[Pkg-utopia-commits] r40 - in packages/hal/trunk/debian: . patches

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd@haydn.debian.org
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 06:56:11 -0600

Author: sjoerd
Date: 2004-10-19 06:55:58 -0600 (Tue, 19 Oct 2004)
New Revision: 40

Patch from cvs to fix storage-policy.fdi a little.

>From the hal changelog:
  2004-10-15  David Zeuthen  <davidz@redhat.com>

  * fdi/90defaultpolicy/storage-policy.fdi: Never use filesystem UUDI
    for mount points in the default policy (/me badly flamed) - change
    fallback to <bustype>disk.

Modified: packages/hal/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/hal/trunk/debian/changelog	2004-10-19 12:34:57 UTC (rev 39)
+++ packages/hal/trunk/debian/changelog	2004-10-19 12:55:58 UTC (rev 40)
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
      + Added debian/patches/nonblock.patch (from CVS HEAD)
        - Fixes wrong handling of O_NONBLOCK by hal when probing the fileystem
          type (by removing it)
+     + Added debian/patches//storage-policy-uudi.patch (from CVS HEAD)
+       - Never use filesystem UUDI for mount points in the default policy
  -- Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd@debian.org>  Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:30:01 +0200

Added: packages/hal/trunk/debian/patches/storage-policy-uudi.patch
--- packages/hal/trunk/debian/patches/storage-policy-uudi.patch	2004-10-19 12:34:57 UTC (rev 39)
+++ packages/hal/trunk/debian/patches/storage-policy-uudi.patch	2004-10-19 12:55:58 UTC (rev 40)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Index: fdi/90defaultpolicy/storage-policy.fdi
+RCS file: /cvs/hal/hal/fdi/90defaultpolicy/storage-policy.fdi,v
+retrieving revision 1.4
+retrieving revision 1.5
+diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
+--- fdi/90defaultpolicy/storage-policy.fdi	14 Oct 2004 21:58:55 -0000	1.4
++++ fdi/90defaultpolicy/storage-policy.fdi	15 Oct 2004 20:46:08 -0000	1.5
+@@ -83,13 +83,10 @@
+ 	  <merge key="volume.policy.should_mount" type="bool">true</merge>
+ 	  <merge key="volume.policy.mount_filesystem" type="copy_property">volume.fstype</merge>
+-	  <!-- Fallback is '<storage.drive_type>', e.g. disk, compact_flash etc. -->
+-	  <merge key="volume.policy.desired_mount_point" type="copy_property">@block.storage_device:storage.drive_type</merge>
+-	  <!-- Better: if available use UUID -->
+-          <match key="volume.uuid" empty="false">
+-            <merge key="volume.policy.desired_mount_point" type="copy_property">volume.uuid</merge>
+-          </match>
++	  <!-- Fallback is '<storage.bus>', appended with 'disk', e.g. usbdisk,
++	       idedisk, scsidisk etc. -->
++	  <merge key="volume.policy.desired_mount_point" type="copy_property">@block.storage_device:storage.bus</merge>
++	  <append key="volume.policy.desired_mount_point" type="string">disk</append>
+           <!-- Best: If available use filesystem label -->
+           <match key="volume.label" empty="false">