[Pkg-telepathy-commits] [SCM] telepathy-spec packaging annotated tag, debian/0.17.16-1, created. debian/0.17.16-1

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Thu Dec 18 02:01:09 UTC 2008

The annotated tag, debian/0.17.16-1 has been created
        at  3cc724007bfe1fac3700b3916514b822ae66db94 (tag)
   tagging  087fbe3701bdd36908c6e9e4a6403ab7deb49f58 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.17.16
 tagged by  Simon McVittie
        on  Thu Dec 18 01:59:32 2008 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.17.16-1

Laurent Bigonville (14):
      * Initial release. (Closes: #443631)
      Fix package description
      New upstream release (0.16.0)
      Remove extra space
      Change name of the binary package to telepathy-specification
      Make linda happy
      Add a nicer description
      * Use new Homepage field instead of old pseudo-field
      * Use now official Vcs-* field
      * New upstream release
      * Really add XS-Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no further changes.
      * New upstream release (0.17.1)
      Use my debian.org address in Uploaders

Simon McVittie (44):
      New upstream release 0.17.2
      Move doc-base document from Apps/Programming to Programming as per Lintian warning
      New upstream release 0.17.3
      Enhances: libtelepathy-glib-dev; add debian/compat for debhelper 5 (no changes)
      Merge 0.17.2 final build
      Change Enhances: from libtelepathy-glib-dev to libtelepathy-glib-doc
      Upload to unstable
      Use my debian.org address in Uploaders
      New upstream release
      Wrap Uploaders
      Require debhelper 7
      Update copyright years
      Use debhelper 7; symlink spec into /usr/share/doc/; remove spurious ${shlibs:Depends}
      Skip 'make check', it's not very meaningful
      Don't require python-elementtree if python is >= 2.5
      Release to unstable
      New upstream release
      Target unstable
      New upstream
      New upstream, requires python-docutils to build
      doc/ not docs/
      Release to unstable
      New upstream
      Oops, not a native package...
      New upstream release
      Target unstable
      New upstream release
      Target unstable
      Exclude the XML spec from compression
      Actually install spec XML
      Target unstable
      New upstream
      Target unstable
      New upstream
      Target unstable
      New upstream release
      Target unstable
      New upstream
      Target unstable
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
      Switch packaging to git
      Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes)
      Actually mention the new upstream release in the changelog
      Target unstable

Sjoerd Simons (3):
      * Add myself and Simon McVitty to Uploaders
      Target unstable
      Target unstable


telepathy-spec packaging

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