[Pkg-texlive-maint] SVN ERROR: OLDREPOS COMMIT: r538 -
Frank Küster
frank at costa.debian.org
Wed Feb 22 07:49:18 UTC 2006
Author: frank
Date: 2006-02-22 07:49:14 +0000 (Wed, 22 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 538
renaming foreign_bugs.html title in order to reflect the wider scope
Modified: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/foreign_bugs.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/foreign_bugs.html 2006-02-22 07:47:25 UTC (rev 537)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/foreign_bugs.html 2006-02-22 07:49:14 UTC (rev 538)
@@ -25,14 +25,13 @@
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#cc0000" vlink="#0000ff">
<table cellpadding="20" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><h1><img
- src="pics/tetex.png" alt="teTeX">Bugs in other packages that keep
- teTeX out of testing</h1></td><td style="border: medium outset blue; font-size: small; vertical-align: middle;" align="center">
+ src="pics/tetex.png" alt="teTeX">Bugs in other packages that violate the TeX Policy</h1></td><td style="border: medium outset blue; font-size: small; vertical-align: middle;" align="center">
<h2>Critical bugs</h2>
-<p>The following bugs have been identified in packages in the archive
-that should be resolved before teTeX-3.0 enters testing</p>
+<p>The following bugs had been identified in packages in the archive
+that should be resolved before teTeX-3.0 enters testing (now mostly resolved)</p>
<li><strong>Wrong usage of \pdfoutput</strong> <a
Modified: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/index.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/index.html 2006-02-22 07:47:25 UTC (rev 537)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/index.html 2006-02-22 07:49:14 UTC (rev 538)
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
<li><a href="coexistence.html" >Coexistence of teTeX and TeXLive</a></li>
<li><a href="splitting.html" >Splitting of teTeX</a></li>
<li><a href="update.html" >Candidates for Updating</a></li>
- <li><a href="foreign_bugs.html" >Bugs in other packages that keep
- teTeX out of testing</a></li>
+ <li><a href="foreign_bugs.html" >Bugs in other packages that violate
+ the TeX Policy</a></li>
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