[Pkg-torrus-maintainers] Bug#774851: torrus-common: cronjob produces output after package removal

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Jan 8 11:39:27 UTC 2015

Package: torrus-common
Version: 2.08-1
Severity: important
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: piuparts


during a test with piuparts I noticed your packages cronjob produces
output after the package has been removed.

>From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...):

3m11.8s DEBUG: Starting command: ['chroot', '/tmp/piupartss/tmpt5NUrv', '/etc/cron.daily/torrus-common']
3m11.8s DUMP: 
  find: `/srv/torrus/collector_rrd': No such file or directory
3m11.8s DEBUG: Command ok: ['chroot', '/tmp/piupartss/tmpt5NUrv', '/etc/cron.daily/torrus-common']
3m11.8s ERROR: FAIL: Cron file /etc/cron.daily/torrus-common has output with package removed


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