[subversion-commit] SVN tetex commit + diffs: r264 -
Frank Küster
frank at costa.debian.org
Tue Oct 18 14:46:08 UTC 2005
Author: frank
Date: 2005-10-18 14:46:07 +0000 (Tue, 18 Oct 2005)
New Revision: 264
merging changes from HEAD to changelog-for-unstable branch
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.files
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.files 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.files 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.old
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.old 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-deb.old 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
---- dvips/config/config.ps.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.077954998 +0200
-+++ dvips/config/config.ps 2005-07-22 14:03:07.163945236 +0200
-@@ -7,13 +7,19 @@
- % to determine this number. (It will be the only thing printed.)
- m 3500000
--% z1 is "secure", i.e., inhibits execution of `shell commands` in
--% \specials. Dvips allows this by default.
-+% A setting of `z1' inhibits execution of shell commands in `\special's
-+% and via the `E' option in config files like this one ("secure mode").
-+% Dvips permits these operations by default or with an explit setting of `z0'.
-+% Debian GNU/Linux inhibits these operations by default with the setting `z1' here.
- z1
--% How to print, maybe with lp instead lpr, etc. If commented-out, output
--% will go into a file by default.
--o |lpr
-+% Where dvips output should go by default. If unspecified, output goes to a file.
-+% To send output via a pipe directly to a printing program such as `lpr' or 'lp',
-+% use a line like one of the following two:
-+% o |lpr
-+% o |lpr -Pmyprinter
-+% To send output to standard-output by default, use:
-+% o -
- % Default resolution of this device, in dots per inch.
- D 600
---- texdoctk/texdocrc.defaults.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.080954658 +0200
-+++ texdoctk/texdocrc.defaults 2005-07-22 14:03:07.163945236 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- # want/need to leave empty.
- # root of doc directory (from $TEXMFMAIN)
- # root of local doc directory (from $TEXMFLOCAL)
- # can be left empty if equal to TEXDOCPATH or if $TEXMFLOCAL is undefined
-@@ -26,28 +26,28 @@
- DVIPS_CONV=dvips -q
- # PostScript handling
- # PDF handling
--PDFPS_CONV=acroread -toPostScript -pairs
- # HTML handling
-+HTML_VIEWER=x-terminal-emulator -e see
- # HTMLPS_REDIR must be on, if the html->ps converter normally writes its output
- # to stdout instead of a file (e.g. as html2ps) (y or yes to make active)
- # Plain text handling
- # TDK_OWN is texdoctk's own text file viewer
-+TXTPS_CONV=a2ps -q
- # TXTPS_REDIR must be on, if the txt->ps converter normally writes its output
- # to stdout instead of a file (e.g. as a2ps) (y or yes to make active)
- # printer
--PRINT_CMD=lpr -Plp
-+PRINT_CMD=lpr -h
- # end of config
---- web2c/mktex.cnf.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.082954431 +0200
-+++ web2c/mktex.cnf 2005-07-22 14:03:07.164945122 +0200
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- : ${MT_FEATURES=appendonlydir:varfonts}
--: ${MODE=ljfour}
--: ${BDPI=600}
-+#: ${MODE=ljfour}
-+#: ${BDPI=600}
- # uncomment the following line to use ps2pk instead of gsftopk:
- # : ${ps_to_pk=ps2pk}
---- tex/generic/config/language.dat.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.084954204 +0200
-+++ tex/generic/config/language.dat 2005-07-22 14:03:43.222851566 +0200
-@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-+%% To make it possible for package scripts to parse this file,
-+%% please use only "%! " to comment out hyphenation patterns!
-+% Do not modify the following line!
-+% -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
- % CAUTION: the first language will be the default if no style-file
- % (e.g. german.sty) is used.
- % Since version 3.0 of TeX, hyphenation patterns for multiple languages are
-@@ -15,7 +25,7 @@
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
--% The hyphenation pattern files are in the dirctory:
-+% The hyphenation pattern files are in the directory:
- % texmf/tex/generic/hyphen
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-@@ -35,10 +45,14 @@
- % english should always be defined. Either an alias for american or british.
- =english
--% French, TWO lines!
-+% By default, most languages are enabled - there should be no problems.
-+% If you want to use only a subset, please use '%! ' as comment sign.
-+% French and German, TWO lines each!
- french frhyph.tex
- =patois
- german dehypht.tex
- =austrian
-@@ -98,3 +112,7 @@
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Email : Thomas Esser, te at dbs.uni-hannover.de
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-+%% checked by postinst 2.0.2a-1 %%
-+%% do not remove this comment! %%
---- web2c/updmap.cfg.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.087953863 +0200
-+++ web2c/updmap.cfg 2005-07-22 14:03:07.165945009 +0200
-@@ -107,11 +107,12 @@
- # latin modern; CTAN:fonts/lm. Enable encoding specific map
- # files or the "all-in-one" file lm.map, not both at the same time.
--Map cork-lm.map
--Map qx-lm.map
--Map texnansi-lm.map
--Map ts1-lm.map
--#! Map lm.map
-+# Debian: These fonts are in a separate package, lmodern
-+## Map cork-lm.map
-+## Map qx-lm.map
-+## Map texnansi-lm.map
-+## Map ts1-lm.map
-+## Map lm.map
- # a symbol font; CTAN:fonts/psfonts/marvosym/
- Map marvosym.map
-@@ -119,9 +120,6 @@
- # two font map entries for the mathpple package
- Map mathpple.map
--# for Omega
--Map omega.map
- # the pazo fonts; CTAN:fonts/mathpazo
- Map pazo.map
-@@ -131,16 +129,9 @@
- # txfonts (times extension); CTAN:fonts/txfonts
- Map txfonts.map
--# XY-pic fonts; CTAN:macros/generic/diagrams/xypic
--Map xypic.map
- # 7-8-9 sizes for cmex taken from TeXtrace2001
- MixedMap ttcmex.map
--# ps-type1 versions for cm+ams; CTAN:fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky
--MixedMap bsr.map
--MixedMap bsr-interpolated.map
- # CSTeX; http://math.feld.cvut.cz/olsak/cstex/
- MixedMap cs.map
-@@ -155,9 +146,6 @@
- # instead of mt-yy.map:
- Map mt-belleek.map
--# Euro Symbol fonts by Henrik Theiling; CTAN:fonts/eurosym
--MixedMap eurosym.map
- # vntex support, see http://vinux.sourceforge.net/vntex
- MixedMap vnr.map
---- scripts/context/perl/texfind.pl.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.090953522 +0200
-+++ scripts/context/perl/texfind.pl 2005-07-22 14:03:07.166944895 +0200
-@@ -20,7 +20,28 @@
- use Getopt::Long ;
- use File::Find ;
- use Cwd ;
--use Tk ;
-+#use Tk ;
-+# patched by Debian
-+use File::Basename;
-+ eval { require Tk; import Tk; };
-+ if ($@) {
-+ my $progname = basename($0);
-+ my $message;
-+ if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Tk\.pm/) {
-+ $message = "$progname: you must have the perl-tk package installed\nto use this script\n";
-+ } else {
-+ $message = "$progname: problem loading the Tk module:\n $@\nHave you installed the perl-tk package?\n";
-+ }
-+ if (! -t STDOUT and exists $ENV{DISPLAY})
-+ {
-+ exec("tetex-xwarn", $message);
-+ } else {
-+ die $message;
-+ }
-+ }
- use Tk::widgets ;
- use Tk::ROText ;
---- scripts/context/perl/texshow.pl.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.092953295 +0200
-+++ scripts/context/perl/texshow.pl 2005-07-22 14:03:07.167944782 +0200
-@@ -28,7 +28,28 @@
- use Getopt::Long ;
- use XML::Parser;
- use Data::Dumper;
--use Tk;
-+#use Tk ;
-+# patched by Debian
-+use File::Basename;
-+ eval { require Tk; import Tk; };
-+ if ($@) {
-+ my $progname = basename($0);
-+ my $message;
-+ if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Tk\.pm/) {
-+ $message = "$progname: you must have the perl-tk package installed\nto use this script\n";
-+ } else {
-+ $message = "$progname: problem loading the Tk module:\n $@\nHave you installed the perl-tk package?\n";
-+ }
-+ if (! -t STDOUT and exists $ENV{DISPLAY})
-+ {
-+ exec("tetex-xwarn", $message);
-+ } else {
-+ die $message;
-+ }
-+ }
- use Tk::ROText ;
- use Config;
- use Time::HiRes;
---- fonts/map/dvips/omega/omega.map.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.096952841 +0200
-+++ fonts/map/dvips/omega/omega.map 2005-07-22 14:03:07.168944668 +0200
-@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-+% map comment changed, so that Debian's dpkg will try to
-+% reinstall it after deletion in versions prior to 2.0.2-9
- omseco OmegaSerifCommon <omseco.pfb
- omsecob OmegaSerifCommon-Bold <omsecob.pfb
- omsecoi OmegaSerifCommon-Italic <omsecoi.pfb
---- fonts/map/dvips/context/original-context-symbol.map.orig 2005-07-22 14:03:07.098952614 +0200
-+++ fonts/map/dvips/context/original-context-symbol.map 2005-07-22 14:03:07.168944668 +0200
-@@ -1 +1 @@
--contnav ContextNavigation <contnav.pfb
-\ No newline at end of file
-+contnav ContextNavigation <contnav.pfb
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.files
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.files 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.files 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.old
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.old 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-doc.old 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
---- doc/index.html.orig 2005-08-07 20:27:27.380018451 +0200
-+++ doc/index.html 2005-08-07 20:27:27.512004326 +0200
-@@ -95,15 +95,17 @@
- </form>
- </td></tr></table><br/><br/>
-+<h4><b>Note for Debian:</b> Some links to local files will be broken until you install <a href="http://packages.debian.org/tetex-doc">tetex-doc</a>, <a href="http://packages.debian.org/tetex-extra">tetex-extra</a>, <a href="http://packages.debian.org/preview-latex-style">preview-latex-style</a>, <a href="http://packages.debian.org/lmodern">lmodern</a>. You should open that file as <a href="file:///usr/share/texmf/doc/index.html">/usr/share/texmf/doc/index.html</a> to make sure the relative links are working too.</h4>
- <table style="border:outset; border-color:blue" cellpadding="5pt" align="center" width="80%" border="1"><tr><th><a href="#features">Features and News</a></th><th><a href="#web2c">Web2c and configuration</a></th><th><a href="#newprogs">TeX variants</a></th><th><a href="#guides">Guides</a></th><th><a href="#graphics">Graphics</a></th><th><a href="#diagrams">Diagrams</a></th><th><a href="#packages">LaTeX packages</a></th><th><a href="#ancillary">Ancillary programs</a></th><th><a href="#man">Man pages</a></th><th><a href="#more">More...</a></th></tr>
- </table>
- <p>This page is an attempt at a guided tour around the TeX and LaTeX documentation which is distributed with teTeX.</p>
--<p>teTeX is a unix TeX and LaTeX system assembled by Thomas Esser since <a href="http://tinyurl.com/6de5k">1994</a>. Its home page is located at <a href="http://www.tug.org/tetex/">http://www.tug.org/tetex/</a>. The <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf"><em>teTeX Manual</em></a> is the main reference for teTeX specific information including configuration. A few notes on teTeX configuration are available below but are not intended to replace the manual.</p>
-+<p>teTeX is a unix TeX and LaTeX system assembled by Thomas Esser since <a href="http://tinyurl.com/6de5k">1994</a>. Its home page is located at <a href="http://www.tug.org/tetex/">http://www.tug.org/tetex/</a>. The <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf.gz"><em>teTeX Manual</em></a> is the main reference for teTeX specific information including configuration. A few notes on teTeX configuration are available below but are not intended to replace the manual.</p>
--<p>Queries about installing and maintaining the teTeX installation itself should be directed to the <em>teTeX mailing list</em>: (see the <a href="http://www.tug.org/tetex/">teTeX Homepage</a> for instructions) - but check the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/teTeX-FAQ">frequently-asked questions</a> list first. Questions about <em>using</em> LaTeX, TeX, etc., are best posted to the usenet newsgroup <tt><a href="news:comp.text.tex">comp.text.tex</a></tt> where they will receive attention from a worldwide readership.</p>
-+<p>Queries about installing and maintaining the teTeX installation itself should be directed to the <em>teTeX mailing list</em>: (see the <a href="http://www.tug.org/tetex/">teTeX Homepage</a> for instructions) - but check the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/teTeX-FAQ.gz">frequently-asked questions</a> list first. Questions about <em>using</em> LaTeX, TeX, etc., are best posted to the usenet newsgroup <tt><a href="news:comp.text.tex">comp.text.tex</a></tt> where they will receive attention from a worldwide readership.</p>
- <p>The documentation available through this page is provided as either plain text, html or in one of the 3 common formats for TeX related output described in the table below. Note that only the <tt>xdvi*</tt> software is distributed with teTeX.</p>
-@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@
- <li><b>Default engine</b>: pdfetex is now the default engine used for most formats (including latex).</li>
- <li><b>Multi-user</b>: texconfig / updmap / fmtutil can now be used in a multi-user environment.</li>
- </ul>
--<p>Refer to the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf"><em>teTeX Manual</em></a> for further details.
