[subversion-commit] SVN tetex commit + diffs: r175 - in tetex-bin/trunk/debian: . patches

Frank Küster frank at costa.debian.org
Thu Aug 25 19:33:50 UTC 2005

Author: frank
Date: 2005-08-25 19:33:49 +0000 (Thu, 25 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 175

- refined debianize-updmap, it's tested and works with the patched updmap
- unfuzzy patch-deb with quilt, and patch updmap to use debianize-updmap
- changelog entry for this and the added updmap.cfg manpage

Modified: tetex-bin/trunk/debian/changelog
--- tetex-bin/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-08-25 15:00:05 UTC (rev 174)
+++ tetex-bin/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-08-25 19:33:49 UTC (rev 175)
@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@
   * Added an explanation of user-specific font configuration in
     README.Debian, thanks to Ralf Stubner
     <Ralf.Stubner at physik.uni-erlangen.de> [frank]
+  * Add a manpage for updmap.cfg, thanks to Hilmar (closes: #320781)
+    [frank] 
+  * updmap(-sys) now does the right thing when called with --disable or
+    --enable.  Changing options does not yet work, though [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org>  Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:57:20 +0200
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org>  Thu, 25 Aug 2005 21:31:37 +0200
 tetex-bin (3.0-6) experimental; urgency=low

Modified: tetex-bin/trunk/debian/debianize-updmap
--- tetex-bin/trunk/debian/debianize-updmap	2005-08-25 15:00:05 UTC (rev 174)
+++ tetex-bin/trunk/debian/debianize-updmap	2005-08-25 19:33:49 UTC (rev 175)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-# This file is meant to be sourced by updmap and enhance the --enable and
-# --disable options with the functionality needed to deal with Debian's
-# generated updmap.cfg.
+# This file, debianize-updmap, is meant to be sourced by updmap and
+# enhance the --enable and --disable options with the functionality
+# needed to deal with Debian's generated updmap.cfg.
+# $Id$
 # This is the planned scheme how it works
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
 #   2.1. if any are found, check whether it is only one
 #   2.1.1 if there is only one, run configReplace on that file appropriately
 #   2.1.2 if there is more than one, the precedence is 
-#         XX*local*.cfg > 10tetex-base.cfg > 20tetex-extra.cfg > any
+#         20tetex-extra.cfg > XX*local*.cfg > 10tetex-base.cfg > any
+#	  (extra has maximum priority because 
 # if it's clear on which file to act, run configReplace on that file
 #           appropriately
 # if unclear (i.e. only "any"), exit with an error
@@ -33,16 +35,76 @@
 # file per run.
-# disableMap (map)
-#   disables map in config file (any type) (Debian wrapper)
+# createDebianConffilelist
+#   create a list of configuration files containing updmap snippets;
+#   we are going to act on these
+  if [ -n "$debianuserdir" ]; then
+    find /etc/texmf/updmap.d "$debianuserdir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.cfg'
+  else
+    find /etc/texmf/updmap.d -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.cfg'
+  fi
+# runUpdate
+#   run update-updmap
+  updOptions=""
+  if [ -n "$debianuserdir" ]; then
+    updOptions="--conf-dir $debianuserdir"
+  fi
+  verboseMsg "Running update-updmap to merge the changed files"
+  update-updmap --quiet $updOptions --output-file $orig
+# cleanupNoExit()
+#   clean up the temp area, but don't exit
-  disableMapInner $1
-  runUpdate
-  reExecSelf
+  rc=$?
+  $needsCleanup && test -n "$tmpdir" && test -d "$tmpdir" \
+    && { cd / && rm -rf "$tmpdir"; }
+# reExecSelf
+#   execute ourselves again - the confile has changed after an enable or disable
+#   command has been processed
+  # remove the temporary directory
+  cleanupNoExit
+  # if we need not remake map files, we are done here
+  if [ "$mkmapEnabled" = "false" ]; then exit 0; fi
+  # pass ourselves the right options.  
