[Pkg-telepathy-commits] [folks] 02/04: Updated version 0.11.4 from 'upstream/0.11.4'

Laurent Bigonville bigon at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 3 14:35:52 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bigon pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository folks.

commit 5e831bf26d59b2901f3eba712d93db4b1b3bbae5
Merge: 6aa4527 12d8f71
Author: Laurent Bigonville <bigon at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Jul 3 15:48:39 2017 +0200

    Updated version 0.11.4 from 'upstream/0.11.4'
    with Debian dir 457d397e2d5c6548bf094776cf3a7b925f624dfb

 ChangeLog                                          | 13474 ++++++++++---------
 Makefile.in                                        |     8 +-
 NEWS                                               |    18 +
 README                                             |     2 +-
 aclocal.m4                                         |     4 +-
 backends/bluez/bluez-backend-factory.c             |     8 +-
 backends/bluez/bluez-backend.c                     |  1806 ++-
 backends/bluez/bluez-backend.vala                  |   136 +-
 backends/bluez/bluez-persona-store.c               |  2261 ++--
 backends/bluez/bluez-persona-store.vala            |     2 +-
 backends/bluez/bluez-persona.c                     |   626 +-
 backends/bluez/org-bluez-obex-client.c             |    94 +-
 backends/bluez/org-bluez.c                         |   104 +-
 backends/dummy/dummy-backend-factory.c             |     8 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/FolksDummy-0.6.gir              |     6 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-backend.c                 |   323 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-backend.vala              |     2 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-full-persona.c            |   743 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-persona-store.c           |   719 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-persona-store.vala        |     2 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/dummy-persona.c                 |   472 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/folks-dummy.vapi                |     6 +-
 backends/dummy/lib/folks/folks-dummy.h             |     2 +-
 backends/eds/eds-backend-factory.c                 |     8 +-
 backends/eds/eds-backend.c                         |   366 +-
 backends/eds/lib/FolksEds-0.6.gir                  |    13 +-
 backends/eds/lib/edsf-persona-store.c              |  5941 ++++----
 backends/eds/lib/edsf-persona-store.vala           |    61 +-
 backends/eds/lib/edsf-persona.c                    |  3090 ++---
 backends/eds/lib/edsf-persona.vala                 |    68 +-
 backends/eds/lib/folks-eds.vapi                    |     8 +-
 backends/eds/lib/folks/folks-eds.h                 |     4 +-
 backends/eds/lib/namespace.c                       |     2 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-backend-factory.c             |     8 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-backend.c                     |   254 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-backend.vala                  |     2 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.c               |   484 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-persona-store.vala            |    10 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-persona.c                     |   758 +-
 backends/key-file/kf-persona.vala                  |     2 +-
 .../libsocialweb/lib/FolksLibsocialweb-0.6.gir     |     4 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/lib/folks-libsocialweb.vapi  |     4 +-
 .../libsocialweb/lib/folks/folks-libsocialweb.h    |     2 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/lib/namespace.c              |     2 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/lib/swf-persona-store.c      |   771 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/lib/swf-persona-store.vala   |     2 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/lib/swf-persona.c            |   538 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/sw-backend-factory.c         |     8 +-
 backends/libsocialweb/sw-backend.c                 |   371 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-backend-factory.c             |     8 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-backend.c                     |   427 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-backend.vala                  |     2 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-persona-store.c               |   213 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-persona-store.vala            |     2 +-
 backends/ofono/ofono-persona.c                     |   346 +-