-+<p>Refer to the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf.gz"><em>teTeX Manual</em></a> for further details.
- </p>
- <h2><a name="features2">Main features in the 2.0 release</a></h2>
- <ul>
-@@ -208,14 +210,14 @@
- <p>teTeX is based on the <em>web2c</em>
- implementation of TeX, metafont, etc.
- Information on running the various programs is contained in
--<a href="programs/web2c.pdf">web2c.pdf</a>.
-+<a href="programs/web2c.pdf.gz">web2c.pdf</a>.
- All programs use a common, configurable, library for searching for
- files. The file
--<a href="programs/kpathsea.pdf">kpathsea.pdf</a>
-+<a href="programs/kpathsea.pdf.gz">kpathsea.pdf</a>
- gives details. Data file system trees for tex, metafont and related programs (texmf trees) in teTeX are structured according to the
--<em><a href="help/tds.dvi">TeX Directory
-+<em><a href="help/tds.dvi.gz">TeX Directory
- Structure (TDS)</a></em>. Available texmf trees, their location and
--purpose are set in the web2c configuration file <code><a href="../../texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf">texmf.cnf</a></code> and described there and in the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf">manual</a>.</p>
-+purpose are set in the web2c configuration file <code><a href="../../texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf">texmf.cnf</a></code> and described there and in the <a href="../../texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf.gz">manual</a>.</p>
- <p>Configuration options in teTeX can be set system-wide using the <code>texconfig-sys</code> utility, or at the user level by <code>texconfig</code>. This <code>*-sys</code> convention is also followed for created map files (<code>udpmap</code>) and format files (<code>fmtutil</code>). Files created by these utilities are stored in the appropriate texmf tree.</p>
-@@ -240,28 +242,28 @@
- <p>This distribution includes the classical <em>plain</em> and <em>LaTeX</em> macro packages as well as several more recent developments of TeX (and LaTeX).</p>
- <h3><a name="tex"><strong>TeX</strong></a></h3>
- <p>The original TeX described in the <cite>TeXbook</cite> by Donald E. Knuth.</p>
--<h3 id="enctex"><a href="generic/enctex/encdoc-e.dvi">encTeX</a></h3>
-+<h3 id="enctex"><a href="generic/enctex/encdoc-e.dvi.gz">encTeX</a></h3>
- <p>A backwards compatible extension to the original TeX allowing UTF-8 processing in 8-bit TeX.</p>
- <h3><a name="plain"><strong>plain</strong> TeX</a></h3>
- <p>The format described in the <cite>TeXbook</cite>.</p>
- <h3 id="eplain"><a href="http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/dorai/eplain/">Eplain</a></h3>
-- <p><a href="eplain/eplain.pdf">Eplain</a> is an extended version of plain TeX format.</p>
-+ <p><a href="eplain/eplain.pdf.gz">Eplain</a> is an extended version of plain TeX format.</p>
- <h3><a name="latex"><strong>LaTeX</strong></a></h3>
- <p>The extremely popular macro package originally by Leslie Lamport and described in <cite><a href="http://www.awprofessional.com/titles/0201529831">LaTeX, a document preparation system (2<sup>nd</sup> edition) </a></cite>. Currently LaTeX is developed by the <a href="http://www.latex-project.org/">LaTeX project</a> which has recently updated its description of additional capabilities in the <a href="http://www.awprofessional.com/titles/0201362996"><cite>LaTeX Companion (2<sup>nd</sup> edition)</cite></a>. Most entries below deal with LaTeX functionality.</p>
- <h3><a name="pdftex"><strong>PDFTeX</strong> and <strong>PDFLaTeX</strong></a></h3>
- <p>Han The Thanh’s TeX variant which can generate output in Adobe PDF
- format. Documentation is in the
-- <a href="pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf">PDFTeX manual</a>.
-+ <a href="pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf.gz">PDFTeX manual</a>.
- <h3><a name="omega"><strong>Omega</strong> and <strong>Lambda</strong></a></h3>
--<p>The <a href="omega/base/doc-1.12.ps">Omega</a>
-+<p>The <a href="omega/base/doc-1.12.ps.gz">Omega</a>
- system and the corresponding LaTeX format Lambda extend TeX for mixed multi-lingual typesetting using unicode. See the <a href="http://omega.enstb.org/">omega home page</a>.</p>
- <h3><a name="etex"><strong>ETeX</strong> and <strong>ELaTeX</strong></a></h3>
--<p><a href="etex/base/etex-man.pdf">e-TeX</a> adds several extensions
-+<p><a href="etex/base/etex-man.pdf.gz">e-TeX</a> adds several extensions
- to TeX notably right-to-left typesetting.</p>
- <h3><a name="aleph">Aleph</a></h3>
- <p>The <a href="http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=aleph">Aleph</a> project aims to build a "usable" version of Omega, incorporating ETeX extensions.</p>
- <h3><a name="context">ConTeXt</a></h3>
--<p>A relatively recent macro package for TeX by Hans Hagen. A ConTeXt specific package is included: <a href="context/ppchtex/mp-ch-en.pdf">PPCH<sub>TEX</sub></a> which allows typesetting chemical structure-formulas.</p>
-+<p>A relatively recent macro package for TeX by Hans Hagen. A ConTeXt specific package is included: <a href="context/ppchtex/mp-ch-en.pdf.gz">PPCH<sub>TEX</sub></a> which allows typesetting chemical structure-formulas.</p>
- <h2><a name="guides">Guides</a></h2>
-@@ -270,36 +272,36 @@
- <h3>LaTeX guides</h3>
-- <p>LaTeX2e is the recommended version of LaTeX, and the older version LaTeX 2.09 is obsolete. If you know LaTeX2.09 read about <a href="latex/base/usrguide.dvi">LaTeX2e vs LaTeX2.09</a> and why you should switch. There is one manual describing the LaTeX language itself, which may at a pinch substitute for a book, the <em><a href="latex/general/lshort.pdf">Not so short Introduction to LaTeX2e</a></em>. There is also a <a href="latex/tex-refs/latex.html">full reference manual</a> of LaTeX2e commands -- ideal for looking up a particular piece of formatting while writing a document (also available in <a href="latex/general/latex2e.dvi">dvi</a> format) and a table of <a href="latex/general/symbols.dvi">available mathematical symbols</a>. Either new or old users of LaTeX 2e should benefit from checking the <em><a href="latex/general/l2tabuen.pdf">Dos and don’ts of LaTeX 2e</a></em>.</p>
-+ <p>LaTeX2e is the recommended version of LaTeX, and the older version LaTeX 2.09 is obsolete. If you know LaTeX2.09 read about <a href="latex/base/usrguide.dvi.gz">LaTeX2e vs LaTeX2.09</a> and why you should switch. There is one manual describing the LaTeX language itself, which may at a pinch substitute for a book, the <em><a href="latex/general/lshort.pdf.gz">Not so short Introduction to LaTeX2e</a></em>. There is also a <a href="latex/tex-refs/latex.html">full reference manual</a> of LaTeX2e commands -- ideal for looking up a particular piece of formatting while writing a document (also available in <a href="latex/general/latex2e.dvi.gz">dvi</a> format) and a table of <a href="latex/general/symbols.dvi.gz">available mathematical symbols</a>. Either new or old users of LaTeX 2e should benefit from checking the <em><a href="latex/general/l2tabuen.pdf.gz">Dos and don’ts of LaTeX 2e</a></em>.</p>
-- <p>Most LaTeX books refer to a <em>local guide</em> to describe operating-system and implementation-dependent aspects, notably the commands to invoke LaTeX and how to preview and print documents. The document <em><a href="latex/general/guide.dvi">Running LaTeX and utilities on a Unix system</a></em> (also in <a href="latex/general/guide.ps">PostScript</a> form) is a good introduction to most of these topics.</p>
-+ <p>Most LaTeX books refer to a <em>local guide</em> to describe operating-system and implementation-dependent aspects, notably the commands to invoke LaTeX and how to preview and print documents. The document <em><a href="latex/general/guide.dvi.gz">Running LaTeX and utilities on a Unix system</a></em> (also in <a href="latex/general/guide.ps.gz">PostScript</a> form) is a good introduction to most of these topics.</p>
-- <p>There are <em>errata lists</em> available for two well-known books, the <a href="latex/base/manual.err"><em>LaTeX Book</em></a> and the <em>LaTeX Companion</em> <a href="latex/base/compan.err">(1st edition)</a> <a href="http://www.latex-project.org/guides/tlc2.err">(2nd edition)</a>.</p>
-+ <p>There are <em>errata lists</em> available for two well-known books, the <a href="latex/base/manual.err.gz"><em>LaTeX Book</em></a> and the <em>LaTeX Companion</em> <a href="latex/base/compan.err.gz">(1st edition)</a> <a href="http://www.latex-project.org/guides/tlc2.err">(2nd edition)</a>.</p>
- <p>The LaTeX project maintains a <a href="http://www.latex-project.org/guides/">documentation page</a> listing guides available through the web or in book form.</p>
- <h3>ConTeXt guides</h3>
--<p>teTeX includes a few ConTeXt guides: the main <a href="context/manual/cont-eni.pdf">ConTeXt manual</a>, a <a href="context/base/mreadme.pdf">readme</a> document, an <a href="context/base/minstall.pdf">installation guide</a> with information on the command line interface <code>texexec</code>, <a href="context/base/mtexexec.pdf">additional information on texexec</a>, an <a href="context/base/ms-cb-en.pdf">introductory document</a> and a <a href="context/base/setup-en.pdf">full list of commands</a>. Further documentation on ConTeXt is available from the <a href="http://www.pragma-ade.com/">PRAGMA</a> site.</p>
-+<p>teTeX includes a few ConTeXt guides: the main <a href="context/manual/cont-eni.pdf.gz">ConTeXt manual</a>, a <a href="context/base/mreadme.pdf.gz">readme</a> document, an <a href="context/base/minstall.pdf.gz">installation guide</a> with information on the command line interface <code>texexec</code>, <a href="context/base/mtexexec.pdf.gz">additional information on texexec</a>, an <a href="context/base/ms-cb-en.pdf.gz">introductory document</a> and a <a href="context/base/setup-en.pdf.gz">full list of commands</a>. Further documentation on ConTeXt is available from the <a href="http://www.pragma-ade.com/">PRAGMA</a> site.</p>
- <h2><a name="graphics">Graphics and Colour</a></h2>
--<p>A very common requirement is to include some kind of graphics as an external file (usually PostScript) into a LaTeX document. The definitive manual on how to do this is Keith Reckdahl’s excellent <em><a href="latex/graphics/epslatex.ps">Using imported graphics in LaTeX2e</a></em>. The document <em><a href="latex/graphics/grfguide.ps">Packages in the ‘graphics’ bundle</a></em> is the documentation on the recommended LaTeX2e <em>graphics</em> package, which includes information on how to use colours in the output.</p>
-+<p>A very common requirement is to include some kind of graphics as an external file (usually PostScript) into a LaTeX document. The definitive manual on how to do this is Keith Reckdahl’s excellent <em><a href="latex/graphics/epslatex.ps.gz">Using imported graphics in LaTeX2e</a></em>. The document <em><a href="latex/graphics/grfguide.ps.gz">Packages in the ‘graphics’ bundle</a></em> is the documentation on the recommended LaTeX2e <em>graphics</em> package, which includes information on how to use colours in the output.</p>
- <p>Other graphics related packages include:</p>
- <dl>
--<dt><a href="latex/psfrag/pfgguide.ps">psfrag</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/psfrag/pfgguide.ps.gz">psfrag</a></dt>
- <dd>
- Allows importing PostScript figures from any other package, but use LaTeX’s power for all of the mathematical and textual annotations. (But note that <tt>
- xfig</tt> allows you to do this anyway).