+  repeatOptions=""
+  for option in dvipsoutputdir pdftexoutputdir dvipdfmoutputdir; do
+    # strange that I can't do the same with eval test -n
+    if eval [ ! -z  "\$$option" ]; then
+      repeatOptions="$repeatOptions `eval echo --$option \\$$option`"
+    fi
+  done
+  repeatOptions="$repeatOptions --cnffile=$orig"
+  if [ "texhashEnabled" = "false" ]; then
+    repeatOptions="$repeatOptions --nohash"
+  fi
+  if [ "$verbose" = "false" ]; then
+    repeatOptions="$repeatOptions --quiet"
+  fi
+  verboseMsg "Now running $progname again to generate output files"
+  echo $progname $repeatOptions
+  exec $progname $repeatOptions
 # grepType (map,file)
 #   grep in file for entry map, and return the mapType
@@ -53,33 +115,153 @@
   egrep "^(MixedMap|Map)[ 	]*$map( |	|$)" "$file" | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq
+# findUserfiles (filelist)
+#   pick user-specific files out of a filelist of configuration files
+  userfiles=""
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+    file="$1"
+    if [ "$file" = "${file#/etc/texmf/updmap.d}" ]; then
+      # doesn't start with /etc/texmf/updmap.d: must be user-specific
+      userfiles="$userfiles $file"
+    fi
+    shift;
+  done
+  echo $userfiles
+# findRightMatchfile (mapname,filelist)
+#   find the right file from filelist to enable mapname 
+  mapName=$1; shift
+  matchfiles="$@"
+  if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+    # it is only one, enable map in it
+    echo $matchfiles
+    verboseMsg "Enabling map file in $matchfiles"
+    return 0
+  else
+    # there are more than one; 
+    if [ -n "$debianuserdir" ]; then
+      # a file in the user's dir takes precedence
+      matchfiles=`findUserfiles $matchfiles`
+      if [ `(set $matchfiles; echo $#)` -eq 1 ]; then
+        # exactly one of them is a user-specific file
+	echo $matchfiles
+	verboseMsg "Enabling map file in user-specific file $matchfiles"
+	return 0
+      else
+        # two files in the user directory.  As bad as two in the site-wide
+        # dir, we do nothing special
+	:
+      fi
+    fi
+    # for now, we exit with an error.  Any sensible choice would have to 
+    # check whether teTeX or texlive is installed, and I want to save me
+    # that hazzle.
+    cat >&2 <<EOF
+Entries for map file $mapName found in several files:
+Since updmap.cfg is a generated file in Debian, I don't know how to proceed.
+Please refer to the manpage of update-updmap(1)
+  fi
+# pickLocalFile (mapname,directory)
+#   pick the right local file in directory
+  mapName=$1
+  debDirname=$2
+  debDirname=${debDirname%/}
+  # Is there a file with "local" in the name?
+  localfile=""
+  localfile="`ls $debDirname/*local*cfg 2>/dev/null`"
+  if [ -n "$localfile" ]; then
+    # there is at least one
+    if [ `(set $localfile; echo $#)` -eq 1 ]; then
+      # exactly one
+      echo $localfile
+      return 0
+    else
+      # more than one local file? Brrrr.
+      cat >&2 <<EOF
+While trying to enable $mapName locally, I found several user-specific map files:
+I don't know how to proceed here. Please refer to the manpage of update-upmdap(1)
+    fi
+  else
+    # no user config file yet
+    echo $debDirname/99local.cfg
+    return 0
+  fi
+# findRightLocalfile (mapname)
+#   find the right file to enable mapname, site-wide or user-specific
+#   mapname is only needed for the error message
+  mapName=$1
+  # Do we know about a user-specific directory?
