[Pkg-tpctl-devel] New thinkpad release

Thomas Hood jdthood at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 16:00:05 UTC 2006


I'd like to make a new thinkpad release soon.  If you svn up then
you'll see that there is now tarballs/thinkpad_5.9.orig.tar.gz and if
you cd to thinkpad/trunk then you should be able to svn-buildpackage
new Debian packages.

Upstream ChangeLog:

5.9 changes from 5.8
6Feb2005 JDTH : Eliminate thinkpadpm
              : Remove non-ASCII characters and extra spaces
                from SUPPORTED-MODELS file


thinkpad (5.9-1~8) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Thomas Hood ]
  * New upstream  (Closes: #342865)
    + Remove thinkpadpm  (Closes: #315293, #342256, #298652)
    + Remove non-ASCII chars from SUPPORTED-MODELS  (Closes: #317496)
  * Eliminate thinkpad-base.preinst.  We now support upgrades from
    the sarge version (5.8-4) or later.
  * -source README.Debian: Mention possibility of using linux-headers
  * -source README.Debian: Mention module-assistant  (Closes: #342458)
  * -base README.Debian: Add info re: ACPI and APM
  * Bump Standards-Version to; no changes required
  * Update FSF address
  * Now maintained by the members of the pkg-tpctl project at alioth

 -- Thomas Hood <jdthood at yahoo.co.uk>  Tue, 14 Dec 2005 10:00:00 +0200

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.  If you want to
release then please remove the "~8" suffix from the version number first.

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