modified: sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc.templates
--- sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc.templates	2009-09-04 16:27:07 UTC (rev 1709)
+++ sysvinit/trunk/debian/sysv-rc.templates	2009-09-04 18:48:32 UTC (rev 1710)
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
  following reasons:
   * the order of boot and shutdown is calculated dynamically, using
-    dependency information declared in a comment header within each
-    init.d script, which ensures optimum boot sequence for the set of
-    installed packages
+    dependency information declared within each init.d script, which
+    ensures optimum boot sequence for the set of installed packages
   * protection against problems introduced by new or upgraded packages
     by preserving the boot sequence when problems are detected; the boot
     sequence is only modified if it is safe to do so
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@
  See http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/DependencyBasedBoot for
- more information about dependency based boot sequencing.  To
+ more information about dependency based boot sequencing. To
  reattempt the migration process run 'dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc'.
 Template: sysv-rc/unable-to-convert
@@ -41,15 +40,15 @@
  in order to enhance the boot system for the following reasons:
   * the order of boot and shutdown is calculated dynamically, using
-    dependency information declared in a comment header within each
-    init.d script, which ensures optimum boot sequence for the set of
-    installed packages
+    dependency information declared within each init.d script, which
+    ensures optimum and correct boot sequence for the set of installed
+    packages
   * protection against problems introduced by new or upgraded packages
     by preserving the boot sequence when problems are detected; the boot
     sequence is only modified if it is safe to do so
  The detected problems need to be reported to and fixed manually or by the
- maintainer of  the package/software which installed a problematic boot init.d
+ maintainer of the package/software which installed a problematic boot init.d
  script. See http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/DependencyBasedBoot for
  more information about how to fix the problems preventing migration. To
  reattempt the migration process after the problems have been fixed, run

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