Bug#401382: thinkpad-source: fails to build with module-assistant
and kernel 2.6.18
Eric Cooper
ecc at cmu.edu
Sun Dec 3 02:03:47 CET 2006
Package: thinkpad-source
Version: 5.9-2.1
Tags: patch
After applying the patch referenced in #366170, "m-a build
thinkpad-source" fails with linux-image-2.6.18-3-686 from unstable,
with this error:
*** No rule to make target `/usr/src/modules/thinkpad/2.6/drivers/smapi_call.o', needed by `/usr/src/modules/thinkpad/2.6/drivers/smapi.o'.
The problem seems to be that there is no rule to make smapi_call.o
from the smapi_call.s file that is provided in the tarball.
This can be fixed by renaming smapi_call.s to smapi_call.S.
Eric Cooper e c c @ c m u . e d u
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