 backends/ofono/org-ofono.c                         |    31 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/FolksTelepathy-0.6.gir      |     8 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/Makefile.in                 |    44 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/folks-telepathy.vapi        |     4 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/folks/folks-telepathy.h     |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/namespace.c                 |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist-dummy.c        |     4 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist-dummy.h        |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist-dummy.vapi     |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist.c              |   390 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist.h              |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tp-zeitgeist.vapi           |     2 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-logger.c                |   196 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-persona-store-cache.c   |  1176 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-persona-store.c         |  2528 ++--
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-persona-store.vala      |   124 +-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-persona.c               |  1744 ++-
 backends/telepathy/lib/tpf-persona.vala            |     4 +-
 backends/telepathy/tp-backend-factory.c            |     8 +-
 backends/telepathy/tp-backend.c                    |   227 +-
 backends/telepathy/tp-backend.vala                 |     2 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/FolksTracker-0.6.gir          |     4 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/folks-tracker.vapi            |     4 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/folks/folks-tracker.h         |     2 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/namespace.c                   |     2 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/trf-persona-store.c           |  2663 +---
 backends/tracker/lib/trf-persona-store.vala        |     4 +-
 backends/tracker/lib/trf-persona.c                 |  2248 ++--
 backends/tracker/lib/trf-util.c                    |   313 +-
 backends/tracker/tr-backend-factory.c              |     8 +-
 backends/tracker/tr-backend.c                      |   124 +-
 configure                                          |   933 +-
 configure.ac                                       |    25 +-
 folks/Folks-0.6.gir                                |    80 +-
 folks/Makefile.in                                  |    38 +-
 folks/abstract-field-details.c                     |   322 +-
 folks/alias-details.c                              |    63 +-
 folks/anti-linkable.c                              |   324 +-
 folks/anti-linkable.vala                           |     8 +-
 folks/avatar-cache.c                               |   540 +-
 folks/avatar-cache.vala                            |    34 +-
 folks/avatar-details.c                             |    63 +-
 folks/backend-store.c                              |  2081 ++-
 folks/backend-store.vala                           |     6 +-
 folks/backend.c                                    |    54 +-
 folks/birthday-details.c                           |   124 +-
 folks/debug.c                                      |   784 +-
 folks/debug.vala                                   |    92 +-
 folks/email-details.c                              |    91 +-
 folks/extended-info.c                              |   154 +-
 folks/favourite-details.c                          |    61 +-
 folks/folks-internal.h                             |     4 +-
 folks/folks-internal.vapi                          |     2 +-
 folks/folks-namespace.c                            |     2 +-
 folks/folks.h                                      |    34 +-
 folks/folks.vapi                                   |    24 +-
 folks/gender-details.c                             |    61 +-
 folks/group-details.c                              |    70 +-
 folks/im-details.c                                 |   575 +-
 folks/im-details.vala                              |     8 +-
 folks/individual-aggregator.c                      |  4986 ++++---
 folks/individual-aggregator.vala                   |   124 +-
 folks/individual.c                                 |  4822 ++++---
 folks/interaction-details.c                        |     2 +-
 folks/internal.c                                   |    74 +-
 folks/local-id-details.c                           |    63 +-
 folks/location-details.c                           |    99 +-
 folks/name-details.c                               |   483 +-
 folks/note-details.c                               |   144 +-
 folks/note-details.vala                            |     5 +-
 folks/object-cache.c                               |   645 +-
 folks/org.freedesktop.folks.gschema.xml.in         |     2 +-
