[subversion-commit] SVN tetex-base commit + diffs: r1417 - tetex-base/trunk/debian

Frank Küster frank at costa.debian.org
Thu Jun 8 17:20:28 UTC 2006

Author: frank
Date: 2006-06-08 17:20:26 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 1417

rewrote searchbase35 in Perl

Modified: tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35
--- tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-06 14:11:02 UTC (rev 1416)
+++ tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-08 17:20:26 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -1,76 +1,220 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
-shift 2
+# customization
+my @psnfssArchives = ("lw35nfss","freenfss");
+my @otherArchivesZip = ("ly1-min");
+my @otherArchivesTar = ("cspsfonts");
+my $lw35nfss_archive = "/home/frank/area/lw35nfss.zip";
+my $freenfss_archive = "/home/frank/area/freenfss.zip";
+my $cspsfonts_archive = "/home/frank/area/cspsfonts.tar.gz";
+my $ly1min_archive = "/home/frank/area/ly1-min.zip";
+my $outfile_base = "psnfss";
+# my @fontlist = 
+#   ("avantgar", "bookman", "charter", "courier", "helvetic", "ncntrsbk",
+#    "palatino", "symbol", "times", "zapfchan", "zapfding");
+my @fontlist = 
+  ("zapfding");
+my $psnfssRequiredPattern = "urw/base35|lw35nfs|freenfss|charter/bch";
-if [ ! -f $filelist ]; then
-  wget -O $filelist ${CTANmirror}FILES.byname
+my $tpmDir = "texmf-dist/tpm/";
-files=`grep '^[[:space:]]*texmf' $package`
+my $CTANmirror = "ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/";
+my $filelist = "/home/frank/src/Packages/CTAN.FILES.byname";
-#wgetFile="./wgetFile" # insecure, but who cares?
+my @otherlocations = @ARGV;
-exec > $outfile
-for longfile in $files; do
-  file=`basename $longfile`
-#   queryURL="http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/ctan-index?$file"
-#   wget -O $wgetFile $queryURL
-  queryResult=`grep /$file$ $filelist | sed -e "s at .*| @@"` 
-  resultLines=`echo $queryResult | wc -w`
+use XML::DOM;
+use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES);
+use Archive::Tar;
+use File::Slurp;
+use File::Basename;
-  if [ "$resultLines" -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo -e "$file:\t$queryResult" 
-  elif [ "$resultLines" -eq 0 ]; then
-    found=false
-    for archive in $otherlocations; do
-      if [ ! -f $archive ]; then echo -e "$archive not found."; exit 1; fi
-      extension=${archive#*.}
-      case $extension in
-	tar.gz)
-	  command="tar -tzf"
-	  ;;
-	tar.bz2)
-	  command="tar -tjf"
-	  ;;
-	zip)
-	  command="unzip -l"
-	  ;;
-      esac
-      queryResult=`$command $archive | grep ${longfile#texmf*/} | sed -e 's at .*[[:space:]]@@'`
-      resultLines=`echo $queryResult | wc -w`
-      if [ "$resultLines" -eq 1 ]; then
-	echo -e "$file:\t$queryResult\tin `basename $archive`"
-	found=true
-      elif [ "$resultLines" -gt 1 ]; then
-	echo -e "$file\tmultiple hits:"
-	echo -e "$queryResult"
-	echo
-	found=true
-      fi
-    done
-    if [ "$found" = false ]; then
-      echo -e "$longfile:\tNo hits"
-    fi
-  else
-    echo -e "File:\t$file multiple hits:"
-    echo -e "$queryResult"
-    echo
-  fi
+my ($mydir,$mmydir);
+BEGIN {   # get our other local perl modules.
+  ($mydir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,;
+  if ($mydir eq $0) { $mydir = `pwd` ; chomp($mydir); }
+  if (!($mydir =~ m,/.*,,)) { $mmydir = `pwd`; chomp($mmydir); $mydir = "$mmydir/$mydir" ; }
+  unshift (@INC, $mydir);
+#  unshift (@INC, "$mydir/..");
-grep "in " $outfile > $outfile.packed
-grep "No hits" $outfile > $outfile.nohits
-grep -v ":" $outfile | sed -e "s/multiple hits.*\n//" > $outfile.multiple
-grep ":" $outfile | egrep -v "hits|in |multiple" > $outfile.single
+use Tpm;
+my @lw35nfss;
+my @freenfss;
+my %CTANarchive = (
+  lw35nfss => {zipfile => $lw35nfss_archive},
+  freenfss => {zipfile => $freenfss_archive},
+  cspsfonts => {zipfile => $cspsfonts_archive},
+  "ly1-min" => {zipfile => $ly1min_archive}
+); # each unnamed hash will get a key "members" whose value is a reference to
+   # a list of files in the archive
+# read zip archives into memory
+my $uz = new Archive::Zip or die;
+foreach my $archive (@psnfssArchives, @otherArchivesZip) {
+  $uz->read($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile}) == AZ_OK or die "Can't open $CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile} for $archive";