- </dd>
- <dt>
--<a href="generic/tex-ps/poligraf/README">poligraf</a>
-+<a href="generic/tex-ps/poligraf/README.gz">poligraf</a>
- </dt>
- <dd>Provides preparation of pages for prepress, color separation, cropmarks, color and gray scale bars, and mirror print. <a href="generic/tex-ps/poligraf/samplelx.tex">An example for LaTeX</a> and <a href="generic/tex-ps/poligraf/sample.tex">an example for plain</a> are available.
- </dd>
- <dt>
--<a href="latex/preview/preview.dvi">preview</a>
-+<a href="latex/styles/preview.dvi.gz">preview</a>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- This package is used by <a href="http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net/">preview-latex</a> for (x)emacs. It allows to produce tight (meaning with correct bounding box) eps images of typeset fragments like displayed formulas.
-@@ -308,10 +310,10 @@
- <a href="latex/ps4pdf/README">ps4pdf</a>
- </dt>
- <dd>
--A new way of dealing with Postscript commands (e.g. PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS graphics) inside pdflatex documents. See the <a href="latex/ps4pdf/ps4pdf-test.tex">test file</a>.
-+A new way of dealing with Postscript commands (e.g. PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS graphics) inside pdflatex documents. See the <a href="latex/ps4pdf/ps4pdf-test.tex.gz">test file</a>.
- </dd>
- <dt>
--<a href="latex/xcolor/xcolor.dvi">xcolor</a>
-+<a href="latex/xcolor/xcolor.dvi.gz">xcolor</a>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- Allows a user to select a document-wide target color model and offers tools for conversion between color models.
-@@ -331,60 +333,60 @@
- xfig</em> program (see the unix man page for details). However
- there are programmatic ways for more sophisticated work. These include:</p>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/eepic/eepic.dvi">eepic</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/eepic/eepic.dvi.gz">eepic</a></dt>
- <dd>A macro package for a much enhanced LaTeX "picture mode". Requires driver support for tpic <kbd>\special</kbd>s. Some drawing programs such as <em>
- xfig</em> can write their output as <b>eepic</b> macros.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/pict2e/pict2e.pdf">pict2e</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/pict2e/pict2e.pdf.gz">pict2e</a></dt>
- <dd>A redefinition of commands in the picture environment
- </dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/curves/curves.dvi">curves</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/curves/curves.dvi.gz">curves</a></dt>
- <dd>An enhancement of LaTeX’s picture mode to improve curve drawing.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/xypic/xyguide.pdf">xypic</a></dt>
-- <dd>there is also a <a href="generic/xypic/xyrefer.pdf">reference manual</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/texdraw/texdraw.ps">texdraw</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/xypic/xyguide.pdf.gz">xypic</a></dt>
-+ <dd>there is also a <a href="generic/xypic/xyrefer.pdf.gz">reference manual</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/texdraw/texdraw.ps.gz">texdraw</a></dt>
- <dd>There are examples in the directory <a href="generic/texdraw/">generic/texdraw/</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/pspicture.dvi">pspicture</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/pspicture.dvi.gz">pspicture</a></dt>
- <dd>Extend LaTeX <kbd>picture</kbd> drawing environment using PostScript \specials.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/multibox/multibox.sty">multibox</a></dt>
- <dd>Multiple boxes in pictures.</dd>
- <dt>Pstricks</dt>
- <dd>a set of macros for performing fancy twiddles
- using PostScript, such as drawing of geometrical objects, diagrams,
-- fancy boxes, grayscales, etc. There is a <em>User Guide</em> (
-- <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr1.ps">part 1</a>,
-- <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr2.ps">part 2</a>,
-- <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr3.ps">part 3</a>,
-- <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr4.ps">part 4</a>),
-- a <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-quik.ps">quick
-+ fancy boxes, grayscales, etc. There is a <em>User Guide</em>
-+ (<a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr1.ps.gz">part 1</a>,
-+ <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr2.ps.gz">part 2</a>,
-+ <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr3.ps.gz">part 3</a>,
-+ <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr4.ps.gz">part 4</a>),
-+ a <a href="generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-quik.ps.gz">quick
- reference</a> card, and lots of documentation in the <a href="generic/pstricks/">doc/generic/pstricks</a> directory. Documents inside the <tt>obsolete</tt> directory, including the manual and reference card, are indeed obsolete but still useful. See also the Pstricks web pages by <a href="http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/">Denis Girou</a> and <a href="http://pstricks.de/">Herbert Voss</a>. Several additions to Pstricks are available:
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pstricks-add-doc.pdf">pstricks-add</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pstricks-add-doc.pdf.gz">pstricks-add</a></dt>
- <dd>Various additions to the Pstricks macros.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-3dplot-doc.pdf">pst-3dplot</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-3dplot-doc.pdf.gz">pst-3dplot</a></dt>
- <dd>3d plotting.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-gr3d.pdf">pst-gr3d</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-gr3d.pdf.gz">pst-gr3d</a></dt>
- <dd>3d grids.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/vue3d-e.pdf">pst-vue3d</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/vue3d-e.pdf.gz">pst-vue3d</a></dt>
- <dd>3d views.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-blur.pdf">pst-blur</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-blur.pdf.gz">pst-blur</a></dt>
- <dd>Blurred shadows.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-circ-doc.pdf">pst-circ</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-circ-doc.pdf.gz">pst-circ</a></dt>
- <dd>Electric circuits.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-fill-doc.pdf">pst-fill</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-fill-doc.pdf.gz">pst-fill</a></dt>
- <dd>Filling and tiling.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-lens.pdf">pst-lens</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-lens.pdf.gz">pst-lens</a></dt>
- <dd>Simulating a lens over a graphic.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-math.pdf">pst-math</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-math.pdf.gz">pst-math</a></dt>
- <dd>Extra mathematical functions.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-osci.pdf">pst-osci</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-osci.pdf.gz">pst-osci</a></dt>
- <dd>Oscilloscope screenshots.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-poly.pdf">pst-poly</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-poly.pdf.gz">pst-poly</a></dt>
- <dd>Polygonal shapes.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-slpe.pdf">pst-slpe</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-slpe.pdf.gz">pst-slpe</a></dt>
- <dd>Color gradient extensions.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-uml-doc.pdf">pst-uml</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/pst-uml-doc.pdf.gz">pst-uml</a></dt>
- <dd>UML diagrams.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/psgomanual.pdf">psgo</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/pstricks/psgomanual.pdf.gz">psgo</a></dt>
- <dd>GO diagrams.</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
-@@ -393,8 +395,8 @@
- <dd>a development of Donald Knuth’s <em>METAFONT</em> program
- which produces PostScript rendition of fonts, diagrams, etc., rather than
- bitmapped versions. Documentation includes a
-- <a href="metapost/base/mpman.ps">manual</a> and a guide to
-- <a href="metapost/base/mpgraph.pdf">plotting graphs</a> using <em>METAPOST</em>.</dd>
-+ <a href="metapost/base/mpman.ps.gz">manual</a> and a guide to
-+ <a href="metapost/base/mpgraph.pdf.gz">plotting graphs</a> using <em>METAPOST</em>.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/treesvr/treedoc.dvi">trees</a></dt>
- <dd>Macros for drawing "tree" diagrams.</dd>
- <dt>overpic</dt>
-@@ -404,9 +406,9 @@
- Examples in
- <a href="latex/overpic/opic-abs.tex">opic-abs.tex</a> and
- <a href="latex/overpic/opic-rel.tex">opic-rel.tex</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/pb-diagram/pb-manual.dvi">pb-diagram</a></dt>
-- <dd>Commutative diagrams using an adaptative grid and variable arrows. Source <a href="latex/pb-diagram/pb-examples.tex">example</a> available.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/eclbip/ecltreesample.dvi">ecltree</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/pb-diagram/pb-manual.dvi.gz">pb-diagram</a></dt>
-+ <dd>Commutative diagrams using an adaptative grid and variable arrows. Source <a href="latex/pb-diagram/pb-examples.tex.gz">example</a> available.</dd>
-+<dt><a href="latex/eclbip/ecltreesample.dvi.gz">ecltree</a></dt>
- <dd>Tree like structures with words on nodes.</dd>
- </dl>
-@@ -427,7 +429,7 @@
- Network servers, abbreviated to <a href="http://www.ctan.org/search/?action=/search/">CTAN</a> (<a href="http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/scripts/CTAN/">locate a nearby CTAN node</a>).
- Here is the <a href="help/Catalogue/index.html">Catalogue</a>
- of packages available from CTAN. LaTeX itself and most of these packages
-- are released under the <a href="latex/base/lppl.txt">LaTeX
-+ are released under the <a href="latex/base/lppl.txt.gz">LaTeX
- Project Public License</a>.</p>
-@@ -435,9 +437,9 @@
- <h3><a name="general">Alternative classes and bundles</a></h3>
- <p>Most additional LaTeX classes and bundles listed in the following sections have a narrow scope and try to solve a very specific problem. A few try to offer full alternatives with respect to document design to the main LaTeX classes. Two examples with such a generic nature:</p>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/koma-script/scrguien.pdf">KOMA-script</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/koma-script/scrguien.pdf.gz">KOMA-script</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides drop-in replacements for the standard classes but also additional packages usable with LaTeX or KOMA-script classes. Inspired by german typographical traditions.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/memoir/memman.pdf">memoir</a></dt><dd>A bundle by Peter Wilson of some of his packages and other material allowing page, chapter and caption styles, typewriter appearance, facilities aimed at e-books,...</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/memoir/memman.pdf.gz">memoir</a></dt><dd>A bundle by Peter Wilson of some of his packages and other material allowing page, chapter and caption styles, typewriter appearance, facilities aimed at e-books,...</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>A large number of publishers of scientific books and journals provide their own latex styles, some of these under licenses that allow using them freely. Two such cases are included in teTeX:</p>
- <dl><dt><a href="#amsmath">amsmath</a>, <a href="#amsfonts">amsfonts</a>, <a href="#amscls">amsart</a>, <a href="#amscls">amsbook</a>, <a href="#amscls">amsproc</a>...</dt><dd>The <a href="http://www.ams.org/tex/amslatex.html">American Mathematical Society AMS-Math (AMS-LaTeX)</a> packages (see the <a href="#math">Mathematics</a> section below and the online <a href="http://www.ams.org/tex/amsmath-faq.html">FAQ</a>).</dd>
-@@ -446,42 +448,42 @@
- <h3><a name="structure">Document Structure</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/xr.dvi">xr</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/xr.dvi.gz">xr</a></dt>
- <dd> Page references to external documents.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/varioref.dvi">varioref</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/varioref.dvi.gz">varioref</a></dt>
- <dd> "Intelligent" page references.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/lastpage/lastpage.dvi">lastpage</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/lastpage/lastpage.dvi.gz">lastpage</a></dt>
- <dd> Reference the number of pages in your LaTeX document (as in a
- page footer that says: Page N of M).</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/totpages/totpages.dvi">totpages</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/totpages/totpages.dvi.gz">totpages</a></dt>
- <dd> Reference the <em>total</em> number of pages in your dvi document.</dd>
-- <dt id="hyperref"><a href="latex/hyperref/manual.pdf">hyperref</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="hyperref"><a href="latex/hyperref/manual.pdf.gz">hyperref</a></dt>
- <dd>Create hypertext documents in dvi, postscript or PDF form.
