[Pkg-texlive-maint] Re: [tex-live] Strange license of ukhyphen

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu May 25 21:33:30 UTC 2006

    So if one of you have good contacts with the UKTUG heads I would suggest
    discussing this topic again.

I spent a long time writing Phil Taylor, Dominik W., and Graham Toal
about this, and the current license is the result.  The previous license
forbade modifications at all, as I recall.  Phil will definitely not
accept any proposal to use a standard license, so writing him about that
would be a waste of time.

    This is definitely not DFSG free, and also not FSF free, so normally I
    would expect that we cannot include it in TeX live.

I'm not sure why you conclude it is not FSF free.  I think it is FSF
free (rms reluctantly accepted original latex with the "must rename"
clause).  I don't plan to remove it from TL.

I fail to see any significant difference between saying "you can't
redistribute a modified version under the name hyphen.tex", and "you
can't redistribute a modified version under the names hyphen.tex,
hyphenfoo.tex, and hyphenbar.tex".  Which would be analogous to what's
going on here.  Or is hyphen.tex (and plain.tex and ...) also not
DFSG-free?  Presumably you've already concluded they are ok, or Debian
would have removed TeX entirely.

If Phil was trying to lay claim to generic filenames, I would see that
as a serious problem, but he's not.


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