[Pkg-texlive-maint] TeXlive for Debian - upload of 2005-2 to unstable

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Sun Mar 19 17:08:46 UTC 2006

Dear Neil!

(This emails goes Cc to: Jörg Jaspert as ftpmaster who was responsible
for texlive, and to Marc Brockschmidt as my AM)

The next generation of the texlive packages have gone through the usual
procedures (clean pbuilder install
old-upgrade-remove-install-purge-install) and about 1.5 weeks of testing
on my system. So I would like to ask you to sponsor again the packages.
I know that it is a big task and a lot of work, so big thanks in
advance. After discussion on the debian-tetex-maint ML we came to the
conclusion that an upload to unstable is ok. So this release should go
into unstable.

The current set of packages fixes more or less all open bugs of the
texlive packages, the one about texdoc not finding files is left open as
it needs deeper reorganizing and longer testing.

Some important points from this release:
- more packages are compatible with tetex (all the texlive-lang-*)
  packages are not compatible (with some exceptions)
- lmodern has been split out (reducing the size again quite some bit)
  since the lmodern in Debian unstable is back to maintained status and
  cooperates nicely with texlive. Other packages which are never more
  included but instead requested from Debian are dvi2tty, texpower, 
- The `texlive' package now does not depend on *all* packages of TeX
  live, but only on a small set of recommended ones. Therefore, a new 
  package `texlive-full' has been created which pulls in all packages.
  (Sorry to the ftp masters that thus the packages have to go thorugh
  the new queue again). This was done due to several requests (private
  and on ml) that texlive should not actually depend on all packages,
  but provide a decent subset.

The packages are as usual on the tug server, and .dsc and .changes and
Release files are signed by me.
      	deb http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ pool/
      	deb-src http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ pool/

Thanks a lot and all the best


Here is the final ChangeLog entry for -2:

version 2005-2 unstable Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:35:13 +0100

12.03.2006 NP
  * Add lintian override for pdfcrop and thumbpdf executable-not-elf-or-script
    because it is one of the magic header which can be called with sh or perl.
  * Upload to unstable sponsored by Neil McGovern <maulkin at halon.org.uk>

11.03.2006 NP
  * Blacklist /usr/bin/thumbpdf and /usr/bin/pdfcrop as it is a link to 
    texexec, which is in texlive-context, while thumbpdf/pdfcrop is in 
    texlive-pdfetex. Remap the thumbpdf and pdfcrop perl files from scripts to
    /usr/bin. (Closes: #352092)

06.03.2006 NP
  * allow overriding of tpm and package titles and descriptions, improve
    various descriptions (Closes: #354964)

04.03.2006 NP
  * add all update-* calls to the postinst scripts so that the config file do
    not contain left-overs from tetex at switch time (Closes: #355266)

02.03.2006 NP
  * Add the temporary directory to TEXFORMATS in fmtutil, to allow
    building formats based on latex.fmt without cluttering stdout
    (patch taken from tetex by Frank KÃŒster, see bug #354604)

01.03.2006 NP
  * make all texlive-lang-* packages working with tetex3, but add a
    README file explaining the situation for duplicate languages.
  * only recommend dvipdfmx, so we can go for the upload
  * make most depends on other Debian packages a recommends (tipa, texpower,

28.02.2006 NP
  * remap the ibycus4.map TeX/MF input file from the fonts/map location
    to the fonts/source location (upstream cleanup necessary) (Closes: #354652)
  * add packages specific README.Debian files
  * allow various texlive-lang-* packages to work with tetex3

26.02.2006 NP
  * Fix dependency of texlive onto texlive-latex-base

25.02.2006 NP
  * Let texlive-base depend on the new NMU of dvipdfmx and blacklist it.
  * Try to stop the build system to build dvipdfmx.
  * Add Provides for virtual packages: dvipdfm, cweb, ctie, texdoctk

20.02.2006 NP
  * move all files to texmf-texlive, only a few essential stay in
  * add a new package texlive-full which takes the role of the previous
    texlive package in pulling in all necessary components, while the
    texlive package itself now consists of a selection of packages
    (the -recommended ones, plus doc-en, but no -lang-*)

19.02.2006 NP
  * conflict: texlive-extra-utils with dviutils (superseeded, more utils)
  * blacklist bin-dvi2tty, but let tl-extra-utils depend on dvi2tty
  * fix problems when switching from teTeX (missing update-language call)
    (all three thanks to Atsuhito Kohda)

18.02.2006 NP
  * The svn repository has moved to the debian-tex project at alioth,
    thus the revisions now are shifted by ~500.

13.02.2006 NP
  * remove /var/lib/texmf/web2c/{latex,pdflatex}.{fmt,log} before
    calling fmtutil-sys --all as jadetex (and other formats) with 
    a fmtutil config line based on the latex format might use the
    old latex format. (Closes: #351707)

12.02.2006 NP
  * blacklist /usr/bin/uniqleaf which is a link to texexec but no
    corresponding perl file exists (but it is in tetex).
  * Fix the Build-Depends-Indep vs Build-Depends stuff
  * tipa NMU is in Debian, so depend on it
  * fix for the link files fix
  * cleanup of common.functions (backticks, printf instead of echo -n)

11.02.2006 NP
  * blacklist lm(odern), and depend on lmodern >= 0.99.3-1, this makes the
    lmodern fonts again available for X (Closes: #351727)
  * included fixes for errors in the depot:
    - remove ltxdoc.cfg from tex/latex/subfig
    - move pst-3d.tex from the doc directory to the proper place

06.02.2006 NP
  * add a special clause to bug script to see the texmf-texlive/ls-R file
  * import debianize-updmap and other fixes for fmtutil from tetex 

31.01.2006 NP
  * fix installation of files from addons-per-bin
  * link fixing: remove double call to dh_link, install pre-distributed
    links files as package.links.dist, fix update-link-files to copy the
    package.links.dist to package.links, and only append the links from
  * add some more man pages (links to pdfetex.1)

24.01.2006 NP
  * add a watch file to the sources
  * add poppler/Link.h for building with poppler >= 0.5.0. Thanks to Martin
  * texpower is updated, let texlive depend on it

15.01.2006 NP
  * expand reportbug script to include an ls -l of texmf.cnf, fmtutil.cnf
    updmap.cfg, and language.dat

Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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FROSSES (pl.n.)
The lecherous looks exchanged between sixteen-year-olds at a party
given by someone's parents.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
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