[Pkg-uml-pkgs] (no subject)

liljaydogg420 at neo.rr.com liljaydogg420 at neo.rr.com
Fri Sep 7 04:38:28 UTC 2007

Great Job Offer
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Good day Sir/Madam,

This is an email from Rac Plc in United Kingdom; also known as Great 
Britain, We would like to know if you would be interested to work for
us, as a  part-time job, which would not disturb your current job or 
your  current position?

We have our company here in United Kingdom and we deal on Car Buying,
Car care, Insurance, Training on how to drive, Loans and
leasing,Motorcycle  services and so many more, we have few client from
the USA/CANADA, but we have been  having problems with most of our
clients from  USA/CANADA, because some would  prefer to pay by Cashiers
Check or Money  Orders, which we can not cash here, but it is easy to
cash over in the   USA/CANADA, so we are looking forward to get
representatives around the  USA/CANADA that can be working for us as a 
job, which we are willing to pay 10% of every money you receive from our
clients, so you  would just need to help us get the payment and get it 
directly  from your bank and send the money to us down here in United 
Kingdom  or to any of our local offices worldwide via Money Gram outlet or
western union.

If you are interested, we would require your: Eamil: willsh88 at yahoo.com

Full Name:.................................................
Home Address:.........................................
Zip code:....................................................
Telephone Number (s):...........................

RAC Motoring Services (RACMS)
Website: www.rac.co.uk
Telephone: +44 703 192 5236
Email: willsh88 at yahoo.com


Williams Sherrill

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