[Pkg-urxvt-maintainers] [SCM] Git repository for pkg-urxvt annotated tag, debian/9.07-2+deb6u1, created. debian/9.07-2+deb6u1

Ryan Kavanagh rak at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed May 7 21:44:05 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/9.07-2+deb6u1 has been created
        at  592cb98bcc45d8917df6ed4127fcbb77f2fdda01 (tag)
   tagging  844f353a23837881a1da66a7fe9062bddab22cba (commit)
  replaces  debian/9.07-2
 tagged by  Ryan Kavanagh
        on  Wed May 7 17:43:46 2014 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
rxvt-unicode Debian release 9.07-2+deb6u1

Ryan Kavanagh (2):
      Fix user-assisted security vulnerability (Closes: #746593)
      Changelog for 9.07-2+deb6u1


Git repository for pkg-urxvt

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