[Pkg-texlive-maint] Re: TeXlive for Debian - the slice-it-out release

Frank Küster frank at debian.org
Mon Dec 5 09:09:52 UTC 2005

(shortened Cc)

Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> wrote:

> . send patches to tipa and arabtex to upgrade them to work with tetex3
>   and texlive

... and break our planned smooth upgrade path for tetex.  Please do not
submit combined patches that make packages Depend on tetex-* (>=3.0...).
If you didn't know, you've learned meanwhile that tetex in Debian still
works with font files placed according to the old TDS.  I wish to do the
testing transitions like this:

- Get fixed versions into testing of all packages that are so buggy that
  they will break tetex's upgrade (format building problems)

- Let tetex migrate to testing

- Get TDS 1.1 versions of most packages into testing

- drop the backward compatibility, i.e. the old TEXFONTMAPS setting in
  tex-common and the changes to updmap.

If font packages conforming to TDS 1.1 get into unstable, they will have
to Depend on tetex-* (>= 3.0), and thus there will be a big testing
transition:  All of them have to go in together with tetex.  In other
words:  If one of those packages is RC buggy, tetex can't go into
testing; and worse if one of those packages builds binaries that are
involved in some library transition to testing, tetex is tied to that
library transition, too.

> 02.12.2005 NP
>   * blacklisting xymtex as it is not distributable.

I hope this means that it doesn't get into the orig.tar.gz.

Regards, and thanks for your tremendous work!

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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