- Contents listings, references, bibliographic citations and URLs are
- converted to hyperlinks.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/dinbrief/dinbrief.dvi">dinbrief</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/dinbrief/dinbrief.dvi.gz">dinbrief</a></dt>
- <dd>The <kbd>dinbrief</kbd> document class (in German).</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/german/gerdoc.dvi">german</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/german/gerdoc.dvi.gz">german</a></dt>
- <dd>The <kbd>german</kbd> and <kbd>ngerman</kbd> document classes.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ntgclass/ntgclass.dvi">ntgclass</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ntgclass/ntgclass.dvi.gz">ntgclass</a></dt>
- <dd>Dutch document classes.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/minitoc/minitoc.dvi">minitoc</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/minitoc/minitoc.dvi.gz">minitoc</a></dt>
- <dd>Package to add a mini-"table of contents" to each chapter.
-- <a href="latex/minitoc/mini-art.tex">Example 1</a>,
-- <a href="latex/minitoc/minitoc-ex.tex">example 2</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/titlesec/titlesec.dvi">titlesec</a> </dt>
-+ <a href="latex/minitoc/mini-art.tex.gz">Example 1</a>,
-+ <a href="latex/minitoc/minitoc-ex.tex.gz">example 2</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/titlesec/titlesec.dvi.gz">titlesec</a> </dt>
- <dd>Customize the sectioning format of a document. </dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/index/index.dvi">index</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/index/index.dvi.gz">index</a> </dt>
- <dd>A different implementation of the LaTeX indexing commands. An <a href="latex/index/sample.tex">example</a> is included.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/abstract/abstract.dvi">abstract</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/abstract/abstract.dvi.gz">abstract</a> </dt>
- <dd>Extra options for the abstract, e.g. a one column abstract in a 2 column document.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/appendix/appendix.dvi">appendix</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/appendix/appendix.dvi.gz">appendix</a> </dt>
- <dd>Provides extra facilities for typesetting appendices.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/sectsty/sectsty.dvi">sectsty</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/sectsty/sectsty.dvi.gz">sectsty</a> </dt>
- <dd>Macros to customize sectional headings (section, chapter, etc.)</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tocloft/tocloft.dvi">tocloft</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tocloft/tocloft.dvi.gz">tocloft</a>
- <dd>Customize the table of contents or lists of figures or tables.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tocbibind/tocbibind.dvi">tocbibind</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tocbibind/tocbibind.dvi.gz">tocbibind</a></dt>
- <dd>Add document elements such as a bibliography or index to the table of contents.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/comment/comm_latest.tex">comment</a></dt>
- <dd>Test file for customizable comments using <tt>comment.sty</tt>.</dd>
-@@ -489,28 +491,28 @@
- <h3><a name="formatting">Formatting Tools</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/was/upgreek.dvi">upgreek</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/was/upgreek.dvi.gz">upgreek</a></dt>
- <dd>Upright lower case greek letters.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/tools/xspace.dvi">xspace</a></dt>
- <dd>Define commands that don’t eat spaces.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/verbatim.dvi">verbatim</a><a
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/verbatim.dvi.gz">verbatim</a><a
- name="verbatim"> </a></dt>
- <dd>A more robust implementation of the <kbd>verbatim</kbd> environment.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/moreverb/moreverb.dvi">moreverb</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/moreverb/moreverb.dvi.gz">moreverb</a></dt>
- <dd>An extension to the <a href="#verbatim">verbatim</a> package that
- can handle <kbd>TAB</kbd> expansion, can number lines in an
- included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.</dd>
-- <dt id="fancyvrb"><a href="latex/fancyvrb/fancyvrb.ps">fancyvrb</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="fancyvrb"><a href="latex/fancyvrb/fancyvrb.ps.gz">fancyvrb</a></dt>
- <dd>A comprehensive and customizable re-implementation of the
- <kbd>verbatim</kbd> environment. Allows specification of fonts,
- colours, <em>etc.</em>, line numbering, framing, <kbd>TAB</kbd>
- handling and conditional processing.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/fancyvrb/fvrb-ex.dvi">fvrb-ex</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/fancyvrb/fvrb-ex.dvi.gz">fvrb-ex</a></dt>
- <dd>An extension to <a href="#fancyvrb">fancyvrb</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/enumerate.dvi">enumerate</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/enumerate.dvi.gz">enumerate</a></dt>
- <dd>Adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which
- determines the style in which the counter is printed.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/was/icomma.dvi">icomma</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/was/icomma.dvi.gz">icomma</a></dt>
- <dd>Intelligent spacing around commas which corrects problems when the comma is used as a decimal separator.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/carlisle/comma.sty">comma</a></dt>
- <dd><kbd>\usepackage{comma}</kbd> defines the command
-@@ -524,79 +526,79 @@
- <dt><a href="latex/program/program.txt">program</a></dt>
- <dd>This package is for typesetting computer programs and
- algorithms. There is an example in
-- <a href="latex/program/program-demo.tex">program-demo.tex</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/textfit/textfit.dvi">textfit</a></dt>
-+ <a href="latex/program/program-demo.tex.gz">program-demo.tex</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/textfit/textfit.dvi.gz">textfit</a></dt>
- <dd>Package to support fitting of text to a given width of height
- by scaling the font.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/typehtml.dvi">typehtml</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/typehtml.dvi.gz">typehtml</a></dt>
- <dd>Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly from
- LaTeX.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/plain.txt">plain</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows the inclusion of plain tex markup in a LaTeX document. It
- defines the LaTeX environment <kbd>plain</kbd> which is used to
- enclose the plain tex to be included. </dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/amscls/amsrefs.pdf">amsrefs</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/amscls/amsrefs.pdf.gz">amsrefs</a></dt>
- <dd>An alternative to BibTeX included in the AMS classes allowing typesetting of bibliographic entries directly from LaTeX with records in a format similar to the one used in BibTeX .bib files. Extra documentation in the <a href="latex/amscls">latex/amscls</a> directory.</dd>
-- <dt id='natbib'><a href="latex/natbib/natbib.dvi">natbib</a></dt>
-+ <dt id='natbib'><a href="latex/natbib/natbib.dvi.gz">natbib</a></dt>
- <dd>Customizable citations. Can do almost any variant of
-- numerical or author-date style citations. There’s also a <a href="latex/natbib/natnotes.dvi">quick reference</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/footbib/footbib.dvi">footbib</a></dt>
-+ numerical or author-date style citations. There’s also a <a href="latex/natbib/natnotes.dvi.gz">quick reference</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/footbib/footbib.dvi.gz">footbib</a></dt>
- <dd>Citations as footnotes.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/natbib/bibentry.dvi">bibentry</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/natbib/bibentry.dvi.gz">bibentry</a></dt>
- <dd>Insert formatted bibliographic references inline in the text.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/paralist/paralist.dvi">paralist</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/paralist/paralist.dvi.gz">paralist</a></dt>
- <dd>Typeset lists within paragraphs.</dd>
-- <dt id="mdwtools"><a href="latex/mdwtools/README">MDW tools</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="mdwtools"><a href="latex/mdwtools/README.gz">MDW tools</a></dt>
- <dd>A collection of packages written by Mark Wooding including the next five entries. Documentation for other components can be found in the appropriate section in this document.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwlist.dvi">mdwlist</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwlist.dvi.gz">mdwlist</a></dt>
- <dd>Various list related environments. There is a more
- versatile <code>description</code> environment, and some stuff for
- making <code>compacted</code> lists (with no extra space between
- items).</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwtab.dvi">mdwtab</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwtab.dvi.gz">mdwtab</a></dt>
- <dd>A complete ground-up rewrite of LaTeX’s <code>tabular</code> and
- <code>array</code> environments. Has lots of advantages over
- the standard version, and over the version in <code>array.sty</code>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/footnote.dvi">footnote</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/footnote.dvi.gz">footnote</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides commands for saving executing footnotes.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/sverb.dvi">sverb</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/sverb.dvi.gz">sverb</a></dt>
- <dd>A bunch of macros for doing verbatim things.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/syntax.dvi">syntax</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/syntax.dvi.gz">syntax</a></dt>
- <dd>A load of commands for describing syntax. There is an
- environment for typesetting BNF grammars. </dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/acronym/acronym.dvi">acronym</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/acronym/acronym.dvi.gz">acronym</a></dt>
- <dd>Make sure all acronyms used are spelt out at least once.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/hyphenat/hyphenat.dvi">hyphenat</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/hyphenat/hyphenat.dvi.gz">hyphenat</a></dt>
- <dd>Improved control over hyphenation.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/ragged2e.dvi">ragged2e</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/ragged2e.dvi.gz">ragged2e</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides commands and environments for setting ragged text
- which are easy to configure to allow hyphenation.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/nomencl/nomencl.dvi">nomencl</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/nomencl/nomencl.dvi.gz">nomencl</a></dt>
- <dd>Package for preparing tables of nomenclature or glossaries.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/SIunits/SIunits.pdf">SIunits</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/SIunits/SIunits.pdf.gz">SIunits</a> </dt>
- <dd>Macros for typesetting SI units.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/units/units.dvi">units</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/units/units.dvi.gz">units</a></dt>
- <dd>Typesetting of physical/metric units.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/was/gensymb.dvi">gensymb</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/was/gensymb.dvi.gz">gensymb</a></dt>
- <dd>Unifying typographical conventions for measurement units in text and formulas.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/soul/soul.dvi">soul</a> </dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/soul/soul.dvi.gz">soul</a> </dt>
- <dd>Typeset text in a spaced-out or underlined fashion.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/ulem/ulem.sty">ulem</a></dt>
- <dd>Underlining styles.</dd>
- <dt id="framed"><a href="../tex/latex/framed/framed.sty">framed</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows defining framed or shaded regions that can be divided between different pages. The shaded environment requires the <i>color</i> package and the definition of <i>shadecolor</i>, e.g., <tt>\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{.9}</tt>. </dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/lettrine/lettrine.dvi">lettrine</a></dt>
--<dd>Allows dropped capitals at the beginning of a paragraph in different styles and adjustements. A <a href="latex/lettrine/demo.pdf">demo file</a> is available.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/listings/listings.dvi">listings</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/lettrine/lettrine.dvi.gz">lettrine</a></dt>
-+<dd>Allows dropped capitals at the beginning of a paragraph in different styles and adjustements. A <a href="latex/lettrine/demo.pdf.gz">demo file</a> is available.</dd>
-+<dt><a href="latex/listings/listings.dvi.gz">listings</a></dt>
- <dd>A source code printer.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/alphalph.pdf">alphalph</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/alphalph.pdf.gz">alphalph</a></dt>
- <dd>Numbering using letters.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/preprint/sublabel.dvi">sublabel</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/preprint/sublabel.dvi.gz">sublabel</a></dt>
- <dd>Subnumbering as in <em>4a, 4b, 4c, 4d</em>.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/preprint/authblk.dvi">authblk</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/preprint/authblk.dvi.gz">authblk</a></dt>
- <dd>A more versatile way to indicate author names and affiliations.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/shapepar/shapepar.dvi">shapepar</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/shapepar/shapepar.dvi.gz">shapepar</a></dt>
- <dd>A macro to typeset paragraphs in a specific shape. Check the same directory for examples and a shape generating python script.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../../texmf/doc/">texnames</a></dt>
- <dd>Macros to typeset the names of the TeX and METAFONT programs.</dd>
-@@ -608,12 +610,12 @@
- <h3><a name="layout">Page Layout</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt id="geometry"><a href="latex/geometry/geometry.pdf">geometry</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="geometry"><a href="latex/geometry/geometry.pdf.gz">geometry</a></dt>
- <dd>Customize page layout (page sizes) using an easy and flexible user interface. Example <a href="latex/geometry/sample.tex">sample.tex</a> generates a testpage.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.dvi">fancyhdr</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.dvi.gz">fancyhdr</a></dt>
- <dd>Support for sophisticated control of page headers and footers
- in LaTeX2e. It supercedes fancyheadings.