+  if [ -n "$debianuserdir" ]; then
+    DebCnfFile=`pickLocalFile $mapName $debianuserdir`
+  else
+    DebCnfFile=`pickLocalFile $mapName /etc/texmf/updmap.d`
+  fi
+  # configReplace will try to grep in the file: touch it to prevent a error message
+  touch $DebCnfFile
+  echo $DebCnfFile
 # disableMapInner (map)
 #   disables map in config file (any type) (real command)
-  #mapType=`awk '($1 == "MixedMap" || $1 == "Map") && $2 == map { print $1 }' \
-  #           map=$1 <"$cnfFile" | sort | uniq`
+  local mapType
   if [ -z "$DebianConffilelist" ]; then
-    createDebianConffilelist
+    DebianConffilelist=`createDebianConffilelist`
   # act on all files that contain an entry
-  for file in $DebianConffilelist; do
-    if mapType=`grepType $map "$cnfFile"`; then
+  for debCnfFile in $DebianConffilelist; do
+    if mapType=`grepType $map "$debCnfFile"`; then
       # although it's a bug, there might be two types enabled - we disable both
       for type in $mapType; do
-	configReplace "$cnfFile" "^$type[ 	]*$1" "#! $type $1"
+	configReplace "$debCnfFile" "^$type[ 	]*$1" "#! $type $1"
+# disableMap (map)
+#   disables map in config file (any type) (Debian wrapper)
+  disableMapInner $1
+  runUpdate
+  reExecSelf
 # enableMap (type, map)
 #   enables an entry in the config file for map with a given type.
@@ -96,7 +278,7 @@
   if [ -z "$DebianConffilelist" ]; then
-    createDebianConffilelist
+    DebianConffilelist=`createDebianConffilelist`
   # a map can only have one type, so we carefully disable everything
@@ -108,24 +290,22 @@
   # is there already a file that contains a (commented) entry?
   for file in $DebianConffilelist; do
-    if egrep "^#![[:blank:]]*(MixedMap|Map)[[:blank:]]*$map([[:blank:]]|$)" "$file"  ; then
+    if egrep "^#![[:blank:]]*(MixedMap|Map)[[:blank:]]*$map([[:blank:]]|$)" "$file" >/dev/null ; then
       matchfiles="$matchfiles $file"
-  if [ -z "$matchfiles" ]; then
+  if [ -n "$matchfiles" ]; then
     # there is already (at least) one file that has a commented entry for our map
-    if [ `(set $matchfiles; echo $#)` -eq 1 ]; then
-      # it is only one, enable map in it
-      configReplace "$file" "^#![ 	]*$mapType[ 	]*$mapName" "$mapType $mapName"
-      # from here we go directly to runUpdate!
-    else
-      # there are more than one
-    fi
+    debCnfFile=`findRightMatchfile $mapName $matchfiles`
+    test -n "$debCnfFile" || abort "Cannot proceed. Exiting"
+    # there is no (commented) entry yet. 
+    debCnfFile=`findRightLocalfile $mapName`
+    test -n "$debCnfFile" || abort "Cannot proceed. Exiting"
+    verboseMsg "Creating new entry for map file $mapName in $debCnfFile"
-  configReplace "$cnfFile" "^#![ 	]*$mapType[ 	]*$mapName" "$mapType $mapName"
+  configReplace "$debCnfFile" "^#![ 	]*$mapType[ 	]*$mapName" "$mapType $mapName"

Modified: tetex-bin/trunk/debian/patches/patch-deb
--- tetex-bin/trunk/debian/patches/patch-deb	2005-08-25 15:00:05 UTC (rev 174)
+++ tetex-bin/trunk/debian/patches/patch-deb	2005-08-25 19:33:49 UTC (rev 175)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
---- configure.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.120999860 +0200
-+++ configure	2005-08-02 18:55:29.252985294 +0200
+Index: configure
+--- configure.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ configure	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -4213,12 +4213,13 @@
@@ -20,8 +22,10 @@
  # more customizations for standalone xdvik
  if test -z "$xdvik_standalone"; then
---- texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.125999308 +0200
-+++ texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr	2005-08-02 18:55:29.254985073 +0200
+Index: texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr
+--- texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
    db_dir=`echo "$db_file" | sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` # can't rely on dirname
@@ -62,8 +66,10 @@
  tty -s && echo "$progname: Done." >&2
  exit 0
---- texk/make/paths.mk.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.128998977 +0200
-+++ texk/make/paths.mk	2005-08-02 18:55:29.254985073 +0200
+Index: texk/make/paths.mk
+--- texk/make/paths.mk.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/make/paths.mk	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
  texmf = @texmfmain@
@@ -73,8 +79,10 @@
  # Regular input files.
  texinputdir = $(texmf)/tex
---- texk/tetex/Makefile.in.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.131998646 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/Makefile.in	2005-08-02 18:55:29.255984963 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/Makefile.in
+--- texk/tetex/Makefile.in.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/Makefile.in	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