 folks/persona-store.c                              |   306 +-
 folks/persona-store.vala                           |     6 +-
 folks/persona.c                                    |   448 +-
 folks/persona.vala                                 |     6 +-
 folks/phone-details.c                              |   325 +-
 folks/postal-address-details.c                     |   553 +-
 folks/postal-address-details.vala                  |     3 +-
 folks/potential-match.c                            |  1080 +-
 folks/presence-details.c                           |    52 +-
 folks/query.c                                      |    49 +-
 folks/role-details.c                               |   398 +-
 folks/role-details.vala                            |    13 +-
 folks/search-view.c                                |   560 +-
 folks/simple-query.c                               |   774 +-
 folks/types.c                                      |     2 +-
 folks/url-details.c                                |    89 +-
 folks/utils.c                                      |   322 +-
 folks/utils.vala                                   |     3 +-
 folks/web-service-details.c                        |    89 +-
 po/LINGUAS                                         |     1 +
 po/be.po                                           |   510 +-
 po/ca.po                                           |   380 +-
 po/cs.po                                           |   166 +-
 po/da.po                                           |   221 +-
 po/de.po                                           |   417 +-
 po/el.po                                           |   323 +-
 po/es.po                                           |   136 +-
 po/eu.po                                           |   272 +-
 po/fr.po                                           |   177 +-
 po/fur.po                                          |    87 +-
 po/gl.po                                           |   198 +-
 po/{nb.po => hr.po}                                |   415 +-
 po/hu.po                                           |   180 +-
 po/id.po                                           |   177 +-
 po/it.po                                           |   216 +-
 po/ko.po                                           |   249 +-
 po/lt.po                                           |   128 +-
 po/lv.po                                           |   228 +-
 po/nb.po                                           |   102 +-
 po/pl.po                                           |    82 +-
 po/pt.po                                           |   122 +-
 po/pt_BR.po                                        |   358 +-
 po/sk.po                                           |   393 +-
 po/sl.po                                           |   639 +-
 po/sr.po                                           |   180 +-
 po/sr at latin.po                                     |   182 +-
 po/sv.po                                           |   114 +-
 po/zh_CN.po                                        |   309 +-
 po/zh_TW.po                                        |    94 +-
 tests/bluez/device-properties.c                    |  1430 +-
 tests/bluez/individual-retrieval.c                 |   584 +-
 tests/bluez/vcard-parsing.c                        |   784 +-
 tests/dummy/Makefile.in                            |    38 +-
 tests/dummy/add-persona.c                          |  3283 ++---
 tests/dummy/individual-retrieval.c                 |   989 +-
 tests/dummy/individual-retrieval.vala              |     4 +-
 tests/dummy/linkable-properties.c                  |  1727 ++-
 tests/dummy/search-view.c                          |  4236 +++---
 tests/dummy/search-view.vala                       |    12 +-
 tests/eds/Makefile.am                              |     2 +
 tests/eds/Makefile.in                              |   363 +-
 tests/eds/add-contacts-stress-test.c               |  1279 +-
 tests/eds/add-persona.c                            |  3727 +++--
 tests/eds/anti-linking.c                           |  2281 ++--
 tests/eds/avatar-details.c                         |   425 +-
 tests/eds/email-details.c                          |   749 +-
 tests/eds/enable-disable-stores.c                  |   842 +-
 tests/eds/extended-info.c                          |  1202 +-
 tests/eds/helper-create-many-contacts.c            |   766 +-
 tests/eds/helper-delete-contacts.c                 |   422 +-
 tests/eds/helper-prepare-aggregator.c              |  1131 +-
 tests/eds/im-details.c                             |   443 +-
 tests/eds/individual-retrieval.c                   |   739 +-
 tests/eds/link-personas-diff-stores.c              |  1754 ++-
 tests/eds/link-personas.c                          |  3245 ++---
 tests/eds/linkable-properties.c                    |  1207 +-
 tests/eds/name-details.c                           |  1087 +-
 tests/eds/perf.c                                   |  2195 ++-