-- <dt id="footmisc"><a href="latex/footmisc/footmisc.dvi">footmisc</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="footmisc"><a href="latex/footmisc/footmisc.dvi.gz">footmisc</a></dt>
- <dd>Customize footnote numbering, style and presentation. </dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/footnpag/footnpag-user.dvi">footnpag</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1,
-@@ -626,41 +628,41 @@
- in the style <em>chapter</em>-<em>pagenumber</em>. So the pages
- of chapter 3 will be numbered 3-1, 3-2, ..., and the pages of
- appendix B will be numbered B-1, B-2, ...</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/layout.dvi">layout</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/layout.dvi.gz">layout</a></dt>
- <dd>Generate a test page showing the page layout.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/layouts/layman.dvi">layouts</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/layouts/layman.dvi.gz">layouts</a></dt>
- <dd>Draw display of page layout parameters.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/scale/scale.dvi">scale</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/scale/scale.dvi.gz">scale</a></dt>
- <dd>Rescales an entire document by 1.414 for photographic reduction.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/anysize/anysize.dvi">anysize</a></dt>
- <dd>Another package to set page sizes. Superceded by <a href="#geometry">geometry</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/fix2col.dvi">fix2col</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/fix2col.dvi.gz">fix2col</a></dt>
- <dd>Improves some deficiencies in LaTeX’s built-in two column output.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mparhack/mparhack.dvi">mparhack</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mparhack/mparhack.dvi.gz">mparhack</a></dt>
- <dd>Corrects some anomalies of <code>\marginpar</code>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/multicol.dvi">multicol</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/multicol.dvi.gz">multicol</a></dt>
- <dd>LaTeX package to mix single and multiple columns. Allows you
- to shift between two and one columns anywhere.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/multitoc.dvi">multitoc</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/multitoc.dvi.gz">multitoc</a></dt>
- <dd>Typeset tables of contents and lists of figures and tables
- in multi-column mode.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/ftnright.dvi">ftnright</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/ftnright.dvi.gz">ftnright</a></dt>
- <dd>Customize placement of footnotes in two column documents.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/picinpar/picinpar.dvi">picinpar</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/picinpar/picinpar.dvi.gz">picinpar</a></dt>
- <dd>Insert pictures into paragraphs. (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum does
- not recommend this package. <a href="#picins">Picins</a> is recommended instead.)</dd>
-- <dt id="picins"><a href="latex/picins/picins.txt">picins</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="picins"><a href="latex/picins/picins.txt.gz">picins</a></dt>
- <dd>Insert pictures into paragraphs.</dd>
-- <dt id="rotating"><a href="latex/rotating/rotating.dvi">rotating</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="rotating"><a href="latex/rotating/rotating.dvi.gz">rotating</a></dt>
- <dd>Environment to rotate text, figures etc. There are examples, as
-- <a href="latex/rotating/examples.tex">LaTeX</a> source and
-- <a href="latex/rotating/examples.dvi">dvi</a> or
-- <a href="latex/rotating/examples.ps">PostScript</a> output.</dd>
-+ <a href="latex/rotating/examples.tex.gz">LaTeX</a> source and
-+ <a href="latex/rotating/examples.dvi.gz">dvi</a> or
-+ <a href="latex/rotating/examples.ps.gz">PostScript</a> output.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.sty">wrapfig</a></dt>
- <dd>Wrap text around a figure or table.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/eso-pic/eso-pic.dvi">eso-pic</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/eso-pic/eso-pic.dvi.gz">eso-pic</a></dt>
- <dd>This package makes it easy to add some picture commands to every page.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/pdfpages/pdfpages.dvi">pdfpages</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/pdfpages/pdfpages.dvi.gz">pdfpages</a></dt>
- <dd>A pdflatex macro package for inclusion of external document pdf pages.</dd>
- <dt><a href="latex/extsizes/readme.extsizes">extsizes</a></dt>
- <dd>Extends LaTeX classes from the traditional 10pt, 11pt or 12pt text to 8pt, 9pt, 14pt, 17pt, or 20pt text needed in special circunstances.</dd>
-@@ -668,7 +670,7 @@
- <dd>A package to fully use a page leaving minimal margins.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../../texmf/doc/">vmargin</a></dt>
- <dd>An alternative way for dealing with paper sizes and margins.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/textpos/textpos.dvi">textpos</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/textpos/textpos.dvi.gz">textpos</a></dt>
- <dd>Absolute positioning on the page. Useful for posters.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/chngpage/chngpage.sty">chngpage</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows changing page layout in the middle of a document.</dd>
-@@ -685,64 +687,64 @@
- <h3><a name="appearance">Modifying document appearance</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/showkeys.dvi">showkeys</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/showkeys.dvi.gz">showkeys</a></dt>
- <dd>Print label, ref, cite and bib keys.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/showlabels/showlabels.dvi">showlabels</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/showlabels/showlabels.dvi.gz">showlabels</a></dt>
- <dd>Print <kbd>\label</kbd> arguments or equation numbers in margin
- at point of definition.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/changebar/changebar.dvi">changebar</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/changebar/changebar.dvi.gz">changebar</a></dt>
- <dd>Add "change bars" in a document margin using dvi \specials.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/crop/crop.dvi">crop</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/crop/crop.dvi.gz">crop</a></dt>
- <dd>Print crop marks.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/draftcopy/draftcopy.dvi">draftcopy</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/draftcopy/draftcopy.dvi.gz">draftcopy</a></dt>
- <dd>Overprint <kbd>DRAFT</kbd> on each page of document to
- indicate draft copy. The directory
- <a href="latex/draftcopy">latex/draftcopy/</a> has a number of
- examples.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/count1to.dvi">count1to</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/count1to.dvi.gz">count1to</a></dt>
- <dd>Sets some new counters for section selection.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/prelim2e.dvi">prelim2e</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/prelim2e.dvi.gz">prelim2e</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows marking of preliminary versions of a document in the
- output.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="generic/thumbpdf/readme.txt">thumbpdf</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/thumbpdf/readme.txt.gz">thumbpdf</a></dt>
- <dd>Support of thumbnails with pdfTeX, plain/LaTeX formats.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/hypbmsec.pdf">hypbmsec</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/hypbmsec.pdf.gz">hypbmsec</a></dt>
- <dd>Expands sectioning commands to allow replacing bookmarks in pdf documents if section titles are not suitable for that purpose.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/pagesel.pdf">pagesel</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/pagesel.pdf.gz">pagesel</a></dt>
- <dd>Output a subset of the pages in the document.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/hypcap.pdf">hypcap</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/hypcap.pdf.gz">hypcap</a></dt>
- <dd>Adjusting the anchor point of captions when using hyperref.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h3><a name="tables">Tables</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/array.dvi">array</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/array.dvi.gz">array</a></dt>
- <dd>An extended implementation of the array and tabular
- environments which implements options to format columns.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/longtable.dvi">longtable</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/longtable.dvi.gz">longtable</a></dt>
- <dd>Support for tables longer than a page.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/delarray.dvi">delarray</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/delarray.dvi.gz">delarray</a></dt>
- <dd>Add delimiters (parentheses, etc.) around arrays.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/supertab/supertabular.dvi">supertabular</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/supertab/supertabular.dvi.gz">supertabular</a></dt>
- <dd>A multi-page tables package.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/xtab/xtab.dvi">xtab</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/xtab/xtab.dvi.gz">xtab</a></dt>
- <dd>Another multi-page tables package extending <code>supertabular</code>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/dcolumn.dvi">dcolumn</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/dcolumn.dvi.gz">dcolumn</a></dt>
- <dd>Align on the decimal point of numbers in tabulars.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/hhline.dvi">hhline</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/hhline.dvi.gz">hhline</a></dt>
- <dd>Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays.
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/tabularx.dvi">tabularx</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/tabularx.dvi.gz">tabularx</a>
- <dd>Tabulars that widen automatically.
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/ltxtable.dvi">ltxtable</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/ltxtable.dvi.gz">ltxtable</a>
- <dd>Longtable combined with tabularx.
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/colortbl.ps">colortbl</a><a name="colortbl"> </a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/colortbl.ps.gz">colortbl</a><a name="colortbl"> </a>
- <dd>Add colour to LaTeX tables.
-- <dt><a href="latex/booktabs/booktabs.dvi">booktabs</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/booktabs/booktabs.dvi.gz">booktabs</a>
- <dd>A package to lay out tables in high-quality (according to the
- author’s opinion) book form.
- <dt><a href="latex/slashbox/slashbox.tex">slashbox</a></dt>
- <dd>Typeset a box with a diagonal divider for table headings.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/blkarray.dvi">blkarray</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/carlisle/blkarray.dvi.gz">blkarray</a></dt>
- <dd>A new and experimental way of dealing with arrays.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/threeparttable/threeparttable.sty">threeparttable</a></dt>
- <dd>Tables with captions and notes.</dd>
-@@ -756,53 +758,53 @@
- <p><em>Floats</em> are environments like <kbd>figure</kbd> and <kbd>table</kbd> which move text, <em>etc.</em>, around in the document.</p>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/afterpage.dvi">afterpage</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/afterpage.dvi.gz">afterpage</a>
- <dd>Implements a command that causes the commands specified in its
- argument to be expanded after the current page is
- output. Useful to flush floats, for example
-- <dt><a href="latex/float/float.dvi">float</a><a name="float"> </a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/float/float.dvi.gz">float</a><a name="float"> </a>
- <dd>Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as
- figures and tables. Introduces the boxed float and the ruled float.
-- <dt><a href="latex/subfig/subfig.dvi">subfig</a> (and <a href="latex/subfigure/subfigure.dvi">subfigure</a>)</dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/subfig/subfig.dvi.gz">subfig</a> (and <a href="latex/subfigure/subfigure.dvi.gz">subfigure</a>)</dt>
- <dd>Figures divided into subfigures. Due to lack of full backward compatibility of <code>subfig</code>, relatively to the currently <a href="latex/subfigure/README.obsolete">obsolete</a> and differently named version (<code>subfigure</code>), both are available. In new documents use <code>subfig</code>. Examples for <code>subfig</code> in the same <a href="latex/subfig">directory</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/endfloat/endfloat.dvi">endfloat</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/endfloat/endfloat.dvi.gz">endfloat</a>
- <dd>Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document.