+  $CTANarchive{$archive}{members} = [$uz->memberNames()];
+# read tar archives into memory
+my $tar = new Archive::Tar or die;
+foreach my $archive (@otherArchivesTar) {
+  $tar->read($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile},1) or die "Can't open $CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile} for $archive";
+  $CTANarchive{$archive}{members} = [$tar->list_files()];
+my $wget = "wget -O";
+my $CTANlist = $CTANmirror . "FILES.byname";
+# read CTAN list into memory
+if ( ! -f $filelist) { system("$wget $filelist $CTANlist");};
+my @CTANbyname = read_file($filelist);
+foreach (@CTANbyname) {
+  s/^[^[:alpha:]]*//;
+  chomp;
+my %CTANbyname = map { basename($_), $_ } @CTANbyname;
+# functions
+sub getLicensePerArchive {
+  my $file = basename($_[0]);
+   if ($file =~ /^lw35nfss.zip$/ ) { return "license: LPPL"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ /^freenfss.zip$/ ) { return "license: LPPL"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ /^cspsfonts.tar.gz$/ ) { return "license: CSTEX (unclear)"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ /^ly1-min.zip$/ ) { return "license: unknown (Carlisle)"; last SWITCH };
+   return "unknown";
+  };
+sub getLicenseFromList {
+  my $file = $_[0];
+   if ($file =~ m(psnfss-source) ) { return " \t license: LPPL"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ m(urw/base35) ) { return " \t license: GPL"; last SWITCH };
+   return " \t license: unknown";
+  };
+sub grepPsnfssArchive {
+  my $file = $_[0];
+  my ($hit, $ReturnLine);
+  foreach my $archive (@psnfssArchives) {
+    if (($hit) = grep {/$file/} @{$CTANarchive{$archive}{members}} ) {
+      my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      $ReturnLine = 
+	  "$hit\t in $zipfile\t" 
+	  . getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      return($ReturnLine);
+    }
+  }
+sub grepOtherArchive {
+  my $file = $_[0];
+  my ($hit, $ReturnLine);
+  foreach my $archive (@otherArchivesTar, @otherArchivesZip) {
+    if (($hit) = grep {/$file/} @{$CTANarchive{$archive}{members}} ) {
+      my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      $ReturnLine = 
+	  "$hit\t in $zipfile\t" 
+	  . getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      return($ReturnLine);
+    }
+  }
+# open (OUTLIST,'>', $outfile_base . ".list") or die "Cannot open $outfile_base.list";
+my %AllFilesList; # a hash containing references to the lists
+my %RequiredFilesList;
+my %RestFileList;
+# main loop
+foreach my $font (@fontlist) {
+  my $LocalTPM = $tpmDir . $font . ".tpm";
+  my $dom_parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+  my $tpm = $dom_parser->parsefile($LocalTPM);
+  my %RunFiles = Tpm::getListField($tpm, "RunFiles");
+  # we don't want the tpm file which isn't installed
+  $RunFiles{"text"} =~ s/\n.*\.tpm$//m;
+  my @RunFiles = split(/\n/m,$RunFiles{"text"});
+  my @Files = grep {!/^\s*$/} @RunFiles ;
+  foreach my $file (@Files) {
+    my $basefile = basename($file);
+    my $locline;
+    my $loc;
+    # first look in the psnfss zip archives
+    if ($loc = grepPsnfssArchive($basefile)) {
+      $locline = $loc; 
+      last FINDLOC
+    }
+    # now look in the CTAN filelist
+    if ($CTANbyname{$basefile}) { 
+      $locline = $CTANbyname{$basefile} . getLicenseFromList($CTANbyname{$basefile}); 
+      last FINDLOC
+    }
+    # now look in some other archives
+    if ($loc = grepOtherArchive($basefile)) {
+      $locline = $loc;
+      last FINDLOC
+    }
+    }
+    # prepend the filename
+    $locline = $locline 
+	? $basefile . "\t" . $locline . "\n" 
+	: $basefile . "\t\t unknown\t license: unknown\n" ;
+#     print OUTLIST $locline ;
+    push @{$AllFilesList{$font}}, $locline;
+  } # end foreach (@Files)
+  # now sort files...
+  my @RequiredFilesList;
+  foreach (@{$AllFilesList{$font}}) {
+    push @{$RequiredFilesList{$font}},$_ if ( m($psnfssRequiredPattern) );
+  }
+  @{$RestFileList{$font}} = ();
+  my %HowOftenHash = ();
+  foreach my $line ( @{$AllFilesList{$font}}, @{$RequiredFilesList{$font}} ) { 
+    $HowOftenHash{$line}++ 
+  };
+  foreach my $line ( keys %HowOftenHash ) {
+    push @{$RestFileList{$font}}, $line unless ( $HowOftenHash{$line} > 1 );
+  };
+  print @{$RestFileList{$font}};
+exit 0;
+# print @RequiredFilesList;
+# print @AllFilesList;

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