[Pkg-tpctl-devel] Bug#359812: I have different errors on loading

Ingo Strüwing ingo at mysql.com
Sat Apr 8 14:34:17 UTC 2006

I have:
thinkpad-source          5.9-2 
linux-source-2.6.16      2.6.16-5

I get on loading:
thinkpad: Unknown symbol inter_module_get_request
thinkpad: Unknown symbol inter_module_put

kernel/intermodule.c says:
/* inter_module functions are always available, even when the kernel is
 * compiled without modules.  Consumers of inter_module_xxx routines
 * will always work, even when both are built into the kernel, this
 * approach removes lots of #ifdefs in mainline code.

It also says:
/* Deprecated, do not use.  Moved from module.c to here. --RR */
And in include/linux/module.h I see:
/* Use symbol_get and symbol_put instead.  You'll thank me. */
extern void __deprecated inter_module_register(const char *,
                struct module *, const void *);
extern void __deprecated inter_module_unregister(const char *);
extern const void * __deprecated inter_module_get_request(const char *,
                const char *);
extern void __deprecated inter_module_put(const char *);

So this stuff is marked as deprected. But it should still be usable,
shouldn't it?

OTOH, I don't find these symbols in /boot/System.map-2.6.16.

I see some mentioning of CONFIG_OBSOLETE_INTERMODULE, but I don't know,
how to configure it. In which sub-menu do I find it?

I tried to set it manually in .config, but it gets wiped out by

Ingo Strüwing, Senior Software Developer
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com

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