- <dt><a href="latex/placeins/placeins.txt">placeins</a>
- <dd>Keeps floats "in their place", preventing them from
- floating past a <code>\FloatBarrier</code> command into another
- section.
-- <dt><a href="latex/caption/manual.dvi">caption</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/caption/manual.dvi.gz">caption</a></dt>
- <dd>Extend caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as
- the caption width, style, font.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ccaption/ccaption.dvi">ccaption</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ccaption/ccaption.dvi.gz">ccaption</a></dt>
- <dd>Commands for <em>continuation captions</em>,
- unnumbered captions, and a legend heading for any environment.</dd>
-- <dt id="sidecap"><a href="latex/sidecap/sidecap.dvi">sidecap</a>
-+ <dt id="sidecap"><a href="latex/sidecap/sidecap.dvi.gz">sidecap</a>
- <dd>Defines new LaTeX environments called SCfigure and SCtable
- (analogous to figure and table), to typeset captions sideways.
- leftcaption and rightcaption.
-- <dt><a href="latex/floatflt/floatflt.dvi">floatflt</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/floatflt/floatflt.dvi.gz">floatflt</a>
- <dd>Float text around figures and tables which do not span the
- full width of a page. This is an improved version of floatfig.
-- <a href="latex/floatflt/floatexm.dvi">Examples</a>, latex
-- <a href="latex/floatflt/floatexm.tex">source</a>, precursor package
-- <a href="latex/floatflt/floatfge.dvi">floatfig</a>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/rotfloat/rotfloat.dvi">rotfloat</a>
-+ <a href="latex/floatflt/floatexm.dvi.gz">Examples</a>, latex
-+ <a href="latex/floatflt/floatexm.tex.gz">source</a>, precursor package
-+ <a href="latex/floatflt/floatfge.dvi.gz">floatfig</a>.
-+ <dt><a href="latex/rotfloat/rotfloat.dvi.gz">rotfloat</a>
- <dd>Combines <a href="#rotating"><kbd>rotating</kbd></a> package
- with enhanced float facilities of <a href="#float"><kbd>float</kbd></a>.
- Examples:
-- LaTeX <a href="latex/rotfloat/examples.tex">source</a> and
-- <a href="latex/rotfloat/examples.ps">output</a>.
--<dt><a href="latex/preprint/figcaps.dvi">figcaps</a></dt>
-+ LaTeX <a href="latex/rotfloat/examples.tex.gz">source</a> and
-+ <a href="latex/rotfloat/examples.ps.gz">output</a>.
-+<dt><a href="latex/preprint/figcaps.dvi.gz">figcaps</a></dt>
- <dd>A package to put figures and tables at the end of an article.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h3><a name="fonts">Fonts and Supporting Packages</a></h3>
--<p>In addition to the preinstalled fonts, see the section on using <a href="fontinst/fontinstallationguide.pdf">fontinst</a> to install new fonts, especially PostScript Type 1 fonts and the <a href="fonts/fontname/fontname.dvi">font naming conventions</a>.</p>
-+<p>In addition to the preinstalled fonts, see the section on using <a href="fontinst/fontinstallationguide.pdf.gz">fontinst</a> to install new fonts, especially PostScript Type 1 fonts and the <a href="fonts/fontname/fontname.dvi.gz">font naming conventions</a>.</p>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/psnfss/psnfss2e.pdf">psnfss</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/psnfss/psnfss2e.pdf.gz">psnfss</a></dt>
- <dd>A package collection providing the LaTeX2e font selection scheme for standard Postscript fonts. Includes how to invoke several styles using standard Postscript fonts (Times, Helvetica, Palatino,...) and some free fonts (Charter, Utopia, Pazo) instead of the cm font family.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/lm/0info092.txt">Latin Modern (LM)</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/lm/0info092.txt.gz">Latin Modern (LM)</a></dt>
- <dd>A pre-release version of the Latin Modern family of Postscript type 1 fonts wich extentends the CM family with lots of additional (mainly accented) characters.</dd>
- <dt><a href="fonts/ae/README">ae</a>
- <dd>A set of virtual fonts designed to be a close approximation to
-@@ -810,31 +812,31 @@
- possible to use the existing Type1 versions of the CM fonts to
- produce PDF files even when one needs hyphenation patterns other
- than English. See also <a href="fonts/ae/README2">aecompl</a>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/fontsmpl.dvi">fontsmpl</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/fontsmpl.dvi.gz">fontsmpl</a>
- <dd>Print a sample of a font.
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/rawfonts.dvi">rawfonts</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/rawfonts.dvi.gz">rawfonts</a>
- <dd>Emulation of LaTeX 2.09 low-level font commands, eg \tenrm.
- <dt><a href="latex/pslatex/00readme.txt">pslatex</a></dt>
- <dd>LaTeX with a mix of the standard Postscript fonts. Available as a package or a command.</dd>
-- <dt id="beton"><a href="latex/beton/beton.dvi">beton</a>
-+ <dt id="beton"><a href="latex/beton/beton.dvi.gz">beton</a>
- <dd>Typeset a LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by
- Don Knuth and used in his book <em>Concrete Mathematics</em>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/ccfonts/ccfonts.dvi">ccfonts</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ccfonts/ccfonts.dvi.gz">ccfonts</a>
- <dd>LaTeX font definition files for the Concrete fonts and a LaTeX
- package for typesetting documents using Concrete as the
- default font family.
-- <dt><a href="fonts/cmbright/cmbright.dvi">cmbright</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/cmbright/cmbright.dvi.gz">cmbright</a></dt>
- <dd>Use the "Computer Modern bright" font family.</dd>
- <dt>Y&Y support</dt>
- <dd>teTeX contains support for several font families from <a href="http://www.yandy.com/">Y&Y</a>. Such fonts are <b>not</b> a part of teTeX and must be purchased separately. Support packages include:
- <dl>
-- <dt id="mathtime"><a href="latex/mathtime/mathtime.dvi">mathtime</a></dt>
-+ <dt id="mathtime"><a href="latex/mathtime/mathtime.dvi.gz">mathtime</a></dt>
- <dd>Support for the Mathtime fonts. Note that if you really want to use the mathtime fonts you need to reverse the change described in the <a href="fonts/belleek/README">belleek fonts README</a> file.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mt11p/mt11p.dvi">mt11p</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mt11p/mt11p.dvi.gz">mt11p</a></dt>
- <dd>Support for the Mathtime and MathtimePlus fonts.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/psnfssx/lucidabr.txt">lucidabr</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/psnfssx/lucidabr.txt.gz">lucidabr</a></dt>
- <dd>Support for the Lucida Bright fonts. See also <a href="fonts/bh/lucida.txt">lucida</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/psnfssx/ly1.txt">LY1</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/psnfssx/ly1.txt.gz">LY1</a>
- <dd>Support for the <tt><em>texnansi</em></tt> encoding as used by default in the Y&Y TeX system. There is also an option to support the <tt><em>ansinew</em></tt> encoding that is the default encoding in Microsoft Windows.</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
-@@ -846,18 +848,18 @@
- text and math mode.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/bezos/dotlessi.sty">dotlessi</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides dotless i’s and j’s for use in any math font.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mflogo/mflogo.dvi">mflogo</a> <dd>LaTeX package and
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mflogo/mflogo.dvi.gz">mflogo</a> <dd>LaTeX package and
- font definition file to access the Knuthian <tt>logo</tt> fonts
- described in <em>The MetaFontbook</em> and the MetaFont and MetaPost logos in
- LaTeX documents.
-- <dt><a href="latex/concmath/concmath.dvi">Concrete Math</a> fonts <dd>A set of math fonts for use with Donald Knuth’s <a href="#beton">concrete</a> text fonts. <dt>concrete
-+ <dt><a href="latex/concmath/concmath.dvi.gz">Concrete Math</a> fonts <dd>A set of math fonts for use with Donald Knuth’s <a href="#beton">concrete</a> text fonts. <dt>concrete
- <dd>This package simply includes the <a href="#beton">beton</a>
- and <a href="#euler">euler</a> packages for an approximation of
- the style in <cite>Concrete Mathematics</cite>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/mathcomp/mathcomp.dvi">mathcomp</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mathcomp/mathcomp.dvi.gz">mathcomp</a>
- <dd>A package for using the <em>Text Companion</em> fonts in math mode.
- (For example to get an upright "mu".)
-- <dt><a href="latex/type1cm/type1cm.txt">type1cm</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/type1cm/type1cm.txt.gz">type1cm</a>
- <dd>Allows the use
- of Computer Modern fonts at arbitrary type sizes instead of the
- usual discrete magsteps.
