[Pkg-texlive-maint] Re: TeX live for Debian release plan

Ralf Stubner ralf.stubner at web.de
Sun May 28 08:20:54 UTC 2006

On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 01:50 +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Mai 2006, Ralf Stubner wrote:
> > 
> > This is indeed a bug in TeX Live's splitting. And moving the FPL fonts
> > would not help much if the mathpazo package is not moved, too. Wearing
> > my (second level) upstream hat: mathpazo is the only supported interface
> > for using the FPL fonts but is currently in texlive-math-extra. 

My argument is not quite correct, since the macro package mathpazo.sty
is in psnfss.tpm and hence in texlive-latex-base. mathpazo.tpm contains
only the pazo fonts and metrics. However, the pazo fonts are used for
text typesetting, too: \texteuro and probably \j are taken from there.
> So what do we do here:
> I have moved fpl to texlive-latex-base. Should I move mathpazo, too?

While it is correct to move the FPL fonts to tl-latex-base, where PSNFSS
resides, I think it would be closer to upstreams splitting to move these
fonts into tl-fonts-recommended, where most of the other fonts required
by PSNFSS live. I don't think you want to move all of them to
tl-latex-base, do you? One could argue that, eg, the LW35 fonts in
tl-fonts-recommended are in some sense less important for PSNFSS, since
they are not needed when creating PS files. But with the increasing
importance of PDF and the constant probblems with the font versions
shipped with GS, I don't find this argument very valid. It would be
nice, though, if tl-latex-base would suggest or recommend

I would also suggest to move the pazo fonts, ie mathpazo, from
tl-math-extra to tl-fonts-recommended as well as the charter fonts, ie
charter, from tl-fonts-extra to tl-fonts-recommended. PSNFSS asks for
both sets of fonts.


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