Bug#354652: [Pkg-texlive-maint] Bug#354652: texlive-lang-greek: ibycus4.map is not a map file

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Feb 27 22:50:24 UTC 2006

Hi Ralf!

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Ralf Stubner wrote:
> Looking at /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/map/dvips/ibygrk/ibycus4.map,
> this is not a map file but a TeX and Metafont input file. There is a
> version in the TeX input path
> /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/ibycus/ibycus4.map, but the above
> file should be in the Metafont input path.

Thanks for spotting this. I have remapped the file from fonts/map to
fonts/source/public/ibygrk/ for the next version.

> BTW, in principle texlive-lang-greek works with tetex 3 packages, too.
> the only problem is:
> $ kpsewhere x.mf
> /usr/share/texmf-tetex/metafont/misc/x.mf
> /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/source/public/levy/x.mf
> where /usr/share/texmf-tetex/metafont/misc/x.mf stops the Metafont
> process. :-(

Hmmm, I see. Any suggestions what we can do here?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
LOUTH (n.)
The sort of man who wears loud check jackets, has a personalised
tankard behind the bar and always gets served before you do.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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