[Pkg-urxvt-maintainers] Bug#650376: Replicated
Gwern Branwen
gwern at gwern.net
Sun Aug 4 17:20:53 UTC 2013
I recently reinstalled my Debian system, and while I was at it, I
deleted my old ~/.fonts.conf because it was throwing warnings with
applications; shortly thereafter, I realized that I was no longer
seeing any underscores in my terminal output, nor were the underscores
being fancily used for italics or something.
Googling, I realized it was not a Bash problem but a Urxvt problem,
and found a long Arch Linux thread complaining about exactly this
problem: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=125749
They noted that simply avoiding 14-point font made the problem go
away, and as it happened I had a key shortcut to increase the font in
Urxvt. Here is the original broken appearance using a 14-point font
(note that in the second-to-last line, there are no underscores even
though there are two):
Here is the same terminal, but having increased to 18-point font:
Now the underscores are clearly visible.
As a workaround, I'm going to try editing my .Xresources to read
15-point rather than 14-point.
My ~/.Xresources reads:
!Font stuff
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt*xftAntialias: True
URxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera
Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Bitstream Vera
Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
URxvt.boldItalicFont: xft:Bitstream Vera
Sans Mono:style=Oblique:pixelsize=14
!Change fonts on the fly
command:\033]710;xft:Bitstream Vera Sans
Mono:pixelsize=14,xft:Bitstream Vera\
Mono,xft:Baekmuk Gulim,xft:Kochi Gothic,xft:AR PL ShanHeiSun
command:\033]710;xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=10,xft:Bitstream
Vera Sans\
Gulim,xft:Kochi Gothic,xft:AR PL ShanHeiSun
command:\033]710;xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=18,xft:Bitstream
Vera Sans\
Gulim,xft:Kochi Gothic,xft:AR PL ShanHeiSun
My original ~/.fonts.conf read:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<match target="font">
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
<edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
<edit name="rgba" mode="assign">
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