[Pkg-torrus-maintainers] Bug#774851: torrus-common: cronjob produces output /srv/torrus/collector_rrd: No such file or directory

Ewen McNeill debbug at ewen.mcneill.gen.nz
Wed Apr 22 22:16:44 UTC 2015

Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org> wrote:
> 3m11.8s DUMP:
>   find: `/srv/torrus/collector_rrd': No such file or directory

This output is also produced when the package is still installed.  From 
looking into the cron output, it appears to be a result of




every day if the script is installed and executable, and that file is a 
shell script which contains:

-=- cut here -=-
# Where the RRD files are located. Separate multiple paths with space
for d in ${RRDSTORAGE}; do
   find ${d} -name '*.rrd' ! -name '*.old.rrd' \
     -mmin +${MAXAGE} -print >>${TMPFILE}
-=- cut here -=-

On a Debian install, /srv/torrus/collector_rrd does not exist, hence the 
find output.  However it is the upstream default location for storing 
RRD files (see, eg, http://torrus.org/manpages/torrus_genddx.pod.html).

So it seems likely this is a file that didn't get patched to be updated 
with Debian's default location for storing RRD files, viz 

AFAICT this wouldn't happen when the package is removed, because 
/usr/share/torrus/scripts/rrdup_notify doesn't appear to be a conffile 
(eg, "dpkg --status torrus-common | grep scripts" returns nothing) so in 
theory it should be removed when the package is removed, and thus the 
cron.daily script shouldn't run it.  From a quick skim of the log 
attached to the bug it looks like piuparts failed to remove the package 
(due to trying to remove too many packages, one which was needed by 
something else), and then ran the cron job with the package still 
installed.  So this may only happen when the package is _installed_.

It'd still be helpful if that script 
(/usr/share/torrus/scripts/rrdup_notify) could get patched to point at 
the Debian location for RRD files, rather than the upstream default.



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