[subversion-commit] SVN tetex-base commit + diffs: r1444 - tetex-base/trunk/debian

Frank Küster frank at costa.debian.org
Mon Jun 19 16:21:31 UTC 2006

Author: frank
Date: 2006-06-19 16:21:30 +0000 (Mon, 19 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 1444

rewrote string formatting, now tabbing works

Modified: tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35
--- tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-18 19:17:23 UTC (rev 1443)
+++ tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-19 16:21:30 UTC (rev 1444)
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@
 % according to its file 00readme.txt"
+# string lengths
+my %Length;
+$Length{BaseFile} = 15;
+$Length{FileWithPath} = 40;
+$Length{Zipfile} = 15;
+$Length{License} = 30;
 my @categories = (\%psnfssRequired);
 my $tpmDir = "texmf-dist/tpm/";
@@ -117,23 +124,31 @@
 sub getLicenseFromList {
   my $file = $_[0];
-   if ($file =~ m(psnfss-source) ) { return " \t license: LPPL"; last SWITCH };
-   if ($file =~ m(urw/base35) ) { return " \t license: GPL"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ m(psnfss-source) ) { return "license: LPPL"; last SWITCH };
+   if ($file =~ m(urw/base35) ) { return "license: GPL"; last SWITCH };
-   return " \t license: unknown";
+   return (30," \t license: unknown");
 sub grepPsnfssArchive {
   my $file = $_[0];
+  my $basename = basename($file);
   my ($hit, $ReturnLine);
   foreach my $archive (@psnfssArchives) {
     if (($hit) = grep {/$file/} @{$CTANarchive{$archive}{members}} ) {
       my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
-      $ReturnLine = 
-	  "$hit\t in $zipfile\t" 
-	  . getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      my $license;
+      $license = getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
+      $ReturnLine = sprintf 
+	  $format, 
+	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basename, 
+	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $hit, 
+	  $Length{Zipfile}, $zipfile, 
+	  $Length{License}, $license 
+	  ;
@@ -141,14 +156,22 @@
 sub grepOtherArchive {
   my $file = $_[0];
+  my $basename = basename($file);
   my ($hit, $ReturnLine);
   foreach my $archive (@otherArchivesTar, @otherArchivesZip) {
     if (($hit) = grep {/$file/} @{$CTANarchive{$archive}{members}} ) {
       my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
-      $ReturnLine = 
-	  "$hit\t in $zipfile\t" 
-	  . getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      my $license;
+      $license = getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
+      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
+      $ReturnLine = sprintf
+	  $format, 
+	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basename, 
+	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $hit, 
+	  $Length{Zipfile}, " ", 
+	  $Length{License}, $license 
+	  ;
@@ -179,7 +202,16 @@
     # now look in the CTAN filelist
     if ($CTANbyname{$basefile}) { 
-      $locline = $CTANbyname{$basefile} . getLicenseFromList($CTANbyname{$basefile}); 
+      my $license;
+      $license = getLicenseFromList($CTANbyname{$basefile});
+      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
+      $locline = sprintf
+	  $format,
+	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basefile, 
+	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $CTANbyname{$basefile}, 
+	  $Length{Zipfile}, " ", 
+	  $Length{License}, $license 
+	  ; 
       last FINDLOC
     # now look in some other archives
@@ -190,8 +222,7 @@
     # prepend the filename
-    $locline = $locline 
-	? $basefile . "\t" . $locline . "\n" 
+    $locline = $locline ? $locline
 	: $basefile . "\t\t unknown\t license: unknown\n" ;
     push @{$AllFilesList{$font}}, $locline;

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