-@@ -865,33 +867,33 @@
- <dd>Makes available the <code>\scalefont</code> command to scale the current font and baselineskip.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/relsize/relsize.sty">relsize</a></dt>
- <dd>Several ways to rescale fonts.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/yfonts/readme">yfonts</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/yfonts/readme.gz">yfonts</a>
- <dd>A LaTeX
- interface to the old-german fonts designed by Yannis
-- Haralambous. <dt><a href="latex/mfnfss/oldgerm.dvi">oldgerm</a></dt>
-+ Haralambous. <dt><a href="latex/mfnfss/oldgerm.dvi.gz">oldgerm</a></dt>
- <dd>German handwriting fonts.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/wasysym/wasysym.dvi">wasysym</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/wasysym/wasysym.dvi.gz">wasysym</a></dt>
- <dd>This package defines LaTeX commands to insert the symbols in
-- the <a href="latex/wasysym/wasydoc.dvi">wasysym</a> font set.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/stmaryrd/stmaryrd.dvi">stmaryrd</a></dt>
-+ the <a href="latex/wasysym/wasydoc.dvi.gz">wasysym</a> font set.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/stmaryrd/stmaryrd.dvi.gz">stmaryrd</a></dt>
- <dd>The "St Mary’s Road" symbol fonts.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/marvosym/marvodoc.pdf">marvodoc</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/marvosym/marvodoc.pdf.gz">marvodoc</a></dt>
- <dd>The Martin Vogel symbol fonts.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/cmtt.dvi">cmtt</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/cmtt.dvi.gz">cmtt</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides an <code>mTT</code> encoding for the Computer Modern
- Typewriter font, which solves lots of messy problems.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/mathpazo/README.txt">mathpazo</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/mathpazo/README.txt.gz">mathpazo</a></dt>
- <dd>The mathpazo fonts and style. This allows mixing the Palatino font for text with suitable fonts in formulas.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/pxfonts/pxfontsdocA4.pdf">pxfonts</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/pxfonts/pxfontsdocA4.pdf.gz">pxfonts</a></dt>
- <dd>Another fonts and style package centered on Palatino for roman text, Helvetica for sans serif, extra or modified fonts for math,..., offering a full alternative to the use of the <em>cm</em> font family.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/txfonts/txfontsdocA4.pdf">txfonts</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/txfonts/txfontsdocA4.pdf.gz">txfonts</a></dt>
- <dd>Another fonts and style package centered on Times for roman text,..., offering a full alternative to the use of the <em>cm</em> font family.</dd>
--<dt><a href="fonts/cbgreek/cbgreek.txt">cbgreek</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="fonts/cbgreek/cbgreek.txt.gz">cbgreek</a></dt>
- <dd>Greek text fonts.</dd>
--<dt><a href="fonts/eurosym/testeuro.dvi">eurosym</a></dt>
--<dd>An officially looking euro currency symbol. Typeset the <a href="fonts/eurosym/testeuro.tex">documentation</a> for testing.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/microtype/microtype.dvi">microtype</a></dt>
--<dd>Micro typographic adjustements with pdflatex. A <a href="latex/microtype/test-microtype.tex">test file</a> is included.</dd>
-+<dt><a href="fonts/eurosym/testeuro.dvi.gz">eurosym</a></dt>
-+<dd>An officially looking euro currency symbol. Typeset the <a href="fonts/eurosym/testeuro.tex.gz">documentation</a> for testing.</dd>
-+<dt><a href="latex/microtype/microtype.dvi.gz">microtype</a></dt>
-+<dd>Micro typographic adjustements with pdflatex. A <a href="latex/microtype/test-microtype.tex.gz">test file</a> is included.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>For special purpose math fonts see also the next section.</p>
-@@ -903,79 +905,79 @@
- <cite>The LaTeX Companion, 2<sup>nd</sup> edition</cite> (<a href="http://www.latex-project.org/guides/tlc2-ch0.pdf">table of contents</a>).</p>
- <dl>
-- <dt id='amsmath'><a href="latex/amsmath/amsldoc.pdf">amsmath</a></dt>
-+ <dt id='amsmath'><a href="latex/amsmath/amsldoc.pdf.gz">amsmath</a></dt>
- <dd>User guide for AMS-LaTeX as implemented in the amsmath
- package. Also see the documents in the directory <a href="latex/amsmath/">latex/amsmath/</a>.</dd>
-- <dt id='amscls'><a href="latex/amscls/instr-l.pdf">amsart, amsbook, amsproc</a></dt>
-+ <dt id='amscls'><a href="latex/amscls/instr-l.pdf.gz">amsart, amsbook, amsproc</a></dt>
- <dd>Instructions for the AMS classes used in its journals and monographs. Templates are available for <a href="latex/amscls/amsart.template">articles</a>, <a href="latex/amscls/amsbook.template">books</a> and <a href="latex/amscls/amsproc.template">proceedings</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/theorem.dvi">theorem</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/theorem.dvi.gz">theorem</a></dt>
- <dd>Enhancements to the theorem environments, giving more choice
- in theorem layout.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/ntheorem/ntheorem.pdf">ntheorem</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ntheorem/ntheorem.pdf.gz">ntheorem</a></dt>
- <dd>Additional enhancements to the theorem environments, including endmark placement and creation of theorem lists.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf">amsthm</a></dt>
-- <dd>An alternative theorem package which is part of the AMS classes and is different from the theorem package above providing several useful enhancements. A test file (<a href="latex/amscls/thmtest.tex">source</a>, <a href="latex/amscls/thmtest.pdf">output</a>) is available.</dd>
-- <dt id='amsfonts'><a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfndoc.dvi">amsfonts</a>
-- <dd>Documentation for the AMS mathematical font set. See also the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.dvi">package documentation</a>, the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.bug">bug list</a> and the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.faq">frequently-asked questions list</a>.</dd>
-- <dt id='empheq'><a href="latex/mh/empheq.dvi">empheq</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf.gz">amsthm</a></dt>
-+ <dd>An alternative theorem package which is part of the AMS classes and is different from the theorem package above providing several useful enhancements. A test file (<a href="latex/amscls/thmtest.tex.gz">source</a>, <a href="latex/amscls/thmtest.pdf.gz">output</a>) is available.</dd>
-+ <dt id='amsfonts'><a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfndoc.dvi.gz">amsfonts</a>
-+ <dd>Documentation for the AMS mathematical font set. See also the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.dvi.gz">package documentation</a>, the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.bug.gz">bug list</a> and the <a href="fonts/amsfonts/amsfonts.faq.gz">frequently-asked questions list</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt id='empheq'><a href="latex/mh/empheq.dvi.gz">empheq</a></dt>
- <dd>Visual markup extensions to amsmath.</dd>
-- <dt id='mathtools'><a href="latex/mh/mathtools.dvi">mathtools</a></dt>
-+ <dt id='mathtools'><a href="latex/mh/mathtools.dvi.gz">mathtools</a></dt>
- <dd>Additional extensions and improvements to amsmath.</dd>
-- <dt id="bm"><a href="latex/tools/bm.dvi">bm</a><a name="bm"> </a></dt>
-+ <dt id="bm"><a href="latex/tools/bm.dvi.gz">bm</a><a name="bm"> </a></dt>
- <dd>The <strong>right</strong> way to make bold mathematical symbols.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/bbold/bbold.dvi">bbold</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/bbold/bbold.dvi.gz">bbold</a></dt>
- <dd>Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with LaTeX support.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/dstroke/dsdoc.dvi">dstroke</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/dstroke/dsdoc.dvi.gz">dstroke</a></dt>
- <dd>Double stroke fonts designed to be similar to Computer Modern.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="fonts/dstroke/dsdoc.dvi">dsfont</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/dstroke/dsdoc.dvi.gz">dsfont</a></dt>
- <dd>Double-stroke maths fonts. Declares the macro
- <kbd>\mathds{}</kbd> to use double-stroke roman fonts. Package
- option <kbd>sans</kbd> uses sans-serif version.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/bezos/accents.dvi">accents</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/bezos/accents.dvi.gz">accents</a></dt>
- <dd>Various extensions for mathematical accents.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/euler/euler.dvi">euler</a><a name="euler"> </a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/euler/euler.dvi.gz">euler</a><a name="euler"> </a>
- <dd>Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for
- math in LaTeX documents.
-- <dt><a href="fonts/amsfonts/eufrak.dvi">eufrak</a>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/amsfonts/eufrak.dvi.gz">eufrak</a>
- <dd>Use the Euler Fraktur symbols.
-- <dt><a href="fonts/amsfonts/euscript.dvi">euscript</a>
-+ <dt><a href="fonts/amsfonts/euscript.dvi.gz">euscript</a>
- <dd>Substitute the usual math calligraphic characters with Euler
- script equivalents.
- <dt><a href="latex/jknappen/mathrsfs.rme">mathrsfs</a>
- <dd>This package defines the command <kbd>\mathscr{ABC}</kbd>
- which typesets symbols such as Hamiltonians using the Ralph
- Smith Formal Script (rsfs) calligraphic fonts.
-- <dt><a href="amstex/amsguide.dvi">amsguide</a>
-- <dd>User guide for AMS-TeX (the original plain TeX mathematics package). See also the <a href="amstex/joyerr.tex">errata for its manual</a>, <em>The Joy of TeX</em>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/leftidx/leftidx.dvi">leftidx</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="amstex/amsguide.dvi.gz">amsguide</a>
-+ <dd>User guide for AMS-TeX (the original plain TeX mathematics package). See also the <a href="amstex/joyerr.tex.gz">errata for its manual</a>, <em>The Joy of TeX</em>.
-+ <dt><a href="latex/leftidx/leftidx.dvi.gz">leftidx</a></dt>
- <dd>Left sub and superscripts in mathematical mode. Their vertical position is adjusted according to the height of the symbol they precede.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/was/fixmath.dvi">fixmath</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/was/fixmath.dvi.gz">fixmath</a></dt>
- <dd>Uppercase greek letters in italics inside formulas.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwtab.dvi">mathenv</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwtab.dvi.gz">mathenv</a></dt>
- <dd>A collection of mathematical environments with
- a theme of aligning things in columns.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwmath.dvi">mdwmath</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/mdwmath.dvi.gz">mdwmath</a></dt>
- <dd>Contains a few trivial definitions for mathematical
- things. The main thing is that the <code>\sqrt</code> command for
- doing square roots has been improved.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/esint/esint.dvi">esint</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/esint/esint.dvi.gz">esint</a></dt>
- <dd>Generalization of a number of integral signs using cm fonts.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h3><a name="languages">Multilingual LaTeX</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="generic/babel/user.dvi">babel</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/babel/user.dvi.gz">babel</a></dt>
- <dd>This package supports multilingual documents in many
-- languages. Some articles on babel that appeared in <a href="http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/">TUGBoat</a>: <a href="generic/babel/tb1202.dvi">tb1202</a>, <a href="generic/babel/tb1401.dvi">tb1401</a>, <a href="generic/babel/tb1604.dvi">tb1604</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/platex/polski.dvi">platex</a></dt>
-+ languages. Some articles on babel that appeared in <a href="http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/">TUGBoat</a>: <a href="generic/babel/tb1202.dvi.gz">tb1202</a>, <a href="generic/babel/tb1401.dvi.gz">tb1401</a>, <a href="generic/babel/tb1604.dvi.gz">tb1604</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/platex/polski.dvi.gz">platex</a></dt>
- <dd>Polish support. See also <a href="latex/platex/platex.html">html documentation</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mwcls/mwclsdoc.pdf">mwcls</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mwcls/mwclsdoc.pdf.gz">mwcls</a></dt>
- <dd>Styles supporting polish typographical conventions.</dd>
--<dt><a href="latex/eo/readme.dvi">eo</a></dt>
-+<dt><a href="latex/eo/readme.dvi.gz">eo</a></dt>
- <dd>Esperanto support in LaTeX. See other files in the same directory.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/base/inputenc.dvi">inputenc</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/base/inputenc.dvi.gz">inputenc</a>
- <dd>Allows use of 8-bit character sets in source documents.
-- <dt><a href="latex/base/cyrguide.dvi">cyrillic</a><a name="cyrillic"> </a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/base/cyrguide.dvi.gz">cyrillic</a><a name="cyrillic"> </a>
- <dd>Package for using cyrillic fonts. <dt>T2 <dd>Another font
- encoding for Cyrillic.
- <dt>MLTeX</dt>
-@@ -986,17 +988,17 @@
- <h3><a name="alternative">Additional or alternative "document" types</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/beamer/beameruserguide.pdf">beamer</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/beamer/beameruserguide.pdf.gz">beamer</a></dt>
- <dd>A LaTeX style for presentations using a projector or transparencies. Besides the userguide look at the contents of the <a href="latex/beamer/examples">examples</a> and <a href="latex/beamer/solutions">solutions</a> (templates) directories.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/seminar/sem-user.dvi">seminar</a></dt>
-- <dd>A LaTeX style for overhead transparencies and notes. <a href="latex/seminar/semsamp1.tex">Example 1</a>, <a href="latex/seminar/semsamp2.tex">Example 2</a>. List of <a href="latex/seminar/Seminar-FAQ.html">frequently asked questions</a>. List of <a href="latex/seminar/Seminar-Bugs.html">known bugs</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/exam/examdoc.dvi">examdoc</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/seminar/sem-user.dvi.gz">seminar</a></dt>
-+ <dd>A LaTeX style for overhead transparencies and notes. <a href="latex/seminar/semsamp1.tex">Example 1</a>, <a href="latex/seminar/semsamp2.tex.gz">Example 2</a>. List of <a href="latex/seminar/Seminar-FAQ.html">frequently asked questions</a>. List of <a href="latex/seminar/Seminar-Bugs.html">known bugs</a>.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/exam/examdoc.dvi.gz">examdoc</a></dt>
- <dd>Style for preparing examination papers.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/currvita/currvita.dvi">currvita</a></dt>
-- <dd>Style for preparing <em>curriculum vitae</em>. A <a href="latex/currvita/cvtest.tex">test file</a> is included.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/labels/labels.dvi">labels</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/currvita/currvita.dvi.gz">currvita</a></dt>
-+ <dd>Style for preparing <em>curriculum vitae</em>. A <a href="latex/currvita/cvtest.tex.gz">test file</a> is included.</dd>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/labels/labels.dvi.gz">labels</a>
- <dd>A package for making sticky labels in LaTeX.