 tests/eds/persona-store-tests.c                    |  1179 +-
 tests/eds/phone-details.c                          |  1021 +-
 tests/eds/postal-address-details.c                 |   545 +-
 tests/eds/remove-persona.c                         |  1103 +-
 tests/eds/removing-contacts.c                      |   599 +-
 tests/eds/set-emails.c                             |   687 +-
 tests/eds/set-im-addresses.c                       |   779 +-
 tests/eds/set-properties-race.c                    |   885 +-
 tests/eds/set-properties.c                         |  2525 ++--
 tests/eds/store-removed.c                          |   983 +-
 tests/eds/updating-contacts.c                      |   771 +-
 tests/eds/updating-phones.c                        |  1143 +-
 tests/folks/Makefile.in                            |   118 +-
 tests/folks/abstract-field-details.c               |  1615 +--
 tests/folks/aggregation.c                          |  7749 +++++------
 tests/folks/async-locking.c                        |   695 +-
 tests/folks/avatar-cache.c                         |  1349 +-
 tests/folks/backend-loading.c                      |  1732 +--
 tests/folks/init.c                                 |   715 +-
 tests/folks/name-details.c                         |   207 +-
 tests/folks/object-cache.c                         |  2841 ++--
 tests/folks/phone-field-details.c                  |   127 +-
 tests/folks/primary-store-changes.c                |   501 +-
 tests/folks/primary-store-changes.vala             |     4 +-
 tests/folks/small-set.c                            |  3547 ++---
 tests/folks/standalone-individuals.c               |  1277 +-
 tests/folks/utils.c                                |   147 +-
 tests/key-file/individual-retrieval.c              |   699 +-
 tests/lib/bluez/backend.c                          |  1082 +-
 tests/lib/bluez/bluez-test.h                       |     4 +-
 tests/lib/bluez/bluez-test.vapi                    |     3 +-
 tests/lib/bluez/test-case.c                        |   377 +-
 tests/lib/bluez/test-case.vala                     |    33 +
 tests/lib/disconnection-queue.c                    |   299 +-
 tests/lib/dummy/dummy-test.h                       |     2 +-
 tests/lib/dummy/dummy-test.vapi                    |     2 +-
 tests/lib/dummy/test-case.c                        |   377 +-
 tests/lib/dummy/test-case.vala                     |     4 +-
 tests/lib/eds/backend.c                            |  3446 +++--
 tests/lib/eds/eds-test.h                           |     2 +-
 tests/lib/eds/eds-test.vapi                        |     2 +-
 tests/lib/eds/test-case.c                          |   674 +-
 tests/lib/folks-test-internal.h                    |     4 +-
 tests/lib/folks-test.h                             |     4 +-
 tests/lib/folks-test.vapi                          |     4 +-
 tests/lib/key-file/backend.c                       |   322 +-
 tests/lib/key-file/kf-test.h                       |     2 +-
 tests/lib/key-file/kf-test.vapi                    |     2 +-
 tests/lib/key-file/test-case.c                     |    76 +-
 tests/lib/libsocialweb/backend.c                   |  2232 +--
 tests/lib/libsocialweb/libsocialweb-test.h         |     2 +-
 tests/lib/libsocialweb/libsocialweb-test.vapi      |     2 +-
 tests/lib/libsocialweb/test-case.c                 |   242 +-
 tests/lib/org-freedesktop-dbus-mock.c              |   403 +-
 .../telepathy/contactlist/tp-test-contactlist.vapi |     2 +-
 tests/lib/telepathy/test-case.c                    |   354 +-
 tests/lib/telepathy/tpf-test.h                     |     2 +-
 tests/lib/telepathy/tpf-test.vapi                  |     2 +-
 tests/lib/test-case.c                              |  2159 +--
 tests/lib/test-case.vala                           |     9 +-
 tests/lib/test-utils.c                             |  3328 +++--
 tests/lib/test-utils.vala                          |     2 +-
 tests/lib/tracker/backend.c                        |  3238 ++---
 tests/lib/tracker/test-case.c                      |   364 +-
 tests/lib/tracker/tracker-test.h                   |     2 +-
 tests/lib/tracker/tracker-test.vapi                |     2 +-
 tests/libsocialweb/Makefile.in                     |    18 +-
 tests/libsocialweb/aggregation.c                   |  1713 +--
 tests/libsocialweb/dummy-lsw.c                     |  1718 ++-
 tests/telepathy/Makefile.in                        |    56 +-
 tests/telepathy/fake-tp-backend.c                  |   126 +-
 tests/telepathy/individual-properties.c            |  4101 +++---
 tests/telepathy/individual-retrieval.c             |  2133 ++-
 tests/telepathy/individual-zeitgeist.c             |   558 +-
 tests/telepathy/init.c                             |   201 +-
 tests/telepathy/persona-store-capabilities.c       |   847 +-
 tests/tracker/Makefile.in                          |   560 +-
 tests/tracker/add-contact.c                        |   649 +-
