[Pkg-trac-devel] From: Mr. Harvinder Singh

From: Mr. Harvinder Singh ahmad at centrin.net.id
Mon May 16 15:34:02 UTC 2016

From: Mr. Harvinder Singh.
Department of Mineral Resources,
Republic of India
Email:  mrharvindersingh at webmail.co.za
Email:  mrharvindersingh at yandex.com
I am Mr. Harvinder Singh, Director of Project, India Department of
Minerals and Energy. I am making this contact with you based on the
Committee need for an individual/company who is willing to assist us with
a solution to a money transfer.

This amount $10.2M represents the balance of the total contract Value
Executed on behalf of Department mineral resources and Energy by a foreign
contracting firm, which we the officials over-invoiced deliberately, of
which the actual sum has been paid.

Should you be willing to assist us in the transaction? Your share of the
sum will be 25% of the $10.2Million, 70% for us and 5% for taxation and
miscellaneous expenses.To enable us commence, I will need your personal
telephone/fax number.
Email:  mrharvindersingh at webmail.co.za
Email:  mrharvindersingh at yandex.com
Best Regards,

Mr. Harvinder Singh
Tel: +919205647598

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