[Pkg-urxvt-maintainers] Bug#617487: rxvt-unicode: scrollbar with xterm scrollstyle is too thick

Vincent Lefevre vincent at vinc17.net
Thu Mar 10 00:11:02 UTC 2011

On 2011-03-09 11:09:54 -0500, Ryan Kavanagh wrote:
> This thickness is configurable but currently undocumented. Upstream
> hopes to document it for their next release. You'll want to set the
> 'thickness' resource to however many pixels wide you want the scrollbar,
> for example, 'URxvt.thickness: 5' will set the scrollbar five pixels
> wide.

Thanks, I confirm that this works.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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