 tests/tracker/add-persona.c                        |  3995 +++---
 tests/tracker/additional-names-updates.c           |   729 +-
 tests/tracker/avatar-details-interface.c           |   677 +-
 tests/tracker/avatar-updates.c                     |   873 +-
 tests/tracker/birthday-details-interface.c         |   649 +-
 tests/tracker/birthday-updates.c                   |   827 +-
 tests/tracker/default-contact.c                    |   611 +-
 tests/tracker/duplicated-emails.c                  |  1379 +-
 tests/tracker/duplicated-phones.c                  |  1379 +-
 tests/tracker/email-details-interface.c            |   657 +-
 tests/tracker/emails-updates.c                     |  1125 +-
 tests/tracker/family-name-updates.c                |   711 +-
 tests/tracker/favourite-details-interface.c        |   717 +-
 tests/tracker/favourite-updates.c                  |   817 +-
 tests/tracker/fullname-updates.c                   |   631 +-
 tests/tracker/gender-details-interface.c           |   585 +-
 tests/tracker/given-name-updates.c                 |   711 +-
 tests/tracker/im-details-interface.c               |   839 +-
 tests/tracker/imaddresses-updates.c                |  1095 +-
 tests/tracker/individual-retrieval.c               |   651 +-
 tests/tracker/link-personas-via-local-ids.c        |  1541 +--
 tests/tracker/link-personas.c                      |  1815 ++-
 tests/tracker/match-all.c                          |  1595 +--
 tests/tracker/match-email-addresses.c              |  1445 +-
 tests/tracker/match-im-addresses.c                 |  1453 +-
 tests/tracker/match-known-emails.c                 |  1445 +-
 tests/tracker/match-name.c                         |  1407 +-
 tests/tracker/match-phone-number.c                 |  1453 +-
 tests/tracker/name-details-interface.c             |   943 +-
 tests/tracker/nickname-updates.c                   |   677 +-
 tests/tracker/note-details-interface.c             |   831 +-
 tests/tracker/phone-details-interface.c            |   683 +-
 tests/tracker/phones-updates.c                     |   951 +-
 tests/tracker/postal-address-details-interface.c   |  1191 +-
 tests/tracker/prefix-name-updates.c                |   711 +-
 tests/tracker/remove-contact.c                     |   681 +-
 tests/tracker/remove-persona.c                     |  1187 +-
 tests/tracker/role-details-interface.c             |   751 +-
 tests/tracker/set-avatar.c                         |   687 +-
 tests/tracker/set-birthday.c                       |   725 +-
 tests/tracker/set-duplicate-email.c                |  1321 +-
 tests/tracker/set-emails.c                         |   837 +-
 tests/tracker/set-favourite.c                      |   879 +-
 tests/tracker/set-full-name.c                      |   685 +-
 tests/tracker/set-gender.c                         |   629 +-
 tests/tracker/set-im-addresses.c                   |   885 +-
 tests/tracker/set-nickname.c                       |   681 +-
 tests/tracker/set-notes.c                          |   749 +-
 tests/tracker/set-null-avatar.c                    |   687 +-
 tests/tracker/set-phones.c                         |   857 +-
 tests/tracker/set-postal-addresses.c               |   979 +-
 tests/tracker/set-roles.c                          |   781 +-
 tests/tracker/set-structured-name.c                |   747 +-
 tests/tracker/set-urls.c                           |  1085 +-
 tests/tracker/suffix-name-updates.c                |   713 +-
 tests/tracker/url-details-interface.c              |   667 +-
 tests/tracker/website-updates.c                    |   839 +-
 tools/import-pidgin.c                              |   795 +-
 tools/import-pidgin.vala                           |     6 +-
 tools/import.c                                     |   496 +-
 tools/import.vala                                  |    18 +-
 tools/inspect/command-backends.c                   |    81 +-
 tools/inspect/command-debug.c                      |    11 +-
 tools/inspect/command-help.c                       |    51 +-
 tools/inspect/command-individuals.c                |    54 +-
 tools/inspect/command-linking.c                    |   433 +-
 tools/inspect/command-persona-stores.c             |    75 +-
 tools/inspect/command-personas.c                   |    60 +-
 tools/inspect/command-quit.c                       |    10 +-
 tools/inspect/command-search.c                     |    37 +-
 tools/inspect/command-set.c                        |   260 +-
 tools/inspect/command-signals.c                    |   243 +-
 tools/inspect/inspect.c                            |   654 +-
 tools/inspect/signal-manager.c                     |   848 +-
 tools/inspect/utils.c                              |  1158 +-
 358 files changed, 116297 insertions(+), 125798 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-telepathy/folks.git

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