  # Auxiliary files.
@@ -93,8 +101,10 @@
  	$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/../mkinstalldirs $(texmf)/texconfig $(texmf)/texconfig/g $(texmf)/texconfig/v $(texmf)/texconfig/x
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/texmf/texconfig/g/generic $(texmf)/texconfig/g
---- texk/tetex/texconfig.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.135998205 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/texconfig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.260984411 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/texconfig
+--- texk/tetex/texconfig.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/texconfig	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -883,8 +883,8 @@
@@ -114,8 +124,10 @@
                    echo "$progname: setting up vardir failed. Reason: no permission to write file \`$tfc'" >&2
---- texk/tetex/fmtutil.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.138997874 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/fmtutil	2005-08-02 18:57:46.673838136 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/fmtutil
+--- texk/tetex/fmtutil.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/fmtutil	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -25,7 +25,13 @@
  #  --cnffile file             set configfile for fmtutil
  #  --fmtdir directory         set destination directory for format files
@@ -166,8 +178,10 @@
  # cleanup()
  #   clean up the temp area and exit with proper exit status
---- texk/tetex/fmtutil-sys.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.141997543 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/fmtutil-sys	2005-08-02 18:55:51.429537861 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/fmtutil-sys
+--- texk/tetex/fmtutil-sys.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/fmtutil-sys	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@@ -177,8 +191,10 @@
 +export TEXMFVAR TEXMFCONFIG progname
  exec fmtutil ${1+"$@"}
---- texk/tetex/fmtutil.man.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.144997212 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/fmtutil.man	2005-08-02 18:55:29.262984191 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/fmtutil.man
+--- texk/tetex/fmtutil.man.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/fmtutil.man	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -53,6 +53,15 @@
  (not implemented, just for compatibility)
  .IP "\fB--test\fP" 
@@ -195,8 +211,10 @@
  .SH "FILES" 
---- texk/web2c/fmtutil.in.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.147996881 +0200
-+++ texk/web2c/fmtutil.in	2005-08-02 18:55:29.263984080 +0200
+Index: texk/web2c/fmtutil.in
+--- texk/web2c/fmtutil.in.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/web2c/fmtutil.in	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
  # Change "amstex.ini -> bamstex.ini" and "- -> language.dat"
@@ -206,8 +224,10 @@
  # Change "pdfamstex.ini -> pdfbamstex.ini" and "- -> language.dat"
  # if you want babel support in pdfamstex:
---- texk/web2c/cwebdir/cweb.1.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.150996550 +0200
-+++ texk/web2c/cwebdir/cweb.1	2005-08-02 18:55:29.264983970 +0200
+Index: texk/web2c/cwebdir/cweb.1
+--- texk/web2c/cwebdir/cweb.1.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/web2c/cwebdir/cweb.1	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -100,19 +100,19 @@
@@ -233,8 +253,10 @@
  Directory for cweb "include" files.
---- texk/tetex/updmap.man.orig	2005-08-02 18:55:29.194991694 +0200
-+++ texk/tetex/updmap.man	2005-08-02 18:55:29.265983860 +0200
+Index: texk/tetex/updmap.man
+--- texk/tetex/updmap.man.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/updmap.man	2005-08-25 17:10:53.000000000 +0200
 @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@
@@ -268,3 +290,120 @@
  \fBgsftopk\fP(1), \fBpdftex\fP(1), \fBps2pk\fP(1),
  \fBtexhash\fP(1), \fBxdvi\fP(1)\&.
