[Pkg-uml-commit] r91 - in trunk/src/rootstrap: . modules

Mattia Dongili malattia at costa.debian.org
Tue May 23 20:10:30 UTC 2006

Author: malattia
Date: 2006-05-23 20:10:29 +0000 (Tue, 23 May 2006)
New Revision: 91

update default Debian release

Modified: trunk/src/rootstrap/builder
--- trunk/src/rootstrap/builder	2006-05-23 20:09:26 UTC (rev 90)
+++ trunk/src/rootstrap/builder	2006-05-23 20:10:29 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
             print "Using rootstrap module %s from:\n\t%s" % (module,script)
             status = os.spawnle(os.P_WAIT, script, script, vars)
             if status != 0:
-		os.system("/bin/sh")
+	        if "debug" in vars and vars["debug"] == "true":
+		    status = os.spawnle(os.P_WAIT, "/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", vars)
                 raise "rootstrap: Module '%s' failed, status: %d" % (module,status)

Modified: trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/debian
--- trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/debian	2006-05-23 20:09:26 UTC (rev 90)
+++ trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/debian	2006-05-23 20:10:29 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     opts="$opts --unpack-tarball $basedebs"
-echo "debootstrapping with the following opt: '$opts' for '$dist' on target '$TARGET' using mirror '$mirror' $script"
+echo "debootstrap $opts $dist $TARGET $mirror $script"
 debootstrap $opts $dist $TARGET $mirror $script
 echo "deb $mirror $dist main" > $TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list

Modified: trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/uml
--- trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/uml	2006-05-23 20:09:26 UTC (rev 90)
+++ trunk/src/rootstrap/modules/uml	2006-05-23 20:10:29 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -5,12 +5,11 @@
 	mknod $TARGET/dev/ubd$i b 98 $[$i * 16]; 
-# Make bootable without DevFS on guest
-# mknod $TARGET/dev/ubd0 b 98 0 instead of /dev/ubd/0
-#for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do mknod $TARGET/dev/ubd$i b 98 $[$i * 16]; done
+# create generic device nodes.
+mount -t proc proc $TARGET/proc
+chroot $TARGET /bin/sh -c 'cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV generic'
-#chroot $TARGET /bin/sh -c 'cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV ubd'
+# generate a new fstab
 cat <<EOF > $TARGET/etc/fstab
 /dev/ubd0 / 	$fstype defaults 			0 1
 proc 	/proc 	proc 	defaults 			0 0

Modified: trunk/src/rootstrap/rootstrap.conf
--- trunk/src/rootstrap/rootstrap.conf	2006-05-23 20:09:26 UTC (rev 90)
+++ trunk/src/rootstrap/rootstrap.conf	2006-05-23 20:10:29 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 # Debian module
 # A local mirror is best, a caching proxy (such as squid) is almost as
 # good

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