[Pkg-uml-devel] [VERY LONG - uml planning for etch] how to plan the future

Stefano Melchior stefano.melchior at openlabs.it
Wed Jan 25 05:36:10 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 02:55:01PM +0100, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
Hi Andreas,
> > [...]/pkg-uml/user-mode-linux/trunk/user-mode-linux-2.6.{12,14}-1um
> > [...]/pkg-uml/<generic_pkg_name>/...
> i thought to have the trunk further up:
> pkg-uml/trunk/src/user-mode-linux
> pkg-uml/trunk/src/<generic-pkg-name>
sory, that is my fault. You are correct
> the src is there to enable us to have a www or doc subdirectory
> later on, if we need it.
> > Off topic2: I found out you, Andreas, are the reference for the DebConf6
> > in Maxico, great job! I was wondering if and how it is possible to take
> > part. I don't think there is enough room for a conference (UML, for
> > instance), but it would be nice to meet each others. I know Enrico Zini,
> > another Italian guy, is going to have a presentation (I don't remember the
> > subject).
> he will talk about the debian community guidelines. btw: he will
> come to brixen for skiing (c:
> and i think we should have a UML bof in any case and try to get
> people with out-of-the-tree kernel modules to attend. And mdz, too.

I didn't understand if we can have booth (not bof) in Mexico or Brixen or
both. However is there any room for Mexico or all the talk schedule is
full. I am trying to plan my activities for a long term, so, even in
delay, I would like to come to Mexico. Let's see in the next few days I
shall take a decision.
I need to learn a lot of thing and maybe a direct contact with more expert
people can make me gain a bit of knowledge :))


Stefano Melchior, GPG key = D52DF829 - <stefano.melchior at openlabs.it>
http://etinarcadiaego.dyndns.org    --     http://www.stex.name
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