+Index: texk/tetex/updmap
+--- texk/tetex/updmap.orig	2005-08-25 17:10:48.000000000 +0200
++++ texk/tetex/updmap	2005-08-25 20:00:27.638812777 +0200
+@@ -112,10 +112,15 @@
+ test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ # the version string
+-version=1107552857 # seconds since `00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC'
++version=1107552857-debian # seconds since `00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC'
+                    # date '+%s' (with GNU date)
+ ###############################################################################
++# source Debian-specific changes
++. /usr/share/tetex-bin/debianize-updmap
+ # help()
+ #   display help message and exit
+ ###############################################################################
+@@ -126,6 +131,8 @@
+ Valid options:
+   --cnffile file             specify configuration file
++  --debian-userdir directory specify directory containing user-specific
++                             updmap.cfg snippets (see update-updmap(1))
+   --dvipsoutputdir directory   specify output directory (dvips syntax)
+   --pdftexoutputdir directory  specify output directory (pdftex syntax)
+   --dvipdfmoutputdir directory specify output directory (dvipdfm syntax)
+@@ -351,38 +358,40 @@
+ # enableMap (type, map)
+ #   enables an entry in the config file for map with a given type.
+ ###############################################################################
+-  case $1 in
+-    Map|MixedMap)
+-      ;;
+-    *)
+-      abort "invalid mapType $1"
+-      ;;
+-  esac
+-  # a map can only have one type, so we carefully disable everything
+-  # about map here:
+-  disableMap "$2"
+-  # now enable with the right type:
+-  configReplace "$cnfFile" "^#![ 	]*$1[ 	]*$2" "$1 $2"
++# for Debian, this is superseded by a function defined in debianize-updmap
++# enableMap()
++# {
++#   case $1 in
++#     Map|MixedMap)
++#       ;;
++#     *)
++#       abort "invalid mapType $1"
++#       ;;
++#   esac
++#   # a map can only have one type, so we carefully disable everything
++#   # about map here:
++#   disableMap "$2"
++#   # now enable with the right type:
++#   configReplace "$cnfFile" "^#![ 	]*$1[ 	]*$2" "$1 $2"
++# }
+ ###############################################################################
+ # disableMap (map)
+ #   disables map in config file (any type)
+ ###############################################################################
+-  #mapType=`awk '($1 == "MixedMap" || $1 == "Map") && $2 == map { print $1 }' \
+-  #           map=$1 <"$cnfFile" | sort | uniq`
+-  map=$1
+-  mapType=`egrep "^(MixedMap|Map)[ 	]*$map( |	|$)" "$cnfFile" | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq`
+-  for type in $mapType; do
+-    configReplace "$cnfFile" "^$type[ 	]*$1" "#! $type $1"
+-  done
++# for Debian, this is superseded by a function defined in debianize-updmap
++# disableMap()
++# {
++#   #mapType=`awk '($1 == "MixedMap" || $1 == "Map") && $2 == map { print $1 }' \
++#   #           map=$1 <"$cnfFile" | sort | uniq`
++#   map=$1
++#   mapType=`egrep "^(MixedMap|Map)[ 	]*$map( |	|$)" "$cnfFile" | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq`
++#   for type in $mapType; do
++#     configReplace "$cnfFile" "^$type[ 	]*$1" "#! $type $1"
++#   done
++# }
+ ###############################################################################
+ # psADOBE()
+@@ -891,6 +900,10 @@
+           cfgparam=1; cnfFile=$2; shift;;
+       --cnffile=*)
+           cfgparam=1; cnfFile=`echo "$1" | sed 's/--cnffile=//'`;;
++      --debian-userdir)
++	  debianuserdir=$2; shift;;
++      --debian-userdir=*)
++	  debianuserdir=`echo "$1" | sed 's/--debian-userdir=//'`;;
+       --dvipsoutputdir)
+           dvipsoutputdirparam=1; dvipsoutputdir=$2; shift;;
+       --dvipsoutputdir=*)
+@@ -1285,6 +1298,7 @@
+   mkmapEnabled=true
+   verbose=true
+   needsCleanup=false
++  debianuserdir=
+   cnfFileShort=updmap.cfg
+   cnfFile=

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