[Pkg-tpctl-devel] Building thinkpad-modules

Thomas Hood jdthood at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 22 12:54:13 UTC 2005

I have checked the "upstream" part of the thinkpad sources into alioth svn.
This way we can work on both the upstream and debian parts.  Released
upstream tarballs are simply the whole tree minus debian/.

(The latest upstream release is 5.8.  We are working on 5.9.)

Using svn-buildpackage I can build alsa-base and alsa-source packages.
>From alsa-source I can build alsa-modules packages using module-assistant
for Ubuntu linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686 and linux-headers-2.6.15-9-686.
It would be helpful if people could try building thinkpad-modules
packages for whatever Debian kernels people have installed right now.
Last time I tried this there was crashing and burning.

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