-- <dt><a href="latex/textmerg/textmerg.dvi">textmerg</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/textmerg/textmerg.dvi.gz">textmerg</a>
- <dd>Package for creating "text merges" (like wordprocessor mail
- merge letters) in LaTeX. The directory
- <a href="latex/textmerg/">latex/textmerg</a>
-@@ -1005,47 +1007,47 @@
- <h3><a name="packageprogramming">Programming, Package Authoring</a></h3>
- <dl>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/at.dvi">at</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/at.dvi.gz">at</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows you to use ‘@’ as a sort of "command-introducing" character, a bit like ‘\’ is already.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/doafter.dvi">doafter</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mdwtools/doafter.dvi.gz">doafter</a></dt>
- <dd>Provides a TeX programmer’s utility \doafter <token>
- <group> which does the <token> after the group
- is complete, including any \aftergroup things.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/base/ifthen.dvi">ifthen</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/base/ifthen.dvi.gz">ifthen</a>
- <dd>Defines <em>if/then/else</em> macros for conditional text.
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/calc.dvi">calc</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/calc.dvi.gz">calc</a>
- <dd>Package for infix arithmetic notation in LaTeX.
-- <dt><a href="latex/fp/readme.fp">fp</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/fp/readme.fp.gz">fp</a>
- <dd>Fixed-point arithmetic package for TeX and LaTeX
-- <dt><a href="latex/graphics/keyval.dvi">keyval</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/graphics/keyval.dvi.gz">keyval</a>
- <dd>Provides support for writing keyword-style arguments to
- packages. Used by <a href="#graphics">graphics</a>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/somedefs.dvi">somedefs</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/somedefs.dvi.gz">somedefs</a>
- <dd>A "programmer’s toolkit" for package writers.
-- <dt><a href="latex/tools/fileerr.dvi">fileerr</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/tools/fileerr.dvi.gz">fileerr</a>
- <dd>Implementation of an error handler for "file-not-found"
- errors.
-- <dt><a href="generic/localloc/localloc.dvi">localloc</a>
-+ <dt><a href="generic/localloc/localloc.dvi.gz">localloc</a>
- <dd>Enhanced register-allocation macros.
-- <dt><a href="latex/base/doc.dvi">doc</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/base/doc.dvi.gz">doc</a>
- <dd>Literate Programming for package writers --
- The combined LaTeX package-code/documentation suite.
-- <dt><a href="latex/base/docstrip.dvi">docstrip</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/base/docstrip.dvi.gz">docstrip</a>
- <dd>Package to build stripped-down version of package files for
- speed.
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/everysel.dvi">everysel</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/everysel.dvi.gz">everysel</a>
- <dd>This package provides hooks into the NFSS command
- \selectfont called <tt>\EverySelectfont</tt> and
- <tt>\AtNextSelectfont</tt> analogous to <tt>\AtBeginDocument</tt>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/ms/everyshi.dvi">everyshi</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/ms/everyshi.dvi.gz">everyshi</a>
- <dd>This package defines a new command <tt>\EveryShipout</tt> analogous to <tt>\AtBeginDocument</tt>.
-- <dt><a href="latex/stdclsdv/stdclsdv.dvi">stdclsdv</a>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/stdclsdv/stdclsdv.dvi.gz">stdclsdv</a>
- <dd>Macros to interact with sectional divisions of standard LaTeX classes.
-- <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/twoopt.pdf">twoopt</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/oberdiek/twoopt.pdf.gz">twoopt</a></dt>
- <dd>Enables macros with <em>two</em> optional arguments.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/mh/mhsetup.dvi">mhsetup</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/mh/mhsetup.dvi.gz">mhsetup</a></dt>
- <dd>Programming tools used in the mh bundle which also includes <a href="#empheq">empheq</a> and <a href="#mathtools">mathtools</a>.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/onlyamsmath/onlyamsmath.dvi">onlyamsmath</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/onlyamsmath/onlyamsmath.dvi.gz">onlyamsmath</a></dt>
- <dd>Allows class writers to force their users to use the environments provided by the amsmath package instead of plain or standard LaTeX math environments.</dd>
- </dl>
-@@ -1055,7 +1057,7 @@
- <dd>Improves LaTeX error messages with respect to environments which are accidentally left open.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/carlisle/mylatex.ltx">mylatex</a></dt>
- <dd>Make a format from the preamble of any LaTeX file.</dd>
-- <dt><a href="latex/amscls/textcmds.pdf">textcmds</a></dt>
-+ <dt><a href="latex/amscls/textcmds.pdf.gz">textcmds</a></dt>
- <dd>Shorthand commands for all the text symbols produced in LaTeX by non-letter ligatures.</dd>
- <dt><a href="../tex/latex/oberdiek/ifpdf.sty">ifpdf</a></dt>
- <dd>A switch to deal with commands specific to pdf output.</dd>
-@@ -1083,15 +1085,15 @@
- and selecting for citation in a LaTeX document. It is described in
- Appendix B of <cite>LaTeX: a Document Preparation System</cite> and chapter 13 of
- <a href="http://cseng.awl.com/bookdetail.qry?ISBN=0-201-54199-8&ptype=0"><em>The LaTeX Companion</em></a> and online in the documents entitled
-- <a href="bibtex/base/btxdoc.dvi">BibTexing</a> and
-- <a href="bibtex/base/btxhak.dvi">Designing BibTeX Styles</a>.</p>
-+ <a href="bibtex/base/btxdoc.dvi.gz">BibTexing</a> and
-+ <a href="bibtex/base/btxhak.dvi.gz">Designing BibTeX Styles</a>.</p>
- <p>The latter document,
-- <a href="bibtex/base/btxhak.dvi">Designing
-+ <a href="bibtex/base/btxhak.dvi.gz">Designing
- BibTeX Styles</a> is a guide
- to customizing the format of the reference list. The non-expert may
- find it more useful to use the ancillary program
-- <tt><a href="latex/custom-bib/makebst.dvi">makebst</a></tt>
-+ <tt><a href="latex/custom-bib/makebst.dvi.gz">makebst</a></tt>
- which semi-automates the design of a new bibliography style.</p>
- <p><tt><a href="#natbib">natbib</a></tt> is a LaTeX package which
-@@ -1100,28 +1102,28 @@
- bibliography styles, even those which define their own citation
- macros.</p>
-- <p>Additional capabilities are provided by the <a href="latex/bibunits/bibunits.dvi">bibunits</a> package which allows defining separate bibliographies for different document parts or <a href="latex/multibib/multibib.dvi">multibib</a> which allows referencing multiple bibliographies.</p>
-+ <p>Additional capabilities are provided by the <a href="latex/bibunits/bibunits.dvi.gz">bibunits</a> package which allows defining separate bibliographies for different document parts or <a href="latex/multibib/multibib.dvi.gz">multibib</a> which allows referencing multiple bibliographies.</p>
-- <p>Usage of BibTeX can also be adpted to other ends. A <a href="latex/adrconv/adrguide.dvi">LaTeX style</a> for address databases using BibTeX is also included.</p>
-+ <p>Usage of BibTeX can also be adpted to other ends. A <a href="latex/adrconv/adrguide.dvi.gz">LaTeX style</a> for address databases using BibTeX is also included.</p>
- <h3><a name="makeindex">Makeindex</a></h3>
- <p>The <tt>makeindex</tt> program which provides facilities for
- generating an index is described in the documents
-- <a href="makeindex/ind.dvi">Index Preparation and Processing</a> and the
-- <a href="makeindex/makeindex.dvi">Makeindex user guide</a>.</p>
-+ <a href="makeindex/ind.dvi.gz">Index Preparation and Processing</a> and the
-+ <a href="makeindex/makeindex.dvi.gz">Makeindex user guide</a>.</p>
- <h3><a name="dvips">Dvips</a></h3>
- <p>The full documentation for the
-- <a href="programs/dvips.pdf">dvips</a> DVI -> PostScript
-+ <a href="programs/dvips.pdf.gz">dvips</a> DVI -> PostScript
- translator. N.B. The advice concerning including PostScript graphics
- has been superceded by the standard LaTeX2e
-- <a href="latex/graphics/grfguide.ps">graphics</a> package.</p>
-+ <a href="latex/graphics/grfguide.ps.gz">graphics</a> package.</p>
- <p>Type I versions of the computer-modern fonts are used by default when invoking <kbd>dvips</kbd> in teTeX. Command arguments such as <kbd>-Pcmz</kbd> or <kbd>-Pamz</kbd> are no longer needed. Type 1 fonts are scaleable so the resulting PostScript does not
- include bitmapped fonts and is therefore resolution-independent.
- This is very useful if the postscript is to be scaled up or down
- or the final destination printer is not known.</p>
- <h3><a name="dvipdfm">Dvipdfm</a></h3>
--<p>A dvi to pdf translator with extra features and its <a href="programs/dvipdfm.pdf">documentation</a>. Web page at <tt><a href="http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/">http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/</a></tt>.</p>
-+<p>A dvi to pdf translator with extra features and its <a href="programs/dvipdfm.pdf.gz">documentation</a>. Web page at <tt><a href="http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/">http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/</a></tt>.</p>
- <h3><a name="dvipng">Dvipng</a></h3>
- <p>A fast <tt>dvi</tt> to <tt>png</tt> converter. Developed within the <a href="http://freshmeat.net/redir/dvipng/38256/url_homepage/preview-latex">preview-latex</a> project. Information on using dvipng is available from its unix "man" page. Use <kbd>man dvipng</kbd> to read it.</p>
- <h3><a name="epstopdf">Epstopdf</a></h3>
-@@ -1131,7 +1133,7 @@
- unix "man" page. Use <kbd>man xdvi</kbd> to read it.</p>
- <h3><a name="texinfo">Texinfo</a></h3>
-- <p><a href="programs/texinfo.pdf">Texinfo</a> is a macro package for TeX used by the GNU system for producing manuals in different formats including the online
-+ <p><a href="programs/texinfo.pdf.gz">Texinfo</a> is a macro package for TeX used by the GNU system for producing manuals in different formats including the online
- info system and printed manuals. Also included is <code>texi2html</code> which will convert texinfo files to html.</p>
---- doc/mkhtml.nawk.orig 2005-08-07 20:27:27.383018130 +0200
-+++ doc/mkhtml.nawk 2005-08-07 20:28:00.912429747 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
-+#!/bin/sh -e
- : ${MAKE=make}
-+if [ ! "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
-+ case $1 in
-+ -o|--output-file)
-+ outfile="$2"
-+ ;;
-+ *)
-+ echo "Unrecognized option: $1"
-+ exit 1
-+ esac
-+exec >$outfile
- echo '<TITLE>The TeX System</TITLE>'
- echo '<H1>The TeX System</H1>'
-@@ -78,7 +92,7 @@
- next;
- }
- { print $0 }
--' initializing=1 RS="" FS="\n" OFS="\n" helpfile initializing=0 RS="\n" FS=" " OFS=" " -
-+' initializing=1 RS="" FS="\n" OFS="\n" /usr/share/doc/texmf/helpfile initializing=0 RS="\n" FS=" " OFS=" " -
- # test -w help/Catalogue/ctfull.html \
- # && (cd help/Catalogue; $MAKE) >&2
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-docs.files
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-docs.files 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-docs.files 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.files
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.files 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.files 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.old
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.old 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-licenseinfo.old 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- doc/generic/pstricks/README.pst-osci.orig
-+++ doc/generic/pstricks/README.pst-osci
-@@ -14,5 +14,8 @@
- * Web page is http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/Physics/Oscilloscopes
-+ * The files of this package are hereby put into the public domain:
-+ README pst-osci.doc pst-osci.sty pst-osci.tex
- --
- Manuel Luque and Christophe Jorssen (updated November 22, 1999)
Deleted: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-texdocphp.files
--- tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-texdocphp.files 2005-10-18 14:45:32 UTC (rev 263)
+++ tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/patch-texdocphp.files 2005-10-18 14:46:07 UTC (rev 264)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Copied: tetex-base/branches/changelog-for-unstable/debian/patches/series (from rev 262, tetex-base/trunk/debian/patches/series)
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