[Pkg-utopia-commits] r386 - in packages/experimental/dbus/debian: . patches

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at costa.debian.org
Sun Dec 4 14:21:38 UTC 2005

Author: sjoerd
Date: 2005-12-04 14:21:37 +0000 (Sun, 04 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 386

debian/patches/dbus-monitor.patch was merged upstream

Modified: packages/experimental/dbus/debian/changelog
--- packages/experimental/dbus/debian/changelog	2005-12-04 14:18:34 UTC (rev 385)
+++ packages/experimental/dbus/debian/changelog	2005-12-04 14:21:37 UTC (rev 386)
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
   * Sonames of libdbus-1, libdbus-glib-1 and libdbus-qt-1 was bumped to 2
   * debian/patches/dbus-reloadconfig-reply.patch
     + Removed. Merged upstream
+  * debian/patches/dbus-monitor.patch 
+    + Removed. Merged upstream
   * debian/patches/dbus-make-libtool-safe.patch
     + Removed. Fixed upstream
- -- Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at debian.org>  Sun,  4 Dec 2005 14:59:01 +0100
+ -- Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at debian.org>  Sun,  4 Dec 2005 15:20:51 +0100
 dbus (0.50-3) experimental; urgency=low

Deleted: packages/experimental/dbus/debian/patches/dbus-monitor.patch
--- packages/experimental/dbus/debian/patches/dbus-monitor.patch	2005-12-04 14:18:34 UTC (rev 385)
+++ packages/experimental/dbus/debian/patches/dbus-monitor.patch	2005-12-04 14:21:37 UTC (rev 386)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN dbus-0.22.orig/tools/dbus-monitor.1 dbus-0.22/tools/dbus-monitor.1
---- dbus-0.22.orig/tools/dbus-monitor.1	2004-10-10 20:47:19.906823680 +1000
-+++ dbus-0.22/tools/dbus-monitor.1	2004-10-10 20:47:27.791625008 +1000
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- .PP
- .B dbus-monitor
- [\-\-system | \-\-session]
-+[watch expressions]
-@@ -25,6 +26,11 @@
- monitor the system or session buses respectively.  If neither is
- specified, \fIdbus-monitor\fP monitors the session bus.
-+In order to get \fIdbus-monitor\fP to see the messages you are interested
-+in, you should specify a set of watch expressions as you would expect to
-+be passed to the \fIdbus_bus_add_watch\fP function.
- .PP 
- The message bus configuration may keep \fIdbus-monitor\fP from seeing
- all messages, especially if you run the monitor as a non-root user.
-@@ -37,6 +43,15 @@
- .I "--session"
- Monitor the session message bus.  (This is the default.)
-+Here is an example of using dbus-monitor to watch for the gnome typing
-+monitor to say things
-+  dbus-monitor "type='signal',sender='org.gnome.TypingMonitor',interface='org.gnome.TypingMonitor'"
- dbus-monitor was written by Philip Blundell.
---- dbus-0.22-1ubuntu1/tools/dbus-monitor.c	2004-08-10 13:03:37.000000000 +1000
-+++ dbus-0.22/tools/dbus-monitor.c	2004-10-10 21:38:08.532362152 +1000
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- static void
- usage (char *name, int ecode)
- {
--  fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [--system | --session]\n", name);
-+  fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [--system | --session] [watch expressions]\n", name);
-   exit (ecode);
- }
-@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
-   DBusError error;
-   DBusBusType type = DBUS_BUS_SESSION;
-   GMainLoop *loop;
--  int i;
-+  int i = 0, j = 0, numFilters = 0;
-+  char **filters = NULL;
-   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-     {
-       char *arg = argv[i];
-@@ -69,14 +69,18 @@
-       else if (!strcmp (arg, "--help"))
- 	usage (argv[0], 0);
-       else if (!strcmp (arg, "--"))
--	break;
-+	continue;
-       else if (arg[0] == '-')
- 	usage (argv[0], 1);
-+      else {
-+	numFilters++;
-+       filters = (char **)realloc(filters, numFilters * sizeof(char *));
-+	filters[j] = (char *)malloc((strlen(arg) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
-+	snprintf(filters[j], strlen(arg) + 1, "%s", arg);
-+	j++;
-+      }
-     }
--  if (argc > 2)
--    usage (argv[0], 1);
-   loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-   dbus_error_init (&error);
-@@ -92,26 +102,45 @@
-   dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main (connection, NULL);
--  dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
--		      "type='signal'",
--		      &error);
--  if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
--    goto lose;
--  dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
--		      "type='method_call'",
--		      &error);
--  if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
--    goto lose;
--  dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
--		      "type='method_return'",
--		      &error);
--  if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
--    goto lose;
--  dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
--		      "type='error'",
--		      &error);
--  if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
--    goto lose;
-+  if (numFilters)
-+    {
-+      for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
-+        {
-+          dbus_bus_add_match (connection, filters[i], &error);
-+          if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
-+            {
-+              fprintf (stderr, "Failed to setup match \"%s\": %s\n",
-+                       filters[i], error.message);
-+              dbus_error_free (&error);
-+              exit (1);
-+            }
-+	  free(filters[i]);
-+        }
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
-+		          "type='signal'",
-+		          &error);
-+      if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
-+        goto lose;
-+      dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
-+		          "type='method_call'",
-+		          &error);
-+      if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
-+        goto lose;
-+      dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
-+		          "type='method_return'",
-+		          &error);
-+      if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
-+        goto lose;
-+      dbus_bus_add_match (connection,
-+		          "type='error'",
-+		          &error);
-+      if (dbus_error_is_set (&error))
-+        goto lose;
-+    }
-   if (!dbus_connection_add_filter (connection, filter_func, NULL, NULL)) {
-     fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't add filter!\n");
-